Evil Break

Chapter 329: : In front of the caught sword and Yuzao

It may sound like it is more powerful and evil, and it has a feeling of instant spike.

However, if it is actually put into practice, you will find that those who practice a knife pass have a very high risk factor.

One knife flows one knife knife flow, as the name implies, is the most powerful and lethal blow of one's own, that is, the blow after the knife is drawn, a move is determined, this knife gives you seconds, even if you win, This knife didn't give you seconds, eh. . . The general end is to play yourself to death.

If the two face off against each other, the scene is even more joyful. The two of them circled face to face, just like the martial arts masters of the heavens. They seemed to be looking for the enemy's flaws.

Then, two people, Shen Dantian, shouted, and at the same time pulled out the knife, they stepped on the horse to see who's knife was faster, and saw who had more strength, and the loser was naturally chopped to death.

The whole process is very in line with the Japanese character's character of bluffing. Simply put, it's not about killing you. Get rid of it. You have to kill you today!

Hu Feng stood on the observation platform above the laboratory and looked at the Japanese demon hunter in the middle of the field. "Okay, let's put a test article in."

The demon scientist who received the order immediately opened an iron gate opposite the test site, and an ordinary twisted flesh and blood ghost rushed out immediately.

The Japanese demon hunters are not chaotic and do not move, so they hold the knife handle in both hands and watch the enemy rush towards themselves.

then. . .


Accompanied by the sound of "唰", the samurai sword named Chunyu was unsheathed at a speed as fast as a silver ray, and it was put into the scabbard again in the next second.

The scene at the moment was a bit pretending. The Japanese demon hunter still held the handle of the knife, and the original flesh and blood monster that had screamed had no sound, and stood quietly for a few seconds, and then a crack extended from the crotch to the twist On the head, a lot of smelly blood and pus spurted out.

"Oh, it's quite beautiful, let's put another force in." Hu Feng looked excited, and when the knife was unsheathed, he keenly sensed that the spirit of the ghost was violently surging, it seemed It is attached to the blade.

The iron gate opened again, and another flesh and blood monster rushed in. This time the twisted flesh and blood monster was very large. The body more than two meters tall was covered with blisters with pus, and the whole head was twisted twisted. There are still **** bandages wrapped around it, and the palms of both hands have been twisted into a pair of flesh and blood claws, quite a sense of biohazard.

The Japanese demon hunter still does not move, the old formula and the old formula, waiting for the enemy to come to the door to kill himself.

However, this time, "Boom" will be much louder than last time. After all, although this Japanese friend has a muscle, he is at least not stupid. He knows that ordinary attacks can't drop the enemy in front of him in seconds.

At the moment of the spring rain, the soul of an ancient Japanese warrior suddenly appeared in the air behind the Japanese demon hunter. He also held a worn spirit samurai sword in his hand, acting like his master, swinging violently. Hacked it.

Then the same ending came to an end. The two sides stopped moving. The Japanese demon hunter stood quietly and forced, and the flesh and blood monster felt the feeling of being ripped apart, and then fell to the ground.

"Your Excellency, please summon the doomsday singer, and I want to ask for advice."

Oops, it seems that this Japanese friend is playing the game. Erzunzi's spirit is unstoppable. Is he planning to take advantage of the winning streak to make a triumphant victory?

Hu Feng pouted, but did not refuse. This Japanese demon hunter should represent the level of strength of the upper middle class of the spirit slayer. Take this opportunity to try it out to see how this group of low-key groups also behaves.

"Ying Li, come back to me for a while. There is a child here who asks for abuse, just a few strokes."

A few seconds later, Hu Feng emerged a turbulent flow of snow-like space behind him, and then Hu Feng sensed that Ying Li and herself were directly in a state of complete possession.

Passing directly through the glass wall of the laboratory's high platform, and slowly falling on the ground of the test field below, the doomsday singer emerged behind Hu Feng and issued a "la la la" humming sound.

"It is estimated that you and your samurai brother Taiwan have to take a good rest after the fight, well, I used to draw your sword, right?"

Looking at the boss with his eyes wide open, the Japanese body-hunter with a tight body, Hu Feng shrugged and walked past.

The ancient Japanese warrior uttered a roar from the soul, and the sharp spiritual energy on the grip of the spiritual body began to flash.


The blade of the spirit flame burst out of the sheath like lightning, and slammed toward Hu Feng.

Then, as expected, the doomsday singer was firmly caught in the nails and claws without any advance or retreat.

"I don't think your kind of asking for advice is of any use at all. What can you learn by fighting an invincible ghost? Can you be abused?" Hu Feng looked at the Japanese demon hunter who blushed in front of him and tried to close the knife. Shaking his head helplessly.

The Doomsday singer made a giggling sound, floating out from behind Hu Feng, whistling through the soul of the ancient warrior, and returned to Hu Feng's back again the next moment.

The ancient warrior uttered a roar, shattered and dissipated temporarily under the impact of the Doomsday singer, and had to recover in the host body, forcibly ending the state of complete possession and returning to the state of ordinary attachment.

The Japanese demon hunter withdrew his katana and bowed again to Hu Feng.

"Thank you for your advice. This made me discover the huge gap between myself and invincibility. My martial arts are far from being strong enough."

Having said that, the Japanese demon hunter quickly approached Hu Feng, looked around, a nervous posture, it seems that there are evil secrets to secretly tell boss Hu.

"Your Excellency, I not only bear the characters of the advance team of the Japanese Devil Hunting Group, but also have a secret mission."

Hu Feng looked at the demon hunter who whispered to himself in disbelief. "What's the matter, can you just say no? This place is all my people. You are nervous."

"You have to guard against it."

"Come on, that ’s your glorious tradition in Japan, you do n’t have to worry about me here, let ’s say, what is it."

"It ’s about Yuzao ’s predecessors, the angels of heaven are pressing harder and harder, and the pressure of our demon hunter group is getting bigger and bigger. We do n’t want to let that group of angels enter our Japanese territory, nor do we want to hunt down Yuzao. . "

"So ...?" Hu Feng shook his head, and he couldn't understand why he wanted to tell himself that the angels didn't let them go.

"So, Master Yuzao does n’t want us to make it difficult, so I want to stay at your Seven Virtue Holiday Hotel for a period of time in order to seek asylum ~ www.readwn.com ~ After all, the angels dare not go there to lay wild."

Oh, I see, I want to take refuge. The power of the Japanese native monster in front of Yuzao is indeed very powerful, but she still ca n’t do either heaven or hell. Now, because of her magical power, Heaven thinks that she is unstable. Destructive factors, so began to hunt her in full, it is very difficult to despair.

"Okay, as long as you pay enough for the occupancy, anyone can come to the Seven Virtue Hotel for asylum. This is the rule set at the beginning of the opening."

Ok. . . Now it depends on how much Yuzao was willing to pay for his life.

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