Evil Break

Chapter 348: : Combined Defense and Advance Trial

"On the dogs, bite them!"

Accompanied by Hu Feng's command, the giant customized version of the mechanical hound opened his sharp steel teeth big mouth, screamed and rushed up, directly biting the nearest red tide clone into two pieces, a large amount of blood accompanied the intestines Sprinkled on the ground.

This is the Yellow River line of defense. The tentative contact battle of the Endless Road was just over. Boss Hu went to the place and brought his giant mechanical dog and the young Leviathan by the way.

The Yellow River Line of Defense is also known as the United Line of Defense. All major forces from the main world have sent an elite force to station in an area to wait for work, waiting for the invading army of Refuge 0 and the clone army of Red Tide Refuge. .

In order to avoid the racial contradictions and the accumulated grievances and grievances accumulated between each other, the front wells responsible for the various forces do not violate the river water, and the entire area south of the Yellow River is also designated as a neutral zone.

The first to reach the defense line of the Yellow River was the vanguard of the Red Tide Clone. They flew through the Yellow River in an infiltrating way and burst into the endless ruins. Then they were subjected to a full search and encounter. .

Hu Feng is very painful. The weapons and equipment of this group of red tide clones are really embarrassing from beginning to end.

Wearing a gray winter coat similar to old Maozi, wearing a Lei Feng cap to protect the ears, the weapon in his hand is also the unique AK series and RPG.

The most painful thing is their flying machine, then the horse is a red five-pointed star standing upright, okay!

In front of the five-pointed star is a personnel control desk. The red tide pilot is sitting on that suspended chair, holding the joystick, and pressing the fire button, the center of the five-pointed star floating behind the chair will emit a burst of high-explosive energy or gunpowder. High-explosive missiles, two aviation heavy machine guns are also installed on both sides of the chair.

Hu Feng also captured several of these gadgets. To be honest, there is really no black technology. The only thing that is commendable is the magnetic levitation and attack energy technology.

This type of aircraft has a simple structure and is easy to mass-produce. It fully satisfies the human-sea tactics of the red tide refuge, and it is often a large and densely packed area.

"They really don't care about the casualties. It is estimated that there are many clones that have not been cloned in battle every day. It really beeps the dog."

Hu Feng kicked the five-pointed star aircraft that crashed in front of him. This was hit by his own steel dog with a tracking missile. At this moment, the dog is very excited, and the barbed steel tail is shaking constantly. The sharp black cross that replaced the eyes and nose above the mouth shone violently, indicating that the mechanical dog was in a very unsteady mood at the moment.

In childhood, Leviathan was biting the red tide clone pilot, eating his flesh and soul essence.

It is worth mentioning that every red tide clone has a soul. Although it is exactly the same, and the quality of the soul is not very good, it belongs to the soul after all.

The mechanical artificial people were very excited when they learned that this artificial soul was what they dreamed about. Their own research has not made any progress.

Hu Feng is also very enthusiastic about this cloning technology. If he masters this technology, he will not lack soul nourishment in the future. This is an inexhaustible large mine of souls, enough to satisfy the demons under his command. All of our soul essence needs.

As for the clone army, Hu Feng is not interested. After all, he has a mass-produced robot, a human demon army, and a pure demon army, so this kind of clone with ordinary soldier ability does not have much effect. .

In short, it is still used as a reliable source for the soul breeding farm. Boss Hu is not prepared to do any clone human freedom act. The big deal is to clone a bunch of mentally handicapped people who do n’t understand anything. Too.

The town of Virtue naturally sent the demon army of the Black Cross Division to come in. The portal of the pure devil's legion was always on standby to prevent the human devil from being able to defeat the enlightened army of Refuge 0.

No one thinks that the red tide clones are the main threat, but they are really tricky.

The Celestial Hunter Club was very angry there. They held an absolutely hostile attitude towards the Red Tide Clone. This is not surprising. The most hated thing about the regime from the main world is that people dare to challenge their authority.

Refuge No. 1 will not matter, everyone knows that this is the native indigenous legal regime in the end of the ruins.

But what is your red tide shelter? I also used the five-pointed star as a flying machine.

Then the furious uncles of the People ’s Liberation Army flew up. They put up a lot of artillery in their defensive area south of the Yellow River, and then they bombed indiscriminately towards the north. Anyway, as long as they saw red things, they did n’t ask anything. , I fired a few guns and blew up.

Second Commander! Pull up Lao Tzu's Italian artillery, and today you will not kill your little ghosts in Ping'an County. . . Cough.

Well, in short, the Tianchao Demon Hunting Society fully implemented the guiding spirit of the first decisive war turning point process in the Anti-Japanese War, "Li Yunlong attacked Ping'an County", and setting up the cannon against the red tide troops was a stern.

The Japanese demon hunter group standing next door was baffled by this, and with the light of the heavenly demon hunter ’s club in front, they also had a blow in front of their defensive area. Now the red tide troops seem not to continue to gather in this area. They were bombed off, and there was absolutely no defense time.

The Red Ocean is gathering in large numbers in the frozen area of ​​the North near the Yellow River. They are constantly sending infiltration forces and aircraft units to investigate the enemy front and look for the weakest link.

In this regard, Hu Feng's mind is not here at all.

The catalyst device has been constructed according to the design blueprint. Some materials in the last days will be taken locally in the last days. If there are no materials in the last days, they will go to the main world to buy. Anyway, this main task must not be delayed.

This stuff is a very unique energy launcher. Although Hu Feng still can't figure out what kind of core energy to drive this stuff, it is definitely not evil energy and holy light anyway, it can instantly destroy the core catalyst of the reaper. , Estimated to be very rare.

However, Hu Feng is not worried, and he has no plans to destroy the reaper ~ www.readwn.com ~ his spirit will serve as the core of the catalyst, with that variant of education, directly affect the reaper, and in turn teach them.

This plan is crazy, and it is impossible to estimate the success rate. After all, the original intention of the design of the tower is to eliminate the harvesters, not to control them.

Oh, to be precise, the core energy of the catalyst is something called element 0. Hu Feng is extremely suspicious that there is no such thing on earth. After all, the destroyed higher civilization will definitely not expect it. Their warning message It will be acquired by a lower civilization that has not yet reached space navigation.

After all, the reaper will only patronize the higher civilizations, and they disdain the lower civilizations. The earth is the only special case.

So there is no way. For the sake of righteousness, boss Hu said that he would devote himself to honour and devote himself to using his own spirit as the core energy source to "eliminate" the reaper.

The spiritual strength of Shen Ni is at the level of a god. Hu Feng does n’t think that this catalyst device is so powerful that it can dry itself out. If it ’s too big, he will eat the essence of the soul to supplement it. It ’s okay!


At this time, the steel dog had a big mouth, and another tracking missile whizzed out and hit a fast-passing five-pointed star aircraft.

There was a roar of excitement in Leviathan as a child, and it was a great treat today.

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