Evil Break

Chapter 402: : Human Contact Code and Broken Hope

As 66 people in the galaxy continue to come to the Virtue Port space station for recuperation and replenishment, several security incidents will follow.

Some alien friends are more stingy, or they want to play hooligans, and see those interior cyborgs wearing tights and twisting round and round ass, and then they are fooled, and then they are given by a ghost girl With a spiritual shock to dry to the ground.

Then the companions of the alien friends stopped, and they immediately became restless. These desperates were usually not good men and women, don't expect them to be reasonable.

In the end, a large number of demon soldiers and security robots controlled by Veronica arrived quickly, and the group surrounded this group of alien friends, shielding the stand to protect themselves and the ghosts of the internal artificial man. The Shadow Girl was rescued.

After learning this, boss Hu deeply understood that this was a diplomatic dispute. How could such an indecent thing happen at the Virtue and Space Station! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

So boss Hu immediately made countermeasures, he said. . .

"All killed!"

Ok. . . This diplomatic dispute is perfectly resolved.

So these alien friends fell to the ground in the sound of bursts of submachine gun fire, twitching and dying for a while.

It is true that Virtue and Port disregarded the Star Alliance Law. People on the aliens remembered it. Ignoring the Star Alliance Law does not mean that there is no law. The space station ’s own dictatorship laws are more stringent.

Everyone worked together in this way, and some brains were flexible enough to sum up the essentials of contact with the human race.

First, the consequences of forcibly molesting their women are extremely serious.

Second, nightclubs and bars are not included, just give money.

Third, money must be given, and the consequences of overlords are serious. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Fourth, as long as those who do not reach them, basically lazy to control you.

Well, the first one is simply a misunderstanding, just because boss Hu thinks it is Chinese cabbage grown in his own field, and it can also make you a group of strange aliens arch?

In addition, this group of criminals is now a paradise, and rich is the paradise of the uncle.

Humans have brought many unique specialties from their races, from drinks to food, as well as their various self-defense items.

Although their firearms are backward, their self-defense crystals are quite powerful.

This group of alien mountain guns has never seen the evil crystal, and each demon soldier has made a big stroke.

Just infuse a bit of evil energy into the crystal, tie a beautiful chain, and then sell them to these mountain guns at a high price. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Alien friends do n’t know, they are surprised that this kind of evil energy is even more powerful than the physical mental power. As long as the crystal is crushed, the evil energy will form a flame barrier to resist a large number of flames. attack.

Good things for emergency life!

Boss Hu is a little uninterested, because he is a group of aliens of mainstream ethnicity, he does not have a long and beautiful look on the horse, all of them are strangely shaped, except for the same vertical walk, the two arms and legs are not in line with humans In terms of aesthetics, can you honestly die from a monkey?

First, the group of sharp people, each with a hard carapace, no head but only bone spurs, the mouth was also divided into four petals, three fingers, two toes, and the reverse joint protruding backward. . . Rolling, where to stay cool!

Then there is the group of Krogans. Hu Feng, the fighting force of this alien race, is extremely optimistic. This group of Krogans should have evolved from some kind of large marine carnivorous fish, with a big toad-like big. The face plate, a high arc bulging behind, and the position of the buttocks can obviously be seen with a short tail that has not completely disappeared. They have extremely strong muscles, and all of them are not less than two meters in height. There was a heavy clatter. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Their women. . . Ok. . . IMHO, I really do n’t see any difference between men and women except for the different costumes. They are all sloppy and bearish, and their voices are better than those of the masters. If they are mated with humans, the younger brothers will have to stop you. The bones are crushed for you.

There are also a group of Salarui people. This stepping horse is completely evolved from lizards. It retains the characteristics of a large number of carnivorous lizards. The whole person looks like a thin bamboo pole lizard walking upright and the scales have faded away.

Or IMHO, their women are the same as the Krogans, and I really do n’t see any difference between men and women. It ’s really a pain for this group of children.

Then there are the Waller and Hana. The former is earthen fat, about one meter tall, fat like a child of two hundred pounds, wearing a protective armor, breathing through the purifier, and making a heavy cry.

The latter is just a big jellyfish, and its appearance has not changed. Apart from IQ, there are no other evolutionary characteristics! This group of jellyfish also walked on some horses and walked on some dark space station streets, enough to guest lights. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This universe is over. . . Parallel world is really just a parallel world, what are these things! Is there any alien beauty!

Quillians have heard that the long thief chicken is beautiful and the figure is very sexy, but through contact with this group of criminals, boss Hu also learned that the Quillians were extremely discriminated, known as protective clothing mice, Stray waste.

And they do not have intimate contact with alien races at all, because even ordinary saliva or skin contact will cause great damage to their immuneless body, and a small cold virus can make They are dying.

Ok. . . The only beautiful race is not in contact with outsiders, very good. . . Boss Hu said that apart from shaking his head helplessly, he had no other ideas.

Then hope came inadvertently, as a small group of Axalites free mercenaries came to the Virtue Space Station, preparing to buy some smuggled goods and take a rest. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Oops, my mom! Finally, a group of eye-catching! Boss Hu touched his tears.

Ashali's body is protruding forward and backward, especially after wearing tight armor, it is extremely hot and sexy.

Their facial features are very similar to humans, and they are much more refined than ordinary humans, and the number of fingers and toes is also complete.

Although they have no head, their head shape is very similar to soft tentacles, which are divided into three or four to extend backwards, showing a beautiful upward arc shape, the ends of the sharp tentacles are gathered together, there is a strange beauty.

There are many kinds of Ashali's skin color, from white to black, including various colors.

Then there was a sunny thunder hitting boss Hu's heart.

The vast majority of Ashali people are all gays on lace. . . Make trouble! Play it!

As a race of all females, it seems that homosexuality with lace is the only breeding option, especially before entering the universe.

Their way of reproduction is not a physical crack (although they also have that organ), but after all they are female, but they use the spirit to blend into each other to make each other pregnant, um. . . Or both parties are pregnant.

Therefore, the spiritual power of the Ashali people is extremely strong ~ www.readwn.com ~ The number of power pioneers is firmly ranked first.

However, after entering the age of the universe, some Ashali talents began to reverse their sexual orientation, accept alien lovers, and eat all men and women, but the reproduction method remained unchanged, and the children born were 100% Ashali.

Do n’t get me wrong, it ’s the same iron law that men ca n’t get pregnant. . . If the Ashali accepted a male partner, then she must be pregnant.

Boss Hu is very sad, and his beautiful aspirations of being an alien beauty are officially declared broken.

This parallel universe is full of deep maliciousness, and the earth is still good.

I want to go home!

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