Evil Break

Chapter 320: : Important departure and unimportant long sleep

It did n’t take long for the little girl Yang Xuan to appear again, but this time there was no vigilance and hostility anymore, and none of those corpse monsters also appeared.

"Are you all right? Those bad guys also have some rights. I can't fight them, and I don't want to fight."

"Relax, what can I do, but then again, you see, not only is the refuge in the real world being attacked by the bad guys, even this virtual reality is not safe anymore, I really want it Help you, come back to the real world with me, only temporarily, when I move all the instruments outside to a safe place, you can come back again, this time to ensure that there are no other people like the eleven villains. Now. "

Listening to Hu Feng's words, Yang Xuan was caught in a tangle.

Now the good feelings are coming up, she feels that Hu Feng did not lie to herself.

"You ... won't you lie to me?"

"How can I lie to you, you save your parents and dad now, and after building new virtual reality, you just release them and load them, except that the living environment may change a lot, your father Mom will still be with you. "

The biggest authority of the core builder is not only to have her can transform the world wantonly, but also to change and store the data of any fictional character npc.

"Transfer two large-capacity hard drives over to store the data of two npc characters."

"Who are you talking to?" Yang Xuan was puzzled.

"Oh, and my helpers in the real world, wait a moment to go out, we can pack and take all the virtual reality instruments home, rest assured, I want you to help me build a world that is more secure than a harmonious town It ’s beautiful, and it does n’t force you to do anything you do n’t want to do. ”

After a while, Yang Xuan began to quickly condense two figures, as if printed by an invisible printer, a large amount of data constituted a human figure, and then turned into a state indistinguishable from human beings.

As the core builder, Yang Xuan can directly transfer data from one location to another, just as if you moved the mouse to cut and paste two files.

"Then ... save it."

Looking at the two characters npc that temporarily shut down all ai, Hu Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Sure enough, Yang Xuan, the core builder, is the role of God in a harmonious town. Although she has no offensive power in her own, but she falls into the hands of people with ulterior motives, you can create a world where you can do whatever you want , Lawless dream paradise.

What a temptation this is. No one can resist it except the true saints who have no desires and the pseudo-sages who have just finished.

"What about other experimenters, what are they going to do? Those eleven bad guys killed many people, but there are still hundreds of survivors." Watching his "parents" once again turned into a string of data disappeared in the original In the end, Yang Xuan, who was relieved, began to worry about other residents of Harmony Town.

Hu Feng heard a silence for a moment, and squatted down to look at the little girl in front of him.

"You have to understand the truth, sometimes you can't save everyone, and whether this group of survivors has the same thoughts as the eleven bad guys, even embarrassed, you don't know about it."

"So ... you are important, they are not important, I can only tell you that, I hope you understand."

Yang Xuan nodded when she heard her words. She was only nine years old when she was sent to virtual reality as the core builder. Although her body in reality has grown a lot, her spirit and thinking will always stay before entering. The state of her, her image in virtual reality is also the pure little loli before entering.

Finally, I quietly looked at the harmonious town under the hillside for a moment. Although the town at this moment has become extremely dark and the monsters are overgrown, Yang Xuan is still very sad. After all, this was her beautiful home.

Hu Feng did not urge her to squat down, accompanied the little loli and looked at the town in front of her.

The sky and the earth began to shatter, and the dark cracks were swallowed by the endless void.

The entire harmonious town is like a piece of drawing paper that is arbitrarily rubbed and folded. Some areas disappear from the original place and appear in the sky at the next moment, leaving only a dark void.

Yang Xuan is lifting her construction of a harmonious town. She has been disappointed in this once beautiful and harmonious city and has no attachments.

"Can you go now? You don't need to destroy this place by yourself. When you return to reality, everything here will go to nothingness, and those bad guys will also go to the deepest sleep."

Yang Xuan did not speak, but nodded quickly.

Numerous searchlights suddenly appeared over the harmonious town under the hillside. It seemed that the group of world factor builders discovered Yang Xuan's attempt, and then became anxious.

No one can get out of this place. If it is here, then do n’t really think about whether there is reincarnation that is uncertain. Your spiritual will will be dragged into the endless deep space, and your soul will be lost forever. In the eternal darkness.

"The bad guys seem to be anxious, haha, I guess they can't think of it, you will do such a thing."

Hu Feng was right, they did not expect that a 9-year-old would know how to stand up against himself and play a joke game.

"They deserved their crimes and killed so many residents. They are all bad guys!"

Looking at the searchlight that gradually moved to the gas station, Yang Xuan said bitterly.

"Okay, let's go, and say goodbye to everyone, so you can enjoy the last time in this harmonious town."

When the searchlights discovered that Yang Xuan and Hu Feng had begun to dissipate quickly, the demon researchers in the real world bypassed the ban on the central computer and performed extraction operations on the core builder Yang Xuan.

As for Hu Feng, his sleeping device corrupted and modified by evil energy can come and go freely.

At the moment of leaving, Hu Feng saw the harmonious town that was rapidly breaking and turning into nothingness, as if swept by a monstrous black tsunami.

Oh, and the eleven world factor builders. They appeared in front of the disappearance of the two. Everyone's face was extremely distorted with despair, and bursts of crazy roar, like trapped beasts.

Nothing is more maddening than watching the scene of death and eternal silence rolling in person.

Yang Xuan and this stranger can leave, and he is still forbidden by the central computer.

"No no no no!"

The surging black tsunami annihilated them, and the cry stopped abruptly.

Their spirits are dragged into deeper depths ~ www.readwn.com ~ can no longer return to reality.

Maybe it's eternal darkness and silence, maybe it's a nightmare-like twisted world, who knows.

In reality, the eleven special sleeping devices surrounding the cylindrical machine, together with all the sleeping devices in the entire refuge, are illuminated with a warning red light.

The experimenter who was still alive twitched at the moment, and then returned to calm. They all became vegetative and could no longer recover and wake up.

And after Refuge No. 6 was packed and emptied by Hu Feng, under the state of power failure, their walking bodies could not live long.

The cylindrical virtual reality main device emits sounds of rotation, accompanied by a stream of white air.

The core builder was released.

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