Evil Break

Chapter 385: : Man-ship combined with mouth gunner

This is an extremely wonderful feeling. Hu Feng feels that his body is being integrated with the pioneers, and his spirit has spread to every corner of this space battleship, just as natural as the nerve mastering the body.

I transformed myself into this battleship, but I am still myself.

Then the spirit began to shrink and return, like the toilet that was pressed, and returned to his body again.

But the feeling of being one is still there. You can control the warship as you like, reorganize it as you like, or move the layout in a certain area, just like raising your hands and shaking hands.

Backing against the energy core, Hu Feng is now scattered with the same energy as the blue current. The spherical core behind him is also connected to Hu Feng with a few blue energy streams. The whole hall is filled with blue lightning .

"The transfer of the highest authority is successful. Now you can order." The pioneer's voice sounded again.

Hu Fenggang wanted to ask how to drive the boat. At the next moment, his sight was in a trance, and the scene in front of him became the scene seen by the harvester's six mechanical eyes.

At the same time, a holographic screen resembling a retina projection emerged. The proportional model of the earth slowly rotated. All the text has been fully translated into simplified Chinese that Hu Feng can understand.

This is the high-tech! What I used to play is a grandmother!

Along with the idea of ​​wanting to lift off, the blue energy around Hu Feng's body suddenly spread out and merged into the lines around the hall.

Subsequently, the pioneers began to leave the ground, slowly pulling the height.

"I have found out his current location based on the monarch's energy signal. The map is marked. Do I start auto cruising?"

"Let's go, it feels beautiful, but unfortunately no one has stopped the education, and I will take this benefit."

"After the auto cruise is turned on, the short-distance jump is ready."

In the next second, the cliff where the endless road disappeared disappeared. After a moment of twisting and blurring, there was a dark gray frozen wasteland in front of me. The whistling cold wind was blown through with a lot of rubble. This is a cold and dark hairless Ground.

Not far away, through the automatic marking of six mechanical eyes, Hu Feng immediately showed the giant target that was bold and highlighted and filled with red: the monarch.

The monarch is now standing directly above the shelter O. The body is covered with construction steel scaffolding and simple elevators. A large number of brain container people and floating robots are busy repairing their injuries.

Weng. . .

The monarch made a low, piercing Weng sound, using four steel tentacles to slowly turn the body, and the six mechanical eyes also looked in the direction of the pioneer. At the moment, the pioneer was moving towards this side, and the dim wind and sand in the sky could not see the specific situation. Only those who can be sensed by the discrimination system.

The pioneers still shut down the identity recognition system, so the monarch can only distinguish that it is a reaper, but which one is specific, the information only displays a series of question marks.

As the distance got closer, the figure of the pioneers finally became clear, and through the sky and sand, came to a position more than one hundred meters away from the monarch.

The monarch knows this kind, he knows every kind, he is a pioneer! The feature of the record is the brightly lit red light strips on the body.

"I don't understand, why did you come to earth, and your own exploration mission has been completed?"

"I have found the most valuable goal of this trip, and you want to destroy him, this cannot be allowed."

The two reapers started a spiritual communication.

"By the way, I have also seen the blueprint for the catalyst facility. It is now completed. Do you think I can't beat you?"

At this time, Hu Feng's spiritual image suddenly appeared, and he was full of spiritual signals that were the same as those of the reaper.

The monarch was stunned for a while, and it seemed that the processor did not respond for a while.

"The pioneer has a long-term vision, seeing the advantages that I lead you, and your short-sightedness, you want to kill me and then get the body of the Void Majesty for research. Although your behavior is effective, but the efficiency is low, look at the exchange before us For a very good part, I will give you another chance to open the highest authority, you can still get the desired result, otherwise ... you died here today and turned into a pile of scrap iron. "

Hu Feng controlled the pioneer and successfully obtained the highest authority. How did he do it?

The monarch was deeply puzzled, no matter how many calculations were made, he could not come up with any feasible method.

The pioneers believed Hu Feng so easily? His calculation module is no different from his own! When did he upgrade this?

and also. . . How did Hu Feng get the blueprint for the catalyst facility? That gadget can indeed pose a great threat to the reaper, but it's only theoretical, because there can't be so many zeros squandered like that.

However, the most serious problem is that Hu Feng has opened the internal channel to the harvester collective through the pioneers, and it has been very obvious since the last time the harvester's main force suddenly withdrew.

The reaper is a separate individual, but it is also a whole. Each reaper will upload and share all his own technology and various materials, as well as share his own ideas and cognition.

Now Hu Feng can use the thinking of his organism to influence more reaper through the channel of the pioneer, which is like a domino, one will fall, and the following will fall.

And his reason is perfect: help the reaper strengthen the reproduction, produce more models, and enhance the power of the original model.

"Why, is it so difficult to make a decision, or do you feel that you are in such a state of leakage and sparks that you can fight with the pioneers? And then the traitor name of the traitor collectively turned into scrap iron?"

"I'm not a traitor, all my actions are completely logical, all for the reproduction of the reaper." The monarch immediately retorted, this sentence is equivalent to poking the bottom line of the organism.

Collective traitor, this name is terrible, no reaper dare to think about it.

Ever since the creators were successfully harvested and their ethnic group's innate (self-considered) harvesting mission started, every reaper is acting for this, all for the collective, for the balance and order of the universe.

The monarch does not want to be the first collective traitor, he would rather explode than this title.

"You do n’t want to be a traitor, then open the highest authority, the choice of the pioneer is correct, the choice of the collective is correct, you violate the collective choice ~ www.readwn.com ~ you are a traitor, and your rebellious behavior will be Collectives will always record and circulate forever. "

Boss Hu began to steal the concept openly. He also grasped the sensitive point of the monarch and strengthened his offensive.

Ok. . . This is almost the same as Papa, if you want her to climax, you have to find the legendary g point and then keep stimulating. . . Cough.

"No ... it's different ..."

"No, this is the same. I am also a reaper now. Both the pioneer and I are in favor of one against you. You do n’t accept that you are a collective traitor! It is the shame of the people! It is the rat of the reaper! It is evil. Capitalists! To fight! To record! To nail you to the stigma of history! "

The monarch's processor crashed.

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