Evil Break

Chapter 346: : Fighting the backstage and the ten thousand years of old hatred

"Quick! Here, here, and here, install evil artillery to form a firepower network, open 24/7!"

Outside the gate of the Endless Road Refuge, a Gergan demon engineer stood on a dark green floating platform and shouted to command a low-level demon technician to assemble the cannon.

"Lined up! You **** idiots!" On another platform not far away, a doom guard waved a burning whip, fiercely whipping a large number of demon guards across the evil portal, driving these agitation The demons began to line up.

The portal is being maintained by four forces of destruction, and the other side of the portal leads directly to the war hall underground in the town of Virtue, where is the training ground of the pure demon army under Hu Feng.

At the moment, the periphery of the Endless Road Refuge has been transformed into a strong defensive fortress.

Because it is on a coastal cliff, the space in front of the door is not large, where it has been sealed by evil energy. A large number of evil energy crystals provide energy for it, creating a solid energy barrier.

In the midair beyond the cliff, there are more than 20 dark green floating discs suspended, and four evil crystals are inlaid around the bottom of the disc to provide energy for the evil crystals upright in the center, making the circle The disk floated steadily in the air, level with the gate of the shelter.

Keeping the gate at all costs and keeping the void prince inside until her injury is fully recovered, this is the order of boss Hu.

The reaper wants to transform the body of the Void Majesty? Then let's nibble the hard stubble of the Burning Legion first.

"No, you still don't understand it. I'm bullied on this side. I'm looking for a place now! So I want to burn the Legion to keep the teleportation channel open for me 24/7. I need a lot of soldiers!"

In the refuge of the Endless Road, Hu Feng is roaring at the portal with the evil flame burning in front of him. He is a rogue and does not want to go without giving money.

"You don't understand, you have betrayed the essence of my will! I don't care about your life and death!" An endless pressure of gods enveloped Hu Feng, but Hu Feng fart did not happen, who let him originate from Sagra What?

"Okay, that Lao Tzu surrendered now. When the Imperial Army asked, I said I was Sargeras. If you don't find it embarrassing, then I have no opinion!"

"You have nothing to do with me anymore, you stupid, **** ants!" Sa Zongyan said, obviously angry.

"Then I don't care. Anyway, I'm from you. I'm in trouble now. If you don't help, then I will say I am you." Hu Feng decisively opened the unreasonable mode to see if your god's face is important or the burning legion is important.

Ok. . . Sa's face is more important, and the dark Titan is very concerned about his reputation.

Therefore, Hu Feng finally got his wish. The portal of the Burning Legion waited for his call 24/7. These portals that lead to the devil's nest Agus, as long as they are not destroyed, can continue to drop troops into the world.

"I have ordered the portal guardian Hasabel to set your channel to the highest priority. The endless legion of the burning throne of Antorus is temporarily waiting for your dispatch. Now, get out, don't bother me!"

Portal guardian Hasabel, a female Eredar demon who is severely distorted by evil energy, controls the portal system of the Burning Legion to all parts of the universe, and puts the endless army of the Legion to any place that needs to be destroyed.

"A fel warship may also be needed. I'm not sure if the enemy's handlebar will come in person. To deal with him, you must have the battleship's main gun."

"Kil'jaeden will cooperate with you, now, get out!"

Mr. Sa's boy is so grumpy, Hu Feng still likes to chat with Kil'jaeden, at least the elder brother speaks nicely.

"I don't care where you are, what enemies you are dealing with, don't let my name of destruction be humiliated, remember this, otherwise I will kill you with my own hands, and let your roots return to me."

"Oh, I know, I know, as long as the legion supports me, I promise to die." With the promise of the army's support at any time, boss Hu was in a good mood.

Sargeras's breath of Titan slowly dissipated, and the figure of Sister Void appeared again immediately.

"Dark Titan Sargeras ... I know that Titan, he is the accomplice of Sarodal, the dogleg of the New Pantheon, you are actually connected to him, when he attacked the void core, he has his share! He is **** Enemy, you too ... um ... "

Before Sister Yu finished, Hu Feng lifted a strange remote control with a calm face, twisted the rotating button above, and there was an indescribable buzz between her legs, and then Then she saw that the Nether Emperor trembling violently, her eyes turning white.

"Did he find you, let me tell you this is to help you fight against the enemy, okay, as a donkey liver and lungs, there is no burning legion, what can I use to guard the gate of the endless road."

As the shock stopped, Yujie returned to normalcy. She had to die to adjust her body sensitivity to the highest level, and it was no wonder that boss Hu dealt with her in this way.

"I can kill any sad ants who dare to provoke me, and let them understand the gap between themselves and the gods ... Don't open, I don't want that kind of pleasure now ... um ..."

"Come on, in your current state of injury, it is estimated that you really can't dominate the overlord's reaper. My fellow fellow traverser is very powerful. I just made you miserable like this, tweeting ..."

Sister Void heard the name Sarodar and got angry, and took out the mysterious little toy stuffed below, "I will get revenge, and when I return to the beginning, I will return to the main timeline and call all alive Lord of the Void, the one who should be Sarodal ... "

"Hey, hey, OK, do you still want to go back? You do n’t want to go back to the main world, you will run away, and go back to death again, are you in a bad brain? You ca n’t beat Sa in your heyday. Rodal, now slowly recovering from injury, stepping on the spot, people continue to be strong, and still occupy your core of the void, you ca n’t beat it anymore. ”Hu Feng was helpless and tried to persuade the void queen to give up Her unreliable cause of revenge.

You are the incarnation of the will of the void, which is good, you can also call it a god, but the old Titan fritters of Sarodal are more powerful, so your weaker **** accepts reality, honestly, this parallel timeline is mixed with me The day is just fine.

All in all, Hu Feng is using the above sentence to slowly teach the Void Queen to help him understand the reality and honestly be his own RBQ. . . Cough, honestly be a good employee.

"This kind of psychological suggestion is really impressive. For the sake of being a fellow of the earth ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tether your void prince and let her stay in the parallel world honestly, I do n’t Kill her, I guess I'm reluctant to kill you, ha ha ha. "

At this moment, a strange divine power suddenly filled Hu Feng's mind, and Sarodal's voice rang.

Hu Feng heard a sudden embarrassment.

It turned out that the titan **** had discovered the void elder sister hiding here.

"Uh ... thank you for giving me this face, when was it discovered, and, can you still communicate across the timeline?"

"When you contacted Sargeras, you discovered that Mr. Sa is not sensitive to the power of the void, and I control the void, a good disguise, but it is not useful to me." The Lord of the Dawn, Sarodar answered Road.

"As for cross-time communication, I just put a one-time spiritual anchor on you. Believe me, I have no interest in the time line you found. You can use it as your private playground."

Hu Feng said with a shrug, "Come on, rest assured, I will fasten this Void Sister securely, but I am not willing to let you kill her, it's a waste."

After all, Hu Feng looked at the elder sister wrapped in **** tight cheongsam and wearing black silk on her legs.

Ok. . . Absolutely.

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