Evil Break

Chapter 321: : Looting and confrontation

Hu Feng got up from his sleeping device corrupted and transformed by evil energy, looking at the cylindrical virtual core that was slowly turning and opening. Hu Feng was in a good mood at the moment.

This virtual reality technology has endless possibilities that can be slowly explored. If it is used as a **** game, it is completely overbearing. This is the super black technology used to create new creatures and develop new potential.

As the virtual core of the cylinder is fully opened, the core builder Yang Xuan emerges. A large number of lines and pipes are fixed and connected to the body, most of which are concentrated on the head position, which looks extremely anti-human and taboo.

As the line automatically retracted into the instrument, Yang Xuan was also gently placed on the ground in front of the instrument and opened his eyes.

The little girl who returned to this cold and cruel reality was obviously a little nervous and overwhelmed. After discovering the figure of Hu Feng, she ran over immediately and pulled the only person she trusts now.

"Relax and relax, these are my men, they won't hurt you. We will start packing and dismantling all the instruments here, and when you get home, you can go back to the virtual reality world again."

Yang Xuan nodded when she heard the words, and the tension was relaxed, but she still refused to let go of Hu Feng.

"Okay, unpack and package this virtual core, those sleeping devices, and the central computer in the shelter, and evacuate this place!"

The demon soldiers who got the order immediately acted, and began to quickly disassemble various instruments under the command of demon researchers.

As for the vegetatives and dead in the sleeping device, they were directly thrown out and piled up randomly on the floor of the shelter.

"Boss, do you want to take the gates of the shelter together? That quality lever, take it back to spare?"

"Demolition! Why not demolition, anyway, there is quantum transmission, I don't think there are too many things!" Hu boss Wen Yan waved his hand and decided to implement the Sanguang policy to the end.

Now the scene is simply that a man will be silent when he sees it, and a woman will cry when he sees it.

A large group of demons carried all kinds of things with joy and walked out, leaving behind a clean space as if washed with water, except for the plants and corpses on the ground.

"Destroy the place after all the dismantling, I don't want to cheapen the group of ruined rogues, so I blow up directly."

Hu Feng pulled Yang Xuan to the ground, and by the way, ordered the destruction.

Arriving on the ground, Hu Feng found that his demon army was confronting a small advance force, which seemed to belong to the local forces in Guangzhou.

"We have got what we want, so we will leave soon, believe me, we have no interest in invasion and occupation for your broken place."

The rage, one of the seven deadly sins, was yelling at the commander of the team leader. The commander also had a big brother-like communicator in his hand, and it seemed to be maintaining real-time contact.

The United Freeport has also figured out the ins and outs now, this group of evil salvation troops do n’t know where to get the news and specific location of Refuge No. 6, so now it ’s time to hit the autumn wind, and see that their soldiers are constantly moving things out This group of robbers intends to evacuate and loot this shelter located under the Guangzhou Tower.

No wonder that Refuge No. 1 is so nervous, that it is necessary to send troops to enter the life and death, it seems to be to stop the sack of Refuge No. 6 by the Salvation Army.

"This is our site. According to the laws of the United Freeport, you must pay taxes for this. Especially in this case of unauthorized invasion, your current behavior is tantamount to robbery. Strictly speaking, this place of refuge Our property! "

The rage sniffed and said, "Your property? You don't even know the number of this shelter, so don't laugh at that set of fooling and squeezing ordinary people. We don't want to have a dispute with you. Very It will be withdrawn soon, but if you have to fight, then we will be happy to play well. Do n’t think we do n’t know where your United Freeport is. How many guns can you find in your lovely little city? "

"You are a shameless threat!"

"Yes, we are the threat."

At this time, Hu Feng pulled Yang Xuan over and strode over, shaking his mouth in anger.

"Okay, our evil salvation army is not a fool who makes enemies everywhere, so, soon we will clear the road section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway, when you will join the free port caravan to our Virtue town, trade tariffs and official transactions 20% off for one year, all right? "

People in the United Freeport have naturally heard of the Virtue town in the Shenzhen area, which seems to be a fast-growing survivor city, with extremely developed commercial trade, and long-term sales of various foods and materials before the Apocalypse.

It's just that all roads between the two areas are blocked, and the wild is in crisis, so the caravan can't do cross-city trade and can only dangle in this city.

If the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway is cleared, then the trade routes between the two places will no longer be hindered, and the caravans of the caravans can travel between the two cities.

The leader commander did not reply immediately, but picked up the communicator in his hand and whispered for a while.

"Yes, our patriarchal council agreed, we are also not a fool who likes to make enemies. We all take a step back and make a fortune. In the future, your caravan in Virtue Town will come to our joint free port and you can also enjoy a 20% discount. For this Once you entered the country without permission, we also regarded it as a communication. "

Hu Feng nodded with a smile and shook hands with the team leader.

In the last days of this ruin, organized forces generally do not like direct fights. That is no way. After all, manpower is the most precious in this year, and qualified and sensible manpower is cherished. It is just like this. It ’s a waste.

Even in the last days of the ruins, the human society of the Tian Dynasty was not lost.

Since your evil salvation army gave me a face to unite Freeport, then we should not be too cheap to be a man. Naturally, we will also give you a face.

After all, these strange forces from Shenzhen gave themselves a step down and preserved their face and prestige ~ www.readwn.com ~ Plus they don't want to clash with this group of people, look at their giant armed airship It looks like it's a bad stubble to deal with.

"The army of Refuge 1 wanted to stop you, but it was stopped by us. It seems that your unauthorized opening of the refuge anxious them, so you are likely to be intercepted by their air when you return. Our scouts found many gunships. "

"On this point, thank you for your help, please tell your patriarchal council, Virtue Town will not let your friends down."

After greeting for a while, Hu Feng specially sent a batch of tea from the main world to the United Freeport as a gift.

Chaoshan people like to drink tea, especially kung fu tea, which is well known, and tea leaves have become a luxury in the end of the ruins, not to mention the good tea tips.

The commander of the United Freeport accepted the gift with pleasure, and when the men of the Salvation Army boarded the airship collectively to leave, opened the package and looked and smelled it.

Sure enough, the rumors are true, and there are a lot of good things in Virtue Town. They all have such good tea, and the patriarchs have been blessed recently.

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