Evil Break

Chapter 328: : Leviathan Invasion and 1 Knife Flow

When the Leviathans flicked their water-splashing fangs and came to the end of the ruins, the group of ruin rogues soon discovered that their competitors were coming because Leviathan was less picky than them.

The third group of forces to enter the parallel world is naturally Leviathan, the group of big purgatory dogs. This group of clever beasts known as the apocalyptic omen is now very honest in the main world, and it is a shame for the apocalyptic aura.

Until they reached the end of the ruins, the fierce carnivore style returned instantly.

The Leviathan advance team will be sent to the Korean peninsula and the Philippines, where their quantum transmission devices are installed, and then they will toss away.

"Remember, before we fully attack the permafrost north of the Tianzhao, all foreign forces are prohibited from stepping into the territory of the Tianzhao. If you want to expand, run to the old Russian Maozi. Anyway, the ground on their side is now estimated to be There are not many living people left. "

The Leviathans didn't care about this requirement. Anyway, they came here to enjoy hunting. Whatever territory is not territorial, they wouldn't go if they didn't go. Anyway, there are plenty of places to run around.

"There is also the Leviathan Quantity Limitation Act, which automatically defaults to the invalid state in the end of the ruins. You can stuff similar species here without restrictions. The main world is still limited to 20,000. Do you understand?"

For the apocalyptic knight Hu Feng, the Leviathans were still very respectful. Hearing that the restriction bill did not take effect in the end of the ruins, it was almost exciting.

"It's totally fine. Now, can you take us past? We are going to have a campfire party tonight." Although the Leviathan advance team still maintains human form, after speaking this sentence, the entire head It turned into a big mouth covered with fangs, quickly and continuously biting, drooling.

Then the group of Leviathans were teleported away collectively by the angels. They will build their fangs on the ruins and frozen ground of the Korean peninsula.

The Leviathans, who had just reached the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, were first put together under the command of the leader, and they dug out a hole in the hard ground, and then covered up the hole with rubble and rubble, and then installed After finishing the quantum teleporter, we began to send our compatriots to come.

Then. . . This group of Leviathans instantly turned into unbridled wild dogs, with their large mouths covered with fangs, throwing the sharp long tongue with a barbed, like shaped tongue, running towards the surroundings in groups City ruins.

Their speed is comparable to that of a cheetah, and their bite force crushes lions and tigers. Their backs have bone spurs enough to pierce armor. Their wisdom is no different from humans.

After the perfect beasts lost control, the destruction and killing caused even the angels who sent them were surprised.

Was it so good when Leviathan did not counsel? Looking at the honesty of this group of beasts in the main world, it is like a group of good-looking babies trying to live in harmony with humans and engage in company welfare all day long.

This group of beasts immediately turned the surrounding ruins into hunting grounds, and the screams and roars of human survivors kept coming.

After seeing many of his companions being thrown to the ground by these beasts who didn't know where they came from, the bone spurs and claws were grabbing and pulling at the target's chest. He lost his entire head and swallowed his stomach with his soul.

Then the human rogues began to retreat. They were horrified to find that the skin of this group of beasts seemed to be stepping on horses to be bulletproof. The small caliber rifle submachine gun went down, but the fart did not happen.

Prey escape, this is Leviathan ’s favorite link. Like a pack of wolves, they laid out a large pocket array, looking at the group of ruin wanderers who are fleeing desperately in their encirclement, Leviathans are excited The ground roar spread throughout the ruins.

"This group of cunning beasts, they like to play with their prey."

The angels floating in the air eating melons and watching dramas made comments in twos and threes. These are the angels of the Aletya Legion and the void corrupt angels under Hu Feng ’s. These two groups of angels have been the longest in human society. All are mixed with old fritters.

"I bet the wanderer on the side died first."

Well, these angels have no obsession with the will of the Holy Light in their hearts, and there is no justice for the Holy Light. Looking at the human rogues who are played by Leviathans like chicks below, they are lazy. prevent.

"That is, we are terrified of this group of Leviathan, otherwise they will be so arrogant in the main world, not to mention the number limit treaty, now they have finally found a place where they can vent wantonly, naturally Will make good use of it. "

"So ... does it have a half-cent relationship with us, I don't think the justice of the Holy Light is willing to shine on the group of rogues who eat corpses."

"Go back, go back, it doesn't mean anything."

The angels are making comments, and Hu Feng is also receiving new arrivals.

The Japanese demon hunting group, the history of this demon hunting organization can also be traced back to before the birth of the demon. Japan, which has always thought of "three thousand natures are ghosts and gods", has never given up on hunting and contact with the local monsters in their country.

The members of the Demon Hunting Group surprised Hu Feng a little, not because of the swindlers who claimed to be the Onmyoji, but because they had a large number of spirits among them.

In this special group of Japanese demon hunters, everyone has achieved a state of complete possession with a ghost, and then uses some kind of equipment to condense the attack power of the corpse, which has good damage to angel demons and local monsters.

Looking at the leader of the advance team of the Japanese demon hunter, Hu Feng clearly sensed the spiritual power of ghosts flowing from the Japanese sword in his waist.

"Personal fit? What a coincidence, I also reached this state with a ghost, she is called Doomsinger."

The leader of the Japanese Demon Hunting Team heard this and immediately bowed towards Hu Feng, shouting "Hai" loudly.

"We heard a little bit that the doomsday singer of senior Hu Feng belongs to an invincible existence in this ruined world and can devour everything, which is very famous among our spirits."

Hu Feng didn't take it seriously. He was also relatively clear about the character of the Yamato nation. He generally maintained absolute respect and politeness for those who are more powerful than them, until they desperately chased and surpassed and became more powerful.

"This knife doesn't seem to be a mass-produced product? The prototype of your Japanese sword is the Tang sword from our heaven, haha."

"Yes, this knife is named Chunyu, and with it as a medium, it can let the soul of the samurai attached to me exert a fighting power comparable to his lifetime."

"Spring rain, you Japanese like to give these cold weapons some poetic names. Would you mind letting me see you fighting with your possessed soul? I haven't met any other spirit guards yet. Hu Feng shook his head and heard the name of the Japanese sword.

The leader of the Japanese demon hunter immediately bowed again, and Haye snorted.

Come to the flesh and blood laboratory in the underground city of Virtue Town ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is a circular open space, usually built to test the newly captured flesh and ghost monsters.

Watching this Japanese demon hunter stand in the test field calmly, holding the knife handle on the right waist with both hands, waiting for the enemy to enter the field.

"One stroke?"

"Yes, I have been studying for a long time, and all martial arts are born around this point."

Hu Feng heard the words and nodded with his mouth closed, which really fits the Japanese character's stupid personality.

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