Evil Break

Chapter 344: : Harvesting purpose and catalyst

Hu Feng was a little confused at the moment, but he couldn't figure it out.

The earth of this parallel world is now a big hopeless ruin. What else do the harvesters come to harvest? What else is worth harvesting? The Four Knights of the Apocalypse have helped you all!

Then Hu Feng suddenly understood that the earth had indeed turned into endless ruins, but there was one more thing that the reapers were interested in: the Void Lord in the Refuge of Endless Road.

"Harvesters, skilled mechanical creatures, have evolved to devour and improve. Once a powerful race or individual is found, they will start harvesting and transform their target into the same mechanical creature as them. This is their Is the way they create new reaper. "

The voice continued to ring, telling Hu Feng the information they had before they were destroyed.

"The race that cannot be transformed into a reaper will be completely reaped. The reapers believe that too high technology will affect the balance of the universe and will bring oppression and threats to the backward race, so they call it purification and enlightenment."

Hu Fengwen said that it is a rough idea. To put it bluntly, it is a group of roaring mechanical creatures. They extremely believe that technology will lead to chaos and destruction. So in order to prevent this from happening, they acted as cosmic policemen who maintained order and sought Harvest all the high-tech races they discovered.

Then they sensed the prince of the Void, Zazan, who had escaped from the main world to recuperate. This incarnation of the will of the Void was extremely powerful and unique. It naturally attracted the attention of the reaper.

If this Void Lord is also transformed and transformed into a reaper, then their power will leap into the next level.

As for the earth. . . It is estimated that the reapers did not take the human race, their own race, seriously. Their goal was never the prince of the void, and the technological level of humans was not enough for them to harvest.

In other words, the overlord who was in contact with Hu Feng did not lie. They were not prepared to destroy humanity, but to help humanity restore absolute peace and let humanity destroy all technological technologies. They acted as guardians of humanity.

But fortunately now, the cosmic reaper only came to the overlord, but he can call his compatriots in other universes to come at any time.

He must be killed as soon as possible to prevent future troubles. He has so much power in this world that he can't just catch it and give it to the reaper.

I really want to make myself anxious. If it's a big deal, poke here to the Burning Legion and let their destruction army come. No one should think better.

Your reaper can't beat the Burning Legion in the main world any more! Shit for you!

Sargeras, the Lord of Destruction, saw the face of his wife Elena and her fellow traveler, Sarodal, and agreed to the setting of the main world earth protection area, but this parallel world is that grandma ’s uncle and uncle do not love .

But this is all the next strategy, and it's not until the end, Hu Feng doesn't want to play this kind of genocide drama that everyone is burning together.

The illusion in front of him suddenly dissipated, Hu Feng returned to the ground reaper wreck warehouse again, the laughing wolf's face was tense, and the soldiers around him also held guns at Hu Feng, fearing that he would be taught.

"It's okay, I'm still me. I said I won't be influenced by education. Just now ... um ... this harvester's last stroke, it's not safe to die, grass."

Hu Feng didn't tell the truth, he was going to bury it deeply in his heart, as if it were a secret that would rot forever.

"Scared at me, just now you were covered in blue light. I thought you were directly forcibly educated, uh ... you are really okay? People who are educated generally say the same."

Hu Feng laughed a few times, "It's okay, I'm basically immune to enlightenment. Not only that, but I also got an important message hand in hand. There is only one real harvester. These ground harvesters are all subspecies. That steel giant squid is only It ’s a real threat, oh ... the real reaper looks like a squid. "

"So ... as long as we break through Refuge No. 0 and kill the real reaper, these threats are all removed, right?"

"It can be said that as long as the overlord is killed, the northern frozen soil is safe. Although the red tide clones are also threatening, they are far less than the harvesters." Hu Feng nodded and replied.

After chatting for a while, Hu Feng didn't have much thought to stay here, greeted the demons on the airship to come down to move things, and the wreckage of these harvesters will be taken back to be studied by his own research team.

The bodies of angels and demons can be transformed, but they cannot be taught, and the brainwashing of the reaper has no effect on them.

There is no such restriction on the cultivation of one's own variants, but correspondingly, one can only teach two places, and cannot endlessly like the reaper.

Therefore, the research on the wreckage of the reaper is destined to be carried out only by demon researchers, and the new human elites will not want to get close.

Standing on the airship and looking at the northern star under preparation for crossing the river, Hu Feng was silent for a while.

The illusion of destruction is deeply imprinted in the memory. The civilization, which is far more developed than humans, is so wailing that it is harvested and extinct. All the corpses are transformed into that kind of mixed monster, all survive The living beings are taught.

No one can accept this ending, how painful it is.

but. . . What if you can make a reaper yourself?

Once this ambition appears, it cannot grow in the heart irrepressibly.

The ground harvester is of little value, and it is estimated that with this third of the wreckage, nothing can be studied. If you want to reverse the crack and the cottage, you do n’t have to count on it.

But what if you can get a complete cosmic harvester? Get their skills, then yourself. . . Can also be turned into a reaper.

Hu Feng then recovered, checked his mental state again, and confirmed that there was no sign of enlightenment. He was greatly relieved.

It's totally his own ambitions, and since the swallowing of the famine knight ~ www.readwn.com ~ For this powerful existence, Hu Feng has the mentality of devouring and according to his own. Really on himself.

The earth of the main world is a protected area, and you ca n’t get out of it, but the parallel world does not have this restriction and protection. Here is a cruel dark forest whose fist is whoever is the truth.

The extinct advanced civilization, they actually already have a way to resist the reaper, which is absolutely effective in theory, but they have no time.

Now, Hu Feng has got a blueprint for the construction of that thing. No matter whether it is useful or not, Hu Feng has decided to build it first.

The "catalyst" facility can theoretically use the energy released by this device to instantly destroy all the lines and structures inside the reaper, allowing it to completely overload or lose power.

This thing is actually not much technical content, to put it bluntly is a super giant overload generator, or a super high-power mechanical jammer.

But Hu Feng was not prepared to destroy the reaper, he decided to use another extremely bold variant.

Taking oneself as the core, through the "catalyst" facility, one's own spirit will be poured into the harvesters along with the generated energy, and then control them.

If you want to transform us, I want to transform you too!

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