Evil Break

Chapter 404: : Go back and go with the North Dumpling House

"I don't think so. Send a shadow and track the whole space station!" Hu Feng issued the latest order.

"Veronica, monitor the whole city. Any suspicious targets are immediately marked and uploaded to Youying."

Veronica's big holographic eyeball appeared immediately, blinking at Hu Feng.

"Understood, the whole city has been monitored and is being scanned."

"You humans actually let an intelligent aI access the entire space station? Are you crazy?" The Ashalyan saw Veronica immediately widened her eyes and stared at Hu Feng incredulously.

"Don't compare me with your low-level aI, thank you." Veronica immediately stunned back.

"After the scan, there is no target that can be found. I have checked the sale device of the direct arms store, and there are traces of the invasion. The suspect used the delayed alarm to buy time for escape."

"The cat-eye thief moves around the universe, only steals technology, and never sells it to the black market, so it should have other purposes, but no one has been able to catch it, so no one knows the specific reason."

Asha Liling sat on the sand with her two bed companions, pouring herself an unknown human drink.

"As a thief, it does not contact you with smuggling and mercenaries?" Hu Feng asked with a frown.

"Never, so this is also a strange place for us. It is important to know that those technologies can sell a lot, even if they are opened to high prices, there will be buyers."

Hu Feng Wenyan nodded his head gently and fell into thought.

Those military technologies that they are selling to foreign countries are nothing. Anyway, the reaper seems to be a pile of tatters. Hu Feng cares about this cat-eye method.

The entire space station is under the supervision of Veronica, and any illegal intrusion will be detected immediately, how he did it.

A Quillian-style shuttle made a large circle in the asteroid cluster outside Virtue, and then flew back towards Virtue again.

"Technology transmission is completed, and the cruiser fire control technology is sharp, willing to return home with Japan."

At the end of the communication, there was a deep doubt in Cat's eyes.

This kind of fire control technology is probably the same as the technology on the cruiser docked in the sharp space station attacked by the harvester at the time, and all belong to the latest technology of the sharp army.

How could there be human beings in Virtueport?

The vanguard of this unfamiliar race suddenly appeared, and did not contact the mainstream races in the prosperous star district, only to gather the group of criminals in the distant galaxy.

And the time when the human and the reaper appear is basically the same.

Is this too coincidental?

Originally thought it was just a common action, but now she seems to be involved in a huge dark secret.

The Quilli shuttle slowly stopped at the port. The identity reported at the moment has been changed, and now she is a young Quilli who travels out of the cloud.

That's right, it's true that you are currently in Yunyou.

In order to alleviate the burden of the wandering fleet, every Quilli must go out to travel until they bring back a piece of technical or data information that is helpful to the fleet.

It's just that his own Yunyou has changed a bit, from taking back to stealing.

Although the mission of this trip is over, Cat Eye does not want to go back to the dull and stagnant fleet, she still likes the vast world outside.

Passing through the port customs successfully, the eyes hidden under the protective mask glanced secretly at the female human form "Assistant Guide VI" beside the corridor.

The first time she came here, it was not a VI at all, but a deep hidden intelligent aI, and it is likely that the space station was fully connected to monitor everything.

When you come to the Central Square area, the commercial street here is already very prosperous, and people from all walks of life come and go, there is no good thing.

Cat's Eye is not interested in that chained bar and nightclub. She prefers to stand in the door of a restaurant called Northern Dumpling House on the next street, observe the large fish tanks on the wall of the store, and watch all kinds of unknown strange fish swim inside. Going to and fro, one was taken from time to time.

She knew that she was not welcome here, and the guests inside did not welcome herself.

The name protective clothing mouse is extremely insulting and discriminatory.

The port of Virtue is okay. Humans do not know the situation of the Quillians, so they treat themselves equally.

But it is estimated that it will change soon, after all, the influence of mainstream races will slowly change their thinking.

"Are you going to eat? Why not go in?" A voice came from behind, the cat's eyes turned around and saw a male human wearing a T-shirt, beach pants and flip-flops. She had always been very strange. Dress style.

"Ah ... I'm not ... I didn't ... I just passed by and took a look ... I'm leaving now." The Quillie girl immediately answered with a slight electronic sound.

Hu Feng heard that, he could not help but sigh.

This group of Quilles was really discriminated against by psychological shadows. The whole person was cautious, afraid of getting into trouble, and even daring to enter a public place like a restaurant.

But yes, once inside, there must be some sneering discrimination.

Hu Feng didn't speak for a while. After some investigations, Veronica locked the returning woman Quilli. Although the evidence is extremely insufficient, and there are many doubts and absence proofs, the biggest suspect is She is.

You still need to set the words.

But what does this group of Queri people look like? Boss Hu was extremely curious.

"Did you bring the money? It's okay, I invite you, let's go in."

Hu Feng didn't wait for the Quillie to answer, and took her into the store.

At the moment, there are not many empty seats in the dumpling restaurant. Everyone is happy to try this alien strange food, and the long menu directly confuses them.

Have you seen so many ways to eat? Five thousand years of food inheritance, none of you?

"Boss Hu, meet again."

"Boss Hu, we have brought in a batch of good goods. Will the Port of Virtue collect it?"

As soon as he entered, Hu Feng was incessantly greeting, and Hu Feng didn't hide his identity, so everyone knew that he was the highest commander of this space station.

What strength and dialogue is the same in the universe.

This advanced space station armed with human teeth, coupled with the giant fearless class warship docked at the port, is very high-end, and the society is extremely rowy.

For such a stubborn stubble, everyone naturally respects and communicates with each other equally ~ www.readwn.com ~ As for the Quilli beside Boss Hu, everyone naturally has another face.

Looking at Hu Feng's face, the customers in the store didn't say anything. If the Quillian walked in, he would be properly confused with the discriminatory language, and then drive her out.

Especially the Ashali people, the female race of all females, are even more unfriendly to the female Quiri.

The life of the Ashali people is more than two thousand years, and they are long-lived species. Therefore, they have seen the appearance of the Queri people. As the saying goes, the same **** repels, especially between beautiful and beautiful passages. The vocabulary of Ashali girls.

So don't underestimate the minds of female creatures, regardless of whether it is the earth or the universe.

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