Evil Break

Chapter 325: : The beginning and evolution of the world

Hu Feng now understands why the eleven world factor builders of Harmony Town are desperately looking for Yang Xuan and then holding it in their hands, because the feeling at this moment makes Hu Feng feel too comfortable.

He is like the Titanic God who created the world. A whole new world is free to be created, changed, or waved to cause huge disasters.

Even the saints who have no desires and desires will indulge in them after feeling this comfort.

After all, sometimes there is no desire or desire, to a certain extent, there is nothing worth letting yourself produce.

A vast virtual reality world is rapidly taking shape. It is the vast emerald green plain of Yipingchuan. With the adjustment of Hu Feng, the gentle breeze passes by, and the endless weeds of the grassland dance with the wind. Everything is so relaxed and happy.

Through the initial settings panel, Hu Feng set the climate and season of this virtual reality world to a standard climate that is indistinguishable in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and then used the brush and filling tools to sow countless random plant seeds one by one. A feeling very similar to creating a new map in the map editor makes Hu Feng very addictive.

Hu Feng decided to build it completely.

Although he is a demon, this does not mean that he has to create a dark world with dark light and dark green evil everywhere. It is estimated that no one will look good.

With the spiritual access of the twelve masters of Chinese studies who are good at various fields under his command, a large number of models are instantly available on the management panel for selection, all through the spirit and memory of the twelve world factor builders The resulting Eastern style environment and architectural style are all the same.

Peaks of fairy clouds rose up from the verdant plains, and the mountains were pine and cypress, and they were full of vitality.

Soon, along with the flow of time, vast forests will grow on the deserted plains. The whole world is extremely pure and there is no trace of artificiality. Hu Feng also decided to let it develop freely and slowly evolve life. Anyway, I am the supervisor with the highest authority, and let the speed of virtual reality flow faster, just adjust the options on the panel.

However, the necessary artificial traces are still needed, otherwise you let Yang Xuan live with her parents and become wild in the deep forest.

The highest mountain was named Huxi Mountain by Hu Feng. This setting will be directly engraved in the mind of every creature that appears in virtual reality, whether it is an outsider or a virtual NPC.

Simply put, Hu Feng dropped an oracle.

The summit of Mount Everest begins to distort and change, the object model is temporarily reduced to a pure data stream, and quickly reorganized.

A city built around the top of the mountain appears. The whole city is like a large ring that surrounds the top of the mountain, and the ring is suspended in a position flush with the top of the mountain.

The group of buildings on the ring is quite oriental and classical in style. There is a feeling of returning to the hundreds of years ago, but with a lot of magical colors.

The glazed flying tile, the wooden door of the Zhu wall, the small bridge flowing water, and the deep winding path.

At the top of the mountain in the middle of the circle, at the moment, a tall tower with a height of more than 20 layers is also standing. Above the sharp tower of the glazed flying tile, a white beam of light rushes straight into the sky, connecting the float above Empty island.

On the floating island is a palace-like classical building complex. This is Hu Feng's personal desire. He is the floating palace for himself. Hu Feng calls it the Tiandao Palace.

The city below is named Ring of Order, and it will be the only civilized stronghold in the current virtual reality world.

And Hu Feng is not going to plug people into virtual reality, he is going to come up with a world composed entirely of virtual NPCs.

I chose the city filling tool, set up the NPC's responsibilities and work according to the proportion, and the next step is a crazy brush.

Watching a male and female NPC appear in situ in Chinese clothes, the default open AI immediately drove them into their respective positions, and the whole city began to glow with vigor and vitality.

These NPCs never know that they are NPCs, nor do they know that their thinking is actually an AI composed of a bunch of data. They are extremely intelligent and think that they are normal creatures in this naturally born world.

Looking at the crowds of people in the city, Hu Feng suddenly felt a sense of fear.

These people, they think they are real, just as the real world creatures think, they have no doubts about their memories of the past, they never thought that they actually have no past.

But maybe the real world you are in may be a higher-level plaything? You and the people in the real world may be a set of intelligent NPCs.

At this moment, are some people looking at them like themselves, watching their every move, setting and modifying their lives and fate?

"What are you thinking? I want to live there! Reload my father and mother!"

Yang Xuan's voice interrupted Hu Feng's thinking. Little Loli was pointing to a residential area in the ring city, where a large area of ​​Siheyuan was distributed, and they formed many deep alleys.

"Anywhere, where do you love to live, where have you lived, I have slightly modified your parents' memories, now they think your family has lived here all the time, and you are the same. Forget the harmonious town, the dark memories only Will make you unhappy. "

Yang Xuan nodded, and the dark and harmonious town brought to her in the later period, except for the panic, she kept hiding and running away.

The only urban construction is not a big problem. The big problem is the evolution and evolution of living things.

Hu Feng directly skipped the long process of gorilla and primitive evolution into the Stone Age in the initial options, and directly set the world age in the post-stone age.

Soon, the vast great plains and endless forests will produce a tribe of primitive stone people. They will begin to gradually evolve and evolve. For the ring of order on the endless mountain, they will act as miracles. Worship and worship, and will be deeply influenced by that oriental architectural style.

Hu Feng did not know whether this virtual reality technology was used by himself. To a certain extent, Hu Feng now inherited the experimental plan of Refuge No. 6 and continued to implement it.

This kind of experiment is a taboo, and Hu Feng knows it very well. If the world is out of control, then he must destroy it in the first place.

At this time Yang Xuan pulled La Hufeng again, his expression a bit strange.

"what happened?"

"That ... I still want to do the kind of things we did last time. It feels strange, but it's so comfortable ..." As he said, Little Loli lifted up her skirt, revealing that the inside was torn by Hu Feng With a mouthful of white pantyhose, the White Tiger Great Secret Realm is already extremely moist ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hu Feng felt sore for a while, it seems that Yang Xuan was also affected by the famine origin when he was cracking.

Since discovering that the famine origin still has this special effect, he has started to develop towards a human-type pile driver.

Looking at the little Loli in estrus, Hu Feng still shamefully followed.

Buddha said. . . I will not go to hell, who will go to hell!

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

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