Evil Break

Chapter 405: : Intrigue and Fleet Intelligence

Found a seat and sat down, Hu Feng began to carefully observe the movement of this woman, looking for any possible flaws.

Then boss Hu found out. . . There are flaws all over this horse, okay!

After sitting down, the Quill girl seemed to be uncomfortable, especially after the menu was taken, and she watched boss Hu's personally determined price, and kept rubbing her hands nervously.

Then he clumsily knocked over a bottle of Shanxi old vinegar on the table, and then hurriedly apologized.

Is she cat's eye? It is estimated that I have been arrested for a long time. Can this skill escape Veronica's close monitoring? Make trouble! Play it!

But if all of these are disguised appearances, then this Quillie girl is a bit interesting.

"You don't have to pay for it, just order it." No matter what you think in your heart, boss Hu still has a friendly smile on the surface.

Quilli girl just ordered a bowl of fish soup and a drink, which disappointed Hu Feng, who was preparing to observe how the Quiry people should eat. It seems that today I can only see the straw inserted into the protective mask.

"Why, are you guys in Quilly tight? No offense, just curiosity."

The girl nodded immediately, "Every quilling person in the cloud is tight, we need to pay for the energy consumption of the shuttle, the daily expenses, the maintenance of the protective clothing, and ..."

"Well, understand, don't need to continue to compare, in short, have to work hard and work hard, and live a hard life."

"Yes, and many places are reluctant to recruit Quillies to work, so we must calculate the backup emergency resources."

"Huh, who knows what is hiding behind your mask, maybe it's a bunch of artificial AI chips, and never trust the guy with the tail, boss Hu, you have to be careful." The Krogans at the table next door When I patted the table, I turned my head and said lowly.

Clogans resemble the old Russian Maozi on the earth. They are rude and irritable, and they always wield their big fists.

It's a pity that their females are not as beautiful as Mao Mei, and they look exactly like males.

"Thank you for reminding, but can you not overhear the conversations of others, and go to work as soon as you finish eating!" Hu Feng punched the Krogan with a punch, and they loved this rude and violent way of communication.

The Krogans made a wailing noise and knocked on their shoulders wearing red heavy armor.

"Your human strength is also good, why is this small body so powerful? Well ... I have a fish bone stuck in my mouth, so uncomfortable ... but these strange noodles taste good ..."

Mumbled, and stood up with his companions and walked out of the shop.

The group of violent Krogans from the Bloodbag Mercenary Corps accepted an official mission from the Port of Virtue. They will continue to wander around the distant galaxy. Once they find the Starship ’s spaceship, they will directly hit him. , And then towed the spaceship that could be captured back.

In return, Virtue Port will provide warship maintenance and replenishment, and you can also get a 20% discount when you buy things or buy real estate.

There is not much star currency in the hands of boss Hu. Before the earth human formally joined the Star Alliance, the currency on the earth could not be properly exchanged for foreign exchange.

Looked at the girl in front of him, carefully disinfecting a straw, and then inserted it into the circular opening of the mouth of the protective mask, and put the other end in the hot fish soup, which felt weird.

"Identity has been ascertained. Naomi Zola, the unemployed civilian of the Zorra, the sixth civilian fleet of the Quiley Wandering Fleet. He was an adult two years ago. He went out to travel without any criminal record. He has not brought back any end. Yunyou's information or technology, her identity is no problem. "

In the headphones, Veronica's voice came, Hu Feng listened quietly, and nodded slightly.

It is estimated that the information on the face of the investigation is that nothing can be found. If there is an official support from the Quilli behind the cat's eye, what identity do you want? It is not a word?

"Where are you going to the next stop?"

Quilli girl immediately put down the straw that was sucking fish soup.

"I plan to stay in Virtue for a while, try to find a job, refuel the shuttle, and then leave, I haven't figured out where to go next."

"Hey, to be curious, what is the state of our port of virtue, I think you know it very well, why should you come here?" Hu Feng looked puzzled.

"Our Yunyou should go to various places, even if it is a galaxy such as a distant edge, I think it should also be seen. These illegal mercenaries and smugglers are not seen elsewhere." It seems that Hu Feng did not What is malicious, so Naomi's words also increased.

"Um ... so, let's continue to eat, it is estimated that you usually don't eat anything nutritious." Hu Feng looked at the figure of the girl in front of Quiley, although it was barely protruding, but also Just barely, the chest and **** are not big.

"If you encounter anything, you can immediately go to the nearest law and order point. Our Virtue Port does not discriminate against the Quilli people, so you can rest assured here."

"Thank you, humanity should be a kind race." Quillie nodded to Hu Feng, who laughed a few times at once.

"It's just that our organization is relatively good. Humans are fierce, haha."

After eating, Naomi said goodbye to Hu Feng and went to the civilian residential area.

Watching this chick looking around, he was almost tripped halfway in the middle, and then bowed his head nervously to check his protective clothing. Hu Feng felt a little hurt.

Doesn't look like a cat's eye in any way. . .

Turned around and walked towards the nightclub in the central square, and suddenly the voice of the Quillie girl came from behind.

"What's wrong? Having trouble so soon?"

"No ... No, I suddenly thought that I just forgot to tell you something. It was news about the Star Alliance Fleet. Isn't Virtue Port collecting news about the Star Alliance?"

"Do you have any news about the Star Alliance Fleet? Tell me." Hu Feng looked at the girl in the protective suit in front of him.

"I passed the solar system when I first came and found that a fleet of sharp ships had reached their space station that was mysteriously attacked." Naomi said a little hurriedly.

Hu Feng nodded, "We already know this, isn't it in the news, and mercenaries and smugglers have also told us."

"But they will soon come to the distant galaxies for the next search and exploration, we Quillians ... well ... we are all proficient in electromechanics ~ www.readwn.com ~ so I eavesdropped on their Communication, and then found this information. "

This is new news. Hu Feng ended his short thoughts, smiled and nodded to the Quillie girl again, raised her arm, and used a small holographic computer to transfer a small amount of stars to her.

"Thanks, this is useful news, a little reward, take it and buy a nutritious tonic body to see if you are thin."

"No ... No, thank you ... I mean I just missed ... No, I can't ... Will this be a bit too much?"

Hu Feng laughed again, patting the shoulders of the girl whose language logic began to be confused.

"Now you can rent an apartment and settle down, don't tell me you usually sleep in a shuttle."

"I modified the seat of the shuttle, it's quite comfortable ... um, no, I mean I don't want to sleep on the shuttle ... no, um ... thank you ..."

Watching the Quill girl turn away in embarrassment, Hu Feng rolled his eyes.

This girl. . . Even if she is really cat's eye, it is estimated that she will not go down to kill her.

It seems that the aliens also have a magical girl who will naturally stay nervous.

But. . . If she is really cat's eye, why should she tell herself this information?

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