Evil Break

Chapter 384: : Apocalypse 3 missing 1 and harvesting core

As the war knight was gradually swallowed by himself, Hu Feng felt that a strange knowledge began to flow into his mind constantly, and this feeling accompanied the war knight to become a corpse to reach the peak.

That is strange knowledge about Apocalypse.

Now he has three unstoppable catastrophes at the same time. The three fingers in the middle of his right hand carry three gemstone rings of different colors like a mob.

The distance became a four-in-one apocalypse, leaving only one death knight.

Once you have successfully devoured death, then there will be no more knights of the apocalypse, only apocalypse.

As for what is apocalypse, a simple understanding is the incarnation and symbol of disaster, and it can be a havoc of apocalypse sweeping the entire planet at any time, no matter which planet it is.

And wherever he appears will also be accompanied by a large number of apocalyptic signs, what is the return of the dead, Leviathan leaped out to hunt, and other small-scale disasters.

At the same time, the four types of apocalyptic source energy will also be combined into one, and the four rings will also be converted into one. This energy can be designated to explode a disaster, or it can be a collective explosion of four disasters.

Okay, the only problem now is that I dare not go to death.

Moreover, the death knight seems to have been extremely low-key. The death of freedom in the parallel world has only been heard of the apocalypse ritual because he followed another command. He has never heard of any related news.

It seems that this uncle is completely uninterested in everything in the world, and he is too lazy to spread any death disaster.

But this can also be understood, after all, one day, everyone will usher in the end of their lives, so why do you do it yourself, the living will come to the door sooner or later.

But it ’s a pity if you do n’t touch it. You are now in a state of lack of three, and you can become a master with one step of difference. Just give up, then you will never want to experience the feeling of hanging up, waving your hand is a four-in-one. One day Kai disaster swept past the crushing pleasure.

But for now, I don't have to think about this for the time being. Hu Feng is quite satisfied with the War Knight's ability.

In addition to spreading all kinds of desires for wars and conflicts on a large scale, one-on-one individual effects can also be carried out, and the effect is better and more powerful.

He came on a red horse, holding a long bow, and gave a crown to all beings. He won and won, and he spilled war on the earth.

That's what this sentence means. Hu Feng can bestow his own target on the war crown, can be purely spiritual or can be attached to the real thing, and this target must be at a high weight level to exert the maximum effect. .

Those who have won the crown of war will be occupied by endless ambitions and ambitions to fight, kill and be king.

Between ancient and modern times, how many such people have fought a **** war, hitting every household with ten rooms and nine empty spaces, hitting a population drop of 70% to 80%, and finally they may have failed, or they may have won, but the real winners will always be All war knights, he is the eternal winner.

It can be said that the war knight's ability is matched with the harvest of the devil's soul. The dead means the soul and means more contracts.

"You have the ability to devour and assimilate. It has been documented that your ability will provide the harvester with a large number of genes and samples of research value."

The pioneers produced low, heavy electronic sounds.

"Okay, if there is nothing wrong now, go to the north to visit the lad of the monarch. If the war is at peace, it depends on his attitude. If he still chooses to be an enemy to me, can you destroy him?"

"For the harvester's show, all costs are acceptable. The monarch is a pioneer of our ethnic group, but his importance rating is currently much lower than yours."

Hu Feng heard funny for a while.

"The monarch is the pioneer, your name is the pioneer, who is the pioneer in the end?"

"Any reaper that moves before the main force is a pioneer. We walk in the universe and look for any valuable harvest targets." The pioneer's voice explained without fluctuation.

Back on the endless road, appeased the Void Sister, Hu Feng was ready to set sail to the north frozen ground.

Oh, as for how to appease, boss Hu said that his chickens are really hard. It seems that his biggest must-have skill now is the crackle with the origin of famine. What is this? Conquer the world with chickens?

The pioneer had already waited outside, and a hatch was open, waiting for Hu Feng, the only passenger to board the ship.

This is Hu Feng's first ride on the reaper. Although it has long been understood that the reaper is a class-wise spaceship, but knowing it is one thing, it is another thing to ride in person.

"You wouldn't sell me to any strange planet, just kidding and ease the atmosphere ..."

Hu Feng said to himself while stepping into the open door, and now standing on a circular floating platform, the door behind him slowly closed.

"This is my upper space, and the platform will take you to my energy core."

"Is your center at the core of the energy?" Watching the platform underneath began to move in darkness, the only reference objects that could be judged were the passage corridors on both sides that were sometimes marked by lights.

"No, my central will is the entire body, and the energy core is just the location that provides me with energy. You can understand it as the captain's room."

Countless corridor passage areas have disappeared, replaced by a brightly lit internal area, like an extremely wide and towering cave hall, the steel walls of the hall are densely covered with various cable ducts, and a large number of long Strip-shaped transparent tubes, Hu Feng immediately showed that these tubes contained various active corpses transformed by the reaper.

From time to time, there will be a ground-type and air-type reaper whizzing past the platform. Hu Feng also saw a new type of reaper, which seems to be a troop carrier. The arc-shaped body is filled with transparent transistors. Four steel limbs curled up and flew under the body.

Every cosmic reaper carries a whole army with him and can be put into battle at any time.

Continue to go up through the barracks area, the platform finally reached its destination, the energy core captain's room.

The captain's room is actually a steel platform like a cliff. After all, the harvester does not need personnel to drive, so there is no similar function at all.

On the opposite side of the steel cliff is a dark sky, a very thick steel cylinder extends from below ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is still intense blue energy flowing on the surface.

At the top of the cylinder, which is in the air opposite the captain's room, a large iron egg is suspended. This iron egg is the source of all energy. From time to time, it will spread out a lot of blue energy, like lightning in all directions. Most of the diffusion is absorbed by the cylinder like a lightning rod underneath, and the rest is hit on the surrounding walls and the ground, and then merges into it, flowing along the lines of it.

"You are the first organism to enter the core of the reaper, and you will also be the first organism reaper. Now, ready to accept my highest authority to hand over, you will fulfill your promise and bring more powerful reproduction to the reaper. . "

As the pioneer's voice fell, Hu Feng shuddered violently, and blue energy also began to flow in his eyes.

"The highest authority begins to be transferred."

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