Evil Break

Chapter 341: : North Star and the Education Army

Weng. . .

The giant armed airship began to slow down slowly, here is a piece of urban ruins not far from the Yellow River, opposite the endless large ruins in the south.

Right in front of it, the scale of the city's ruins is sparse at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, and on the opposite side of the Yellow River, there is a shaggy frozen soil, which is what it is now in the northern region.

Hu Feng stood in the captain's room at the bow of the airship, and carefully looked at the behemoth below through the transparent glass in front.

More than twenty heavy trucks together form the chassis, supporting an oversized steel platform, on which stands this iron fort, which is more than twenty meters high, and various long guns and short guns extend from the window and the gap After coming out, eight rotatable main guns were placed on the iron skin platform in four directions.

A worn flag fluttered in the wind on the flagpole of the top platform, with a red wolf head embroidered on it.

Can't such a steel monster armed with teeth support it?

The airship slowly moved directly above the northern star moving fortress, and Hu Feng then teleported to the fortress platform with the elite soldiers around him.

On the platform there is a throne that is completely piled up with firearms and various biological heads. A strong man wearing a black mink coat sits on it. He waved his hands and signaled that the soldiers who were nervously raising their guns did not have to worry.

"Boss Hu, the Salvation Army of the Evil, has heard your name in the frozen earth in the north, ah, and there is Alettoya, the Archangel of Light, and I have some of your fellow angels here. Haha. "

With that, the strong man glanced at Hu Feng, the kind of eyes you understood speak for themselves.

Hu Feng made a loud noise and walked out of the evil flame. He looked at the seven or eight angels and the devil female slaves next to the throne, and carefully observed the degree of body development.

"Was your small harem opened well, and it was all self-made?"

Ok. . . The topic was instantly biased, and the contact to evacuate across the river became the Harem Exchange Conference.

"Of course, for these disobedient Ono ..."

"Cough ..." Aletya coughed softly at that moment, and then pinched Hu Feng, who immediately shouted and shook his head.

"Communicate later, your surname."

The strong man was embarrassed for a moment, and then he walked down from his iron throne and shook hands with Hu Feng.

"You can just call me a laughing wolf. Everyone calls me that in the frozen earth in the north, and I am too lazy to continue to use my previous name."

With that said, the strong man motioned for Hu Feng and Aletya to follow him to the next ladder.

The demon soldiers who came with Hu Feng were waiting on the top platform to chat with the human soldiers of the Northern Star.

Going down the stairs, it should be the private room of Laughing Wolf, which is barely a three-bedroom and two-bedroom, with a little simple decoration, which is already super luxurious on the frozen soil in the north.

A little loli is sitting at the living room table and writing about what it looks like, it looks like a laughing wolf's daughter.

"Jie, go back to your room. I will check your homework before dinner."

"Good dad."

Little Loli responded, and obediently jumped from her wooden chair holding her things and returned to her room.

"Teach your daughter to read, the right choice. Our Virtue Town has also started compulsory education. I don't want to turn these next generations into savage and rude, only know the ruins of robbery.

The strong man smiled and said, "It's about the same, but unfortunately we don't have good conditions here, and we can't find any suitable teachers. All of them are a bunch of brutal people."

With Aletya sitting down at the table and handing a piece of Chinese past, the strong man's eyes were immediately bright.

I have long heard that there are countless good things in the virtue town of the southern ruins. The caravans like to run there. Now it seems to be the case.

Soft China. . . In the frozen soil in the north, let alone China, you can't even see one at the front door. Everyone can only smoke one kind of artificially cultivated and cultivated inferior tobacco. Just use a roll of paper as a cigarette.

Looking at Zhuanghan's reluctant appearance, Hu Feng shook his head and directly threw a whole packet.

"If you are interested, you can let your daughter come to Virtue for education, that is, install a quantum transmitter."

"Thank you for your kindness, just to be straightforward, we don't trust you now, and I extremely doubt whether you will believe everything I said." Xiaolang shook his head.

Hu Feng pouted, "Well, Refuge No. 0 and the Red Tide Clone, I know, it is estimated that the entire northern area is not good now?"

"You already know? That's great, so you understand why we have to cross the river to take refuge. It doesn't mean anything else." Laughing wolf let out a long sigh of relief.

"It ’s one thing to know, and it ’s another thing to be able to unite against the enemy. Now the situation in the southern ruins of the south, except for the forces that are close to our evil salvation army, other forces simply do n’t believe the two enemies in the north are really It ’s so powerful, and they are still playing infighting happily ... Having said that, has the situation of the frozen soil in the north been so eroded? No one can do them? "

Laughing wolf smiled bitterly, "It is so erosive, if it is not no way, we will not leave our home."

Hu Feng nodded, waiting for his following.

"If the cloning army of the Red Tide Refuge, if we unite with the frozen soil in the north, we can also confront them hard. After all, they are just conventional hot weapons. The fight is the number and the fanatic mental state, as long as the defense is proper. , It is not too difficult to resist their attack. "

"The key point is the cultivating army of Refuge No. 0," Hu Feng interjected.

Laughing wolf nodded immediately, "Yes, the army of education ... This title is quite appropriate."

"The group of steel monsters can't be guessed by conventional combat thoughts. No one can be secretly enlightened in the next moment, and then become the internal response of Refuge No. 0, destroying our plans and defenses ~ www.readwn.com ~ There are also steel spikes. All the enemies killed, whether they are humans or angel demons, will be pierced on it, and slowly transformed into a disgusting monster that is a mixture of flesh and steel, further enhancing the army of enlightenment. "

"Have you ever met a reaper? The ground-type, giant four-footed steel spider with a red laser eye in the center." Hu Feng interrupted the laughing wolf at this moment and asked.

"Once I met, that thing is called the reaper? It's okay, our armed convoy was swept by the red laser, and even the **** was left, it was directly vaporized ... Wait a minute, the ground type , Listen to you saying that there are air type? "Laughing wolf widened his eyes.

Not only the air type, but also the cosmic type. . .

But to think about it, Hu Feng does not intend to inform the whole, nor is it for confidentiality, mainly because of fear of affecting morale.

This super giant intelligent steel mechanical monster, humans and they are not at the same level, let alone the kind of laser that is enough to vaporize everything, just say that the overlord ’s body of a few hundred meters, just lift the steel tentacles directly A large group of people crushed into patties.

Therefore, we must unite to expel that cosmic reaper from the earth as soon as possible, or eliminate him, lest he summon more compatriots to come over.

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