Evil Break

Chapter 401: : Separated Cannon and 3 Wuhu Boss

The port of Virtue is rapidly enriching. The army of sisters under Hu Feng has arrived one after another. The entire space station has birds and flowers. The boss Hu has passed through the flower clusters.

After the basic interior facilities have been fully operational, the ground combat forces will follow.

The main force is naturally a human demon soldier, and the Black Cross Division has always been Hu Feng ’s regular army, bearing the responsibility of frontal attack.

Their station was assigned to a cantilever sub-regional asteroid on the space station, usually cooperating with robots to carry out security missions in the space station.

The genetically modified human troops have also come. Naturally, they are the group of shadow sisters. Their tight armor has also received the upgrade of the reaper. During the combat state, a mask with a scarlet laser one-eyed will cover the head and can be attacked by laser rays. At the same time, you can also release the position shield through mental power.

As for their residence, boss Hu certainly was not willing to put this group of beautiful violent girls to the barracks station and placed them directly in the lower space of their private area.

Hu Feng ’s private area is located at the top of the main space, that is, the area where the asteroid mushroom cover is connected to the space station.

Now it has also become a dark fortress like the evil energy nest building on the earth. Various secret passages, prisons, traps and defensive weapons and other facilities are all over the upper area. Naturally, it is not open to civilians.

All in all, Virtue is now waiting for people from the outside world to come and settle in.

The outside world did not disappoint boss Hu. He soon received an announcement message, which was sent by the Interstellar Joint Parliament.

The Interstellar United Parliamentary Union is abbreviated as Star Alliance. It is a cosmic version of the United Nations. All mainstream races have sent their own legislators to take charge of diplomatic exchanges between the races and mediate disputes.

Now boss Hu is engaged in the construction of illegal enclosures along the distant galaxy, which immediately attracted the attention of Star Alliance.

If you build a civil space station, it ’s okay. Anyway, the universe is so big, there is no more land, and everyone is lazy.

But you are not on the road now, you have to build a military space station, armed like a hedgehog, and stepping on a fearless warship!

Check again later, and transferred the propaganda message of Boss Hu. Xinglian also got a general idea of ​​who this space station suddenly appeared belongs to.

This Embrera company is not registered in any country, nor does it have any procedures and information. It is completely a three-free company.

Do you have military permits for mercenary organizations? Do you have the qualification certificate of the trading company? Do you have official certification for shipbuilding and shipbuilding?

You have nothing to ride on horses, dare to be so arrogant!

Tear down! Ma Liu took it apart!

For the meaning of Star Alliance, boss Hu is neither a bird nor a bird, and he took care of them lazily, continued to do his own thing, and constantly released the publicity and promotion information of Virtue Port.

You have the ability to beat me!

For Ambrella's behavior that neither answered nor stopped illegal behavior, Starlink was very dissatisfied, so it directly characterized Virtue Port as an illegal armed base and Ambrella as three illegal black companies.

This trick is fatal enough for regular companies. After all, if you want to make money, you have to trade with other companies and even the government. You have to enter the major cities in the galaxy inside the prosperous star area, and it is illegal by Star Alliance. If you do n’t think about the above items, no one dares to trade with you. Bankruptcy is the only ending.

So sometimes the economic blockade is far more terrifying than direct war.

But Ambrella is not a serious company, and boss Hu is not the kind of person who can honestly pull goods around. He didn't originally want to trade, and he didn't plan to enter the big city inside the prosperous star district now.

So if you love to blockade, just blockade, if you love sanctions, how to sanction, I will close the door in the distant galaxy to play my own.

For a while, there was no follow-up movement. According to Hu Feng's own speculation, it should be that everyone does not want to come to the muddy waters, especially remote ravines such as distant galaxies.

Starlink is similar to the Universe United Nations. Their senators come from various races and represent the interests of their respective races. Now, this sudden emergence of the Virtue Port Space Station is armed to the teeth, and there is also a main battleship. Gnawing down, don't even think about it without bleeding.

Then the question is coming, who will be the pioneer Erlangzi to bleed?

Everyone is naturally not stupid, so naturally they are not willing.

Since everyone is unwilling to send troops, do n’t send them anymore, directly blockade the economy, characterize the space station as illegally armed, slowly starve them to death, and drag them to bankruptcy.

Was on the Starlink blacklist. Boss Hu didn't care, but instead thanked Starlink for taking actions to seize the opportunity.

See it, except for the blockade, Star Alliance dare not come hard, so those of you who are watching are still hesitating!

Societies in distant galaxies think so.

It seems that the space station is as stable as a mountain, and the Star Alliance has counseled them. They dare not send troops to come over and bleed hard.

As for the economic blockade and blacklist, this is not a matter at all. Interest is everything. As long as there is an interest, any regulations and regulations are a bit of shit.

What's more, among this group of people swaying in the distance, a considerable number of interstellar pirates are part-time smuggling business in order to earn extra money, so as long as there is a market in Virtue and Virtue, economic blockade is not a problem.

So someone started to come to Virtue and settled down, and then immediately immersed in the world of flowers and flowers can not extricate themselves.

They saw a very strange race here: humans.

The prosperous star district has never heard of the human race, and now a space station that is completely controlled by "human beings" suddenly pops up, which makes everyone very curious.

According to their own introduction and the response of the roadside "auxiliary VI", humans are from a nebula named M78 in a distant star zone, the Diga Altman galaxy, and the parent star is CCTV6.

No wonder they are not a bird star couplet, they are not locals at all!

This is why the shape of their fearless class battleship is so strange.

Come down in a circle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Alien friends have exchanged to the bar nightclub and quickly found the common ground between the two parties.

Oops, you guys are good, let's talk about it! Those of us in the society who have been swaying for a long time along the distant edge have long been suffocating!

Star coin is not a problem, who hasn't ordered any money in this group of desperation.

Because the mainstream races in the prosperous star district are basically primate upright mammals, everyone ’s aesthetics are similar, but their appearance is different from their skin. It should be tempted by exoticism.

Then they were pleasantly surprised to find the female human accompany princess, as well as those female employees with special aspects.

Hi Dapu Ben! Lao Tzu will stay here in the future!

Human sisters are immediately popular. Compared with the hard carapace of the sharp woman, the Krogan woman's tiger's back and waist are five and three thick. The human's soft skin feels very good.

And this group of female slaves bred by **** doesn't even care who they are, or what matters to themselves, as long as they can satisfy the feeling of hunger at that moment.

So the first group of visitors to the Virtue Port Space Station soon gathered all of them in chain stores chained.

What to buy a house to rent a house to visit the familiar space station, I will talk about it tomorrow!

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