Evil Break

Chapter 347: : Fierce battle inside and outside and air crushing

The situation at the moment was a little weird, and the Void Sister Zazan found the breath of the enemy, Sarodal, and was very excited.

Dawn Titan Sarodar's divine power is free from Hu Feng, and a dark golden humanoid energy body condenses in front.

"Let's nest in a parallel world, look at my face as a fellow earthman, and spare you not to die."

The sister's side was dark, and the void was surging, and her eyes were violently burning with the flame of the void, staring at the Titan in front of her with extreme hatred.

She was a little scared and nervous. Although she wanted to take revenge, she was not stupid. She struggled with Sarodal in her current state. It is estimated that she would be cut off in a round.

Want to make some cruel words, but worried about angering Sarodal, running to the parallel world to kill himself.

Now that his hiding place has been exposed, the temporary void core has just been repaired, and he cannot change places in a short time, so. . . It seems that there is no other way but to serve softly.

"Oh, okay, don't scare my good sister, go home and have a meal. I promise her that she will be obedient and will not go back to cause trouble for everyone. It is also in a parallel world to make trouble."

Seeing the tangled look of Sister Void, Boss Hu decisively came up with the mud and relieved him.

"Very well, then I went home for dinner, and my wife told me to withdraw, and this parallel timeline is meaningless." Sarodal laughed a few times, and the dark golden humanoid energy suddenly collapsed into A piece of energy light.

"I think you should thank me for saving your life. Without me, you may now be found by the Titans."

"The Titan can't find my place without you contacting Sargeras here." Sister Void is quick-minded, without the linguistic logic trap of Zhonghu boss, clearly analyzes his behavior of stealing the concept.

"Uh ... Oops, don't talk about this topic, in short, you'll just be obsessed with this parallel world in the future. What do you do to go back to the main world, it doesn't mean anything, so don't go back, good, listen mine."

Sister Void was entangled for a while, and the influence of Supreme Education on her at that moment was still great. At least she would now seriously consider every sentence that Hu Feng said, and instinctively believed that Hu Feng did not deceive herself.

"I'm not going back ... wait, your enlightenment has affected me! You lowly demon ants! I give you the glory that pleases me, how dare you use this to influence me, I want ..."

Sister Yu suddenly awakened, glaring at Hu Feng, as if to start.

Hu Feng didn't panic when he saw it, and pulled out a strange controller and calmly pressed the indescribable button above.

Sister Void immediately shivered and rolled her eyes again, reaching out to try to take out the indescribable little toy.

Boss Hu is not in danger, and once again pulled out a controller (how many small toys are you stuffing on the horse !?), and then turned the spin button once.

Sister Yu immediately collapsed to the ground, and a strange buzzing sound came from her chest.

Then boss Hu decided to give her a hard and profound lesson.

"Isn't it good? I teach you for your own good."

As they all entered, the filled Yu Jie rolled her eyes and made a forehead sound. What was the intention of looking for boss Hu's trouble? All was left behind, and the mental defense line collapsed again.

Ok. . . Once again, this is entirely her own death, and she must adjust her body sensitivity to the highest level.

"Is it for you!"

"Uh ... uh ... yes ..."

"Call dad!"


All in all, Boss Hu ’s physical attack plan has fully worked out, coupled with the famine origin, the current spirit of Yu Jie is blank, and the impact of the highest education has been greatly accelerated again.

There was fierce fighting inside, and the outside was also not calm.

The first wave of tentative attacks at Refuge No. 0 arrived. It was a large group of eyeball fighters. Their attack weapon was a small-caliber laser beam emitted from the scarlet pupil.

These fighters should have been galloping from the northern frozen ground. Each fighter exudes the extremely unnatural whisper of education, and each fighter has integrated the refuge forced door opening procedure.

It seems that the overlord is not believing in evil spirits, so he decided to explore a wave to see if Hu Feng's kind of alienation can be lifted, and the Void Majesty can accept the harvester's education.

As long as you rush into an eyeball fighter, then this wave of temptation is considered successful.

Then they were blocked by Hu Fengzheng's Demon Legion.

The rapid-fire cannon on the floating platform detected the target, and immediately turned it up. The muzzle was facing the direction of the enemy's attack and began to emit ray of evil energy.

"Open the portal of the legion and let the evil bat force carry out aerial interception!"

A male Eredar demon sneered and gave orders to the demon.

This Eredar war lord was temporarily borrowed by Hu Feng from the Burning Legion and entered the battlefield as a battlefield commander.

High-level demons like Ereda all have profound war knowledge and experience. They are high-level commanders of the Burning Legion, and they are now used to deal with a tentative assault.

A burst of harsh roars came from the portal of the Burning Evil Flame, and a large number of black bats continuously poured out. These giant bats were covered with rune evil armor, and a long strip of ink burned violently behind them. Green evil flame, the extremities of the limbs are extremely sharp claws, and the evil energy directed at the armored units also flows.

The overwhelming number of evil bats immediately surrounded the group of eyeball fighters. Every time they grabbed an eyeball, there was a burst of tearing and biting. With the intrusion of evil energy, the eyeball fighter immediately flashed everywhere, and the scarlet pupils also flickered. Suddenly dim, on the verge of fault shutdown.

The rapid-fire guns that are providing fire suppression are too lazy to carelessly hurt the friendly forces. The group of Gurgan demon technicians are now in a state of demon mania. The evil artillery is their weapon for venting their desire to kill ~ www.readwn.com ~ anyway Swarms of evil bats can't die by accidental injury several times, worrying about a fart.

The first wave of refuge in Refuge 0 was completely overwhelmed by the army. No eyeball fighter successfully rushed to the gate of the Endless Road Refuge, let alone destroying that evil energy barrier.

"Hurry up and continue construction. I want to turn this place into a fortress armed with teeth and wrap this refuge entrance completely inside!"

The brothers who have seen a grave-robbing novel Yunding Tiangong must be very familiar with the design of boss Hu. Boss Hu is relying on the blessing of evil energy to build a fortress of evil energy on this coastal cliff and directly evacuate the endless road. The entrance of the place becomes an internal area.

The importance here is self-evident, and it must not be lost until the Void Majesty is fully educated.

"I want the assistance of the chief engineer of the Legion, Jingaros. Don't you like to engage in a large fortress? Just follow the scale of your burning throne of Antrus and give me another one!"

Boss Hu is small in size and not bad in tone. One mouth is to build a giant war fort, anyway, it is not to spend his own money or his own manpower.

The Burning Legion is good, we all love him, and support for evil energy friends is simply spare no effort.

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