Evil Break

Chapter 326: : The Evolution of the World and the Threat of the North

"Boss, after the installation is complete, you can start the transmission at any time."

In the virtual reality equipment hall, a demon scientific researcher walked quickly to Hu Feng and said, the latter nodded immediately, "Then let's get started."

While transmitting the vitality energy for the core builder Yang Xuan, he also began to transmit pure soul essence, in order to enhance Yang Xuan's spiritual strength, so as to further expand the world area of ​​virtual reality.

The virtual core device was once again modified by the magic, and the research and development team under Hu Feng's team installed a soul catheter for it, which was directly connected to Yang Xuan's body.

Watching the soul catheter begin to radiate white light, the pure white shiny energy body seems to flow in the channel, quickly flowing into the virtual core device.

"The transmission speed is the lowest, ensuring that the target's body can be completely absorbed. The current detection data ... everything is normal, and the core builder is absorbing and assimilating the pure soul essence."

Humans are different from angels and demons. The latter two can devour the soul essence completely by their own energy and spirit, and the whole process is extremely fast.

But humans are different. Humans don't have that kind of physique and ability, nor do they know how to let themselves absorb the soul essence of the outside world.

So Hu Feng thought of this method, simple and crude: infusion.

Like a hanging bottle, the pure soul essence is directly input into the human body at a very slow speed, so as to achieve the purpose of absorption.

And this method has also succeeded. Yang Xuan's body has begun to digest the strange soul essence that has poured into the body like digesting food, but the food becomes energy, and the soul essence is turned into spiritual power, and strengthens his own brain. .

Looking at the steadily rising mental assessment value on the instrument, Hu Feng was very excited.

As a result, the world area of ​​virtual reality will grow larger and larger until it becomes a real world.

Just before it came out, the entire virtual world was on the right track. The closed ring of order was living a self-sufficient life. Hu Feng also made many small rings on the periphery of the big ring as a planting and breeding area .

There are no roads in the endless mountain. They are completely dangerous and rugged rocks. The people above cannot get down, nor can the people below.

But the following people did not think of going up.

Primitive tribes have emerged, distributed in twos and threes in various places in the virtual reality world. Primitive people on the plains lived a collective hunting life, and primitive people in the forest lived alone.

These tribes worshipped the city on the top of the mountain as a totem, and began carving various sculptures for priests.

The rest is to wait and see how it has changed. If you can finally bring these virtual data to the real world, at least you have to wait until you have mastered the human cloning technology. After all, the output of intelligent artificial people is extremely low, and all All have their own thinking, which is not suitable as a carrier of those virtual data thinking.

Metal skeleton robots are okay, but Hu Feng doesn't want to see a group of metal bone racks that are no different from normal human beings beside him, and he is not an undead monarch.

As for the twelve masters of Chinese studies, their tasks have been successfully completed, and all the objects and models in memory and knowledge in their minds have been recorded and saved, so according to the agreement with Lao Li, Hu Feng will make them delicious A delicious meal, and then returned to the home of the main world.

Two of them are estimated to be comfortably entertained, but they did not want to go back, expressing their willingness to stay in Virtue Town or New Paradise Island to contribute to the spread of the culture of the heaven.

Ok. . . To put it bluntly, it is actually attracted by the policies of high wages and benefits, and the policy of allowing female slaves to go home.

Man, who does n’t want to have a third wife and four concubines, saying that those who do n’t want are hypocrites.

And those female slaves who are personally tuned by lust, all are superb, completely satisfying the various needs and tastes of men, and the body becomes extremely sensitive because of the long-term injection of aphrodisiac, you are that job Shrinking, time is too short, you can also find confidence in these female slaves.

There is no way, the brick family is also a human being, who has seven emotions and six desires.

Ok. . . All in all, twelve people came when they came, and only nine people returned when they went back.

"Lao Li, you can't blame me for this! People are willing to stay abroad and spread our traditional knowledge of Chinese culture, you have to support it!"

"I support a fart! Do you think I don't know what your kid does in private?"

Oops, the intelligence work of the motherland is well done! Even Ambrella was secretly making a clear investigation.

"You don't know what organization the Black Death is. You Ambrera is now mixed with them in the dark web, right? What is wrong with learning, human trafficking, is your kid going back to life Now! "

"Oh, old man, you are also on the dark web, oh, I'm not selling our population, don't affect it, let's talk about it ... this business is very profitable, I have to build a house and marry my wife What about ... "

"You marry a fart! You said every day you want to marry a daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law hasn't seen each other. Girlfriends and lovers are more and more!" Li Laowen Yan immediately debunked Hu Feng's evil thoughts.

All in all, for the more and more black industries under Hu Feng, Mr. Li is uncomfortable. Since this kid's development abroad, he has done something more virtuous.

But now Li Lao has no time to take care of Hu Feng. After all, all forces in the main world are preparing to go to the ruins of the end of the world to open up a foothold. The Tianchao Demon Hunter will naturally not be left behind.

This is what Hu Feng hopes to see. The local forces on the end of the ruins do not believe in the threat of frozen soil from the north.

Now the cultivating army of Refuge No. 0 is expanding rapidly, and the clone army of the Red Tide Shelter is also sharpening. Even now, in the ruins of some small cities south of the Yellow River, there have been small-scale red tide vanguard forces ~ www.readwn.com ~ These two great enemies must rely on everyone to establish a joint defense line to fight the enemy together. It is best to wipe them out on both sides of the Yellow River without giving them the opportunity to enter the endless ruins of the south, and then attack the past in one go. Directly knock out these two refuge homes.

Since the local forces in the last days of the ruins do not believe in themselves, then they have brought in a group of believers who believe in themselves. Although everyone in the main world has big and small grudges and conflicts, there is an old saying in China. The non-my family must have different hearts, and this sentence also applies to the connection between the two worlds.

At least for major events, everyone can still unite to fight against the enemy. They have been in the society for so long, and the forces of the main world will not doubt that Hu Feng will foole them in such major events.

So since you do n’t believe me in life and death, you do n’t want to continue to mix up. Lao Tzu pulls in the power that believes in me and replaces it, turning your world into ours, and then pulling up a united rebel army.

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