Evil Break

Chapter 386: : Colorful end times and identity transformation

The feeling of accepting the highest authority of the monarch is no different from that of the pioneers. One thing to note here is that you do n’t have to stand in the captain ’s room to control the harvester. Once you have obtained the highest authority, you are successfully connected to the harvester It can be connected remotely at any time, for remote spiritual access, or to give orders.

Boss Hu has self-knowledge and knows that he is not the material to be the captain. If he insists on directing the battle, he will not be able to make up for it. The reaper himself has done perfect in this respect.

All you have to do is to grasp the overall situation, and always monitor to prevent the harvester from doing some kind of rigid and inflexible behavior unique to the composite.

Synthetic bodies may have the advantage of crushing organisms in many ways, but with flexibility, one hundred synthetic bodies tied together cannot catch up with one organism.

After all, this is a chemical reaction produced by organic genes, which is far from icy calculations and speculates that it can be achieved, even if your core is excellent and advanced.

All in all, Refuge No. O is no longer a threat. Except for those local forces, the entire Tianchao area has no large-scale enemies.

As for other regions, according to the information exchanged on the public channels, they are still in full-scale scuffle and conflict at the moment.

The British literati has already worked with their double body, and the group of local forces Britons are extremely dissatisfied with the literati organizations from the main world. After the negotiations between the two parties failed, the remaining literati organizations in the homeland began to be comprehensive Attack, try to seize the quantum teleporter, and go to the peaceful and prosperous main world.

At the moment, these two parties are fighting in the big ruins of Britain.

It seems that the races of the island countries all have the same problem, but they only behave in different ways. Unlike the persistent obsession of Japan, the British guys froze, just like everyone gave them the nickname "John "Bull" is simply stubborn.

Oh, the Japanese Demon Hunting Group also fell into a similar situation, also on the parallel body with their parallel world double body, one side wants to teleport to the main world, the other side is not allowed to live or die, and then the more and more angry, finally directly Fight, come hard.

Now this group of Japanese people are playing long live charge against each other on their island, but in general, the main world demon hunter has the upper hand. After all, they are well-equipped and all-in-one spirit guards. This is not the end of the ruins. Comparable.

The Americas are calm and calm. After all, before the Apocalypse, the United States was vast and sparsely populated. After the weather, it was extremely obvious. After all, free-spirited Americans have never had any serious and formal demon hunting organizations, and they are all single soldiers or groups of three or two.

Not only that, the American world demon hunters also gathered a group of native demon hunters and survivors willing to join them.

So this group of Yankees has a total of this, forget it, there is nothing to fight, honestly build a circle, the major shareholders of the capitalists of the main world are waiting to build a factory.

It must be said that the capitalist society is unrestrained. They are meeting to discuss whether to absorb the survivors of the ruins of the last days who still desire to live a civilized life and give them the status of American citizens.

But well, you still have to work for us first. The factory you are building just depends on catching the wandering slaves, but it is far from enough for your needs.

On the other hand, Italian friends are lazy to build, their people are scattered among the forces of the main world, and they have opened a family of Italian restaurants to deliver delicious pasta and red wine to friends of the army.

Anyway, Lamborghini is estimated to be unmovable in the end times of the ruins, so people take food as the sky. Even if they live in the ruins, they must live exquisite and chic!

Seeing that the Italian restaurant was making a lot of money in the ruins of the last days, the industrious people of the dynasty could not sit still, and some honest free demons monitored by the heavenly demon hunters immediately entered the eschatology and opened the Chinese restaurant to the strongholds.

As a result, the nightlife in Virtue Town became more and more colorful, especially the barbecue stalls that had disappeared for a long time since the Apocalypse ceremony re-emerged again. The demonic old irons of the Northeast set up barbecue grills in front of their restaurants and started night business. .

As for the Tianchao Demon Hunting Club, they were dying with the Doom Hunting Army in Refuge No. 1. The artillery fire from both sides was trembling, and the artillery's bombardment had become a daily drama.

Refuge No. 1 strongly condemned the Demon Hunter as an evil invader, and the Tianchao Demon Hunter also strongly condemned Refuge No. 1 as a powerless and irresponsible pseudo-government.

In short, the routines of the two parties are similar to the **** in the civil war. The prince of the **** is ashamed Stanley is an incompetent and weak old man who only wants to make money. The king of the **** is ashamed as a brain full of muscles Only know the blind stream of violence and chaos.

Regarding the colorfulness of the outside world, Boss Hu did not take the time to care. He took the pioneer and returned to the refuge of the Endless Road.

The monarch still stays in the refuge O to repair itself, which will take some time, so Hu Feng is not in a hurry for the trip to the universe, anyway, he is not in a hurry, just wait slowly.

As for the pioneers, Hu Feng has decided to regard this reaper as his future flagship, especially the luscious red highlights on the exterior, which are suitable for his taste.

Hu Feng is also preparing to create his own logo on the frontal armor of the pioneers, which is still the black sharp cross, a circle in the middle, and a Hu character in the circle.

But this is a trivial matter, and the major thing is that catalyst facility. Hu Feng asked his demons to pack and disassemble it and then reassemble it, and then use it for the pioneers to record and study. The intention is to improve this device. Installed on the pioneer.

To put it plainly, it is a high-power energy tower that uses element zero as energy to generate an extremely strong electron wave that instantly loads all electronic devices to achieve forced shutdown of the harvest or overload of the core and then burned. effect.

Boss Hu changed this magic and shot his spirit as an energy source. This kind of death-killing game can only be sustained by the spirit of the **** level.

The pioneers were very interested in the weapons created by this kind of resistance to the harvesting of the civilization. Although it is still unclear how that civilization hid the information among the harvesters on the ground, this technology for synthetics is In theory, it is still effective.

The civilization that was successfully harvested could not be imagined. It was originally used to spread to future generations and provide other people with the technology to destroy the reaper, and finally fell into the hands of the reaper.

The pioneers have already started research and shared the scanned data with all the reaper. How powerful is it? Everyone is responsible for one aspect, and the results can be researched soon.

However, the preliminary estimate has come out, the catalyst facility can indeed cause effective damage to the harvester ~ www.readwn.com ~ Accurately speaking, any synthetic body can cause effective damage, provided that you have no time to leave this fluctuation range.

So no matter how many total blueprints of this catalyst are put in, they must be completely destroyed and cannot be passed down to the world.

Or maybe they have developed a defense technology that can resist this level of overload, and boss Hu said that he should wrap it with himself.

After all, the reaper is already half of his subordinates. When the reaper's main force has all the highest authority to himself, then it is completely his own invincible fleet.

Therefore, we must find a way to prevent this very special overload technology.

As for the little justice friends who resist the harvest. . . Cough, let's die.

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