Evil Break

Chapter 343: : Secret Education and Old Information

Hu Feng heard that he was really surprised by the little, the wreckage of the ground harvester?

"You are so powerful, kill a ground harvester?"

Laughing wolf smiled a little smugly, "It's nothing, that is, we used up all our nuclear bomb stocks and lost a lot of armed convoys."

Ok. . . Nuclear bombs, there really is nothing that nuclear bombs can't handle, provided that you have to successfully launch this thing.

"The wreckage left about one-third of the main body. I think it should be a bit of research value and sales value, so I left it. Just at this opportunity, boss Hu will give it to you if you want. "

"Of course I want, but it is estimated that many people are rushing to buy it, don't it hurt?" Hu Feng nodded.

"Oh, my daughter will ask the teachers in the school to take good care of her in the future."

Hu Feng immediately understood the meaning in Xiaolang's words.

"Relax, make sure you are in the front row, the old people who listen to the lecture are clear, and open the small stove alone on the weekend."

Laughing wolf is reassured that he wants his children to get the best resources than making money. This is the standard mentality of Tianchao parents, and he does not hesitate to pay everything for it.

"But boss Hu, I have to remind you in advance, that stuff is very evil, even if it is like that, it still seems to have the ability to teach and influence the people. I have already shot three batches of guard soldiers. The people they contact are crazy about stepping on their horses, and they all have to be loyal to the reaper, and they also say what is the supreme cause. "

Hu Feng laughed a few times and nodded. "So this is a hot potato. Come on. I'll get it now. Put it in the North Star, right?"

"Yes, yes, wait a moment, I will take A Jie to get the ID card first, come to school tomorrow, but also trouble boss Hu, you sell me a quantum transmitter."

After finishing the admission process of Laughing Wolf's daughter, Hu Feng can finally receive the wreckage of his harvester.

The interior space of the North Star is very large. A series of metal corridors crisscross like a labyrinth, and metal rooms are arranged on both sides of the corridor.

This is barely a small mobile city. The trade market and basic entertainment facilities are all available. There are also two simple small clinics, which are always full.

Crossing the noisy iron street all the way down, the laughing wolf brought Hu Feng to the bottom warehouse. There was no obstruction along the way. The soldiers saw the laughing wolf and stood up to salute, maintaining the style of the army.

As the steel gate slowly opened, a peculiar mental wave suddenly rushed across the face, and Hu Feng immediately sensed it. This kind of unnatural artificial mental whisper revealed that it was the highest education.

"Yes, it's education. If your people stay in it for a long time, they will only become doggies in the end."

Having said that, Hu Feng glanced at a soldier standing next to him, took out his pistol, and slammed at him for a few shots. The soldier immediately fell down and twitched on the ground.

"For example, this one, it is estimated that Refuge No. 0 is smart, and the latest people who have been educated are all hidden. Wait until the critical moment to give you a mess."

Hu Feng himself has mastered the highest education, so he is extremely sensitive to the energy of education. The blue current energy flowing in the soldier's brain is the characteristic of being successfully taught.

Laughing wolf was stunned for a while, and he didn't doubt it. After all, Hu Feng wouldn't use it to fooling himself. It would be no good to kill a soldier for no reason.

"Go, call all the soldiers who have guarded the warehouse. I have something to ask." Laughing wolf explained to the herding soldier behind him, watching the soldier turn away immediately, and Laughing wolf approached Hu Feng again, "Hu The boss can tell the people who have been educated? What can I do? "

Hu Feng said with a shrug, "It's nothing. I just met with the reaper. Because of some of my own abilities, I resisted indoctrination and was also very sensitive to this energy. This is a long story. . "

After all, Hu Feng looked at the huge wreck piled up in the middle of the warehouse.

This is indeed the main part of a ground harvester. The pure black body remains can't distinguish the sharp arc shape when it is intact, but the circular red laser eye in the center is still there, and the fluctuation of the high education is From there it is constantly emanating.

"I'll just direct it ..."

Before Hu Feng finished, the red laser eye on the wreckage of the reaper flickered suddenly, and Hu Feng facing him was instantly enveloped in it.

Weng. . .

Weng. . .

The sound of piercing ears filled the mind, which was the voice of the reaper, as if an engine roared.

In front of me is a burning world. The future and sci-fi city is collapsing and destroying. A large number of squid-shaped cosmic harvesters descended from the sky and fell suddenly across the city. The scarlet laser swept across, and there was only a sea of ​​fire in front of me.

The ground harvesters used to fly, and their four mechanical legs were completely folded, so they relied on the sharp arc-shaped body to fly quickly.

Innumerable silver-white space battleships formed the fleet of decisive deaths. They passed through the atmosphere and charged towards the reaper while firing, as if they wanted to die with the reaper.

But they all failed. The vast majority of the battleships were hit by scarlet laser volleys. Although the rest successfully collided with the reaper, the light blue energy shield emerging from the reaper's appearance directly blocked the battleship. Blew up.

The battle on the ground was equally fierce, with countless steel transformation spikes erected everywhere in the city, transforming those punctured bodies.

This group of aliens are many times more advanced than Earth technology. They are also upright primates, but they seem to have evolved from some kind of insects. Behind them are a pair of translucent double wings unique to insects. The head is directly in the form of insects, with six eyes arranged horizontally, and complicated mouthparts.

Their ground troops are retreating. Massive transformed corpses, as well as enlightened compatriots, hold all kinds of energy guns, and charge their lives without any charge.

This extremely advanced civilization is about to be destroyed by the reaper ~ www.readwn.com ~ Back to the primitive stone age, or it was directly destroyed by the clan and the body was transformed.

This is what the reaper calls peace and regulation, ensuring that the universe will not be affected by excessively high technology.

Hu Feng looked at the illusion in front of him and always felt. . . The parallel universe on the end of the ruins is really dangerous. It is better to go back to the main world to deal with the Burning Legion.

These illusions are a warning, the last warning from this ruined civilization, but Hu Feng does not understand how they store information in a ground harvester. This is incredible. Their technology must be extremely developed. To an unimaginable level.

There were strange zola sounds in his ears, which seemed to be a strange language, but Hu Feng couldn't understand it.

At the next moment, the Zira sound was converted into Chinese.

"A strange race, be wary of the reaper. If you receive this message, it proves that the reaper has arrived in your world."

"If it is a full-scale offensive, then you have no hope, leave as much as possible to inherit the tinder."

"But if it's just a vanguard, you still have a chance to destroy it, don't let it bring more of its kind."

"Otherwise ... the scene you see will also be your ending."

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