Evil Break

Chapter 340: : Devil's Heart and the situation in the North

In addition to this episode, Hu Feng was quite comfortable and comfortable before Yuzao.

This beautiful nine-tailed demon fox seems to have a very keen and powerful talent for catering to men. She can always make Hu Feng's mood better with a heavenly attitude.

From time to time, the admiration and admiration of the powerful male, that is, the flattery of boss Hu, and the kind of faintly seemingly there, have greatly satisfied masculinity.

Looking at the jade algae kneeling in front of himself pouring tea for his tea bowl, Hu Feng could not help but sigh with emotion. The Japanese woman really inherited the kind of three obedience and four virtues of the heavenly dynasty, and everything circled around the male.

Perhaps Yuzao had a general understanding of Hu Feng, the devil's character, so she immediately changed her way of getting along. Perhaps the quietness and indifference at the beginning were her true appearance.

"Your little fan is quite exquisite. Where did it come from?" Hu Feng picked up the little female folding fan on the wooden table, unfolded it, and looked at the Japanese Ukiyo-e painting embroidered on it.

"I made it myself, and I usually get in touch with people, and I use it to cover the lower half of my face."

"In order not to let people look at your appearance carefully? Then you can just wear a veil and you're done." Hu Feng felt a bit of a pain, and the fox was not bored, and he always held a fan.

"I don't like the feeling of covering things in front of my eyes. Everything in this world has fate. If we don't appreciate it in time, we might be dying and never see it again."

Yuzao ’s previous answer was very Japanese-style. From time to time, he felt emotions about impermanence, cruelty and personal insignificance.

"Please release your anger as little as possible. Everything in the world is fragile. Humans are fragile. We are also fragile, so please have some pity."

Hu Feng heard Yan staring at Yuzao for a long time, laughing a few times and shaking his head.

"I can also be taught the fickleness of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, ah ... I don't deny that the attitude of your weak young woman is very satisfying my masculinity mentality, but it is not necessary since it is not true. If you really want to do anything, you just stripped off your clothes and begged me to get on you, and I will not change my mind. You can be understood as the devil ’s firmness and cruelty. "

Yuzao shook his head in front of him, "This is true, every side of me is real, but there are likes and dislikes in each of these attitudes. When I am alone, I will choose the most favorite attitude. . "

"Oh ... that's a lot of your thoughts, all real, tired or not."

Hu Feng also does not doubt her words. Perhaps the nine-tailed demon fox is naturally good at seducing men. They can always become the male's favorite look and personality, completely catering to the male, so as to obtain the protection of powerful creatures.

Precisely because of this, Yuzao ’s own powerful strength is often overlooked, and a desire to protect unconsciously arises.

After several rounds of tea, Hu Feng's mouth was about to fade, and he patted his **** to get up and leave.

"Okay, it's almost time to talk, and it's very pleasant to get along with you, but unfortunately that one eye is a **** stick, maybe I should find a reason to throw him back to Japan."

"He is a kind person, please don't hurt him." Yu Zao bowed before Hu Feng.

"Why, you can't bear it? Do you like him too?" Hu Feng stared at the demon fox in front of him, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Yuzao shook his head immediately, "I don't like men who are weaker than me, if you want me, I can consider."

Hu Feng squinted his eyes and stared at Yuzao for a while, then laughed a few times.

"Good try, but you obviously don't understand what kind of person I am."

After all, Hu Feng adjusted his clothes and walked towards the elevator.

"So why is it because my body is not perfect yet?"

Hu Feng heard that he stopped and turned his head to look at the calm jade algae.

"It's because I don't believe you, so allow me to borrow a sentence that the demons often talk about. Since I don't believe you, then you are an un hostile enemy. Once you have done anything that worries me, I will immediately imprison you or kill you directly. "

"So, I don't deny that you are a perfect woman. You are also very good at catering to men. No one will be unmoved, but, I, no, phase, letter, you."

Yuzao heard nothing before, but just stood quietly and looked directly at Hu Feng.

"You may want to use my power to bring you back to Japan and get more powerful. I also have the confidence to help you do this, but why should I help you? You are not my soul contract slave, and you I do n’t take orders from me, I just get some physical pleasure for a period of time.

"You are a ruthless demon of supremacy." Yu Zaoqian finally said.

"No, on the contrary, I am a responsible and affectionate human being, but I don't love you, the changeable little fox."

Hu Feng heard a few laughs, ended the conversation, and walked into the elevator.

"So stay here and take refuge in peace of mind. This is also based on the fact that the price given by the Japanese demon hunter group is extremely satisfying. As for you, as far as I am concerned, you are not as important as the group God only knows Leviathan that eats meat, so I give you a piece of advice, do n’t take yourself and your local monsters too seriously. The reason why you can continue to live is just because we are lazy to exterminate you. "

Looking at the elevator doors closing slowly, Yuzao was silent for a long time before I didn't know what to think.

She now roughly understands what kind of person Hu Feng is. Maybe he is really a sentimental person as he said, but that is limited to a few old past knowledge, and the rest are all Available tools.

If you want to get his help without paying the same or even more price, it is estimated that it is more difficult than going to the sky.

After all, the devil has always been realistic and cruel ~ www.readwn.com ~ walked out of the hotel lobby, Hu Feng sneered a few times and shook his head.

I am indeed affectionate, but it is only for the women around me that I knew before I fully rose. As for others, they are completely tools that can be consumed, or they can let my second brother vent.

You should have discovered this before being as clever as jade algae, but what about this? Your current trust and love are not so easy to obtain.

I wanted to take a walk down the road to New Paradise, looking for Aletya to discuss life in depth, and a quantum communication interrupted this wonderful plan.

"Supervisor, urgent news, the frozen earth in the north is here. It is a giant mobile fortress, which they call the star of the north."

"They asked to cross the Yellow River and come to take refuge. The situation of the frozen soil in the north is not optimistic."

Hu Feng was stunned for a moment.

North Star? The giant armed fortress also heard a little about itself. It is one of the top three in the permafrost in the north. It is also an extremely powerful local force.

Has the situation of frozen soil in the north eroded to this extent? Not even the most determined and **** frozen earth warriors can bear it.

It seems that the forces of Refuge 0 and Red Tide Refuge are about to go south.

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