Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1055: Remote memory

At the beginning of chaos, the heavens and the earth did not open. After many years of change, chaos finally split into four, one in the east, one in the west, one in the south, and one in the north. They became the chaotic four gods of the future.

In the past few years, the chaos in the West has given birth to souls. These creatures born directly from chaos have a powerful power. From the appearance, to the reproduction, to the maturity, the soul gradually formed the first race in the realm of life. They call the power they have as divine power and name their race "creation of the Protoss." The world in which they live is named the Western Gods and is also the creation of the world.

After the Western chaos, the East Chaos and the North Chaos successively gave birth to the creatures. The first batch of creatures born by Chaos has a long life and a unique and powerful force. For example, the emergence of the creation of the Protoss to the general development process, the East Chaos world unified, the establishment of the wild gods, the northern chaotic world, the formation of the "destroyed protoss." Only the southern chaotic world has never seen the emergence of creatures.

The three protoss coexist with each other and do not interfere with each other. Ten thousand years later, the supreme lord of the creation of the Protoss, the King of Creation, took the first step in the exchange of the three gods. In the end, under the powerful power of the creation god, the **** of the gods, and the power of the gods, the separation was A space channel between the three major gods can be established. Opened the door to communication for the three protoss. Since then, the three Protoss are no longer a closed world.

However, if you give the creation king a chance to re-select, he may die, and there will be no connection to the three gods.

God is arrogant, and the exclusion and prejudice of foreigners is the innate nature of most people. The touch between different Protoss will eventually lead to frictions of greater or lesser, and small frictions will gradually accumulate, eventually forming contradictions, and contradictions will be sharp in accumulation, gradually becoming more and more deep grievances. At the same time, the moment when greed is born in the soul, it exists in its soul. Pride, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, gluttony, this is the seven original sins that the soul can never get rid of. Finally, a hundred years, a thousand years, a thousand years... all kinds of contradictions are getting more and more intense, and gradually become irreconcilable and tidy. At the same time, the desire to win the other side’s collar and become the only king of chaos is also in the heart of the king. Expanding in one year... This is almost the greed that every emperor will produce, even if it is God, it cannot be avoided.

Finally, a fuse led to the prelude to the war of the Protoss. The two sides of the war are the creation of the Protoss of the West and the wild gods of the East. At the time of the war between the East and the Protoss, the sharks that had always been low-key and peaceful did not have an unexpected choice to mediate... After they failed, they chose neutrality and silence, and did not have any involvement in the war between the East and the Protoss, or even a long time. There has been no communication with them.

The war between gods is terrible. On the day when this war really started, everyone knows that this is destined to be an extremely long war of God, because unless a party perishes or surrenders, it will be hard to stop. .

Unsurprisingly, this war lasted for tens of thousands of years... Even for the very long-lived gods, tens of thousands of years are not just a drop in the ocean.

The war between gods is terrible. Every war will lead to the eclipse of the heavens and the earth. It is also on the stage of this war, countless generations of the Protoss and the gods of the wild and geniuses appear and fall, countless gods have made the name of the ages because of this war. After the war of God lasted for 10,000 years, two handsome young heroes appeared in the sight of all God.

One is the daughter of the **** of the creation of the gods, whose name is Hesfield.

The creation king has only one woman in his life, and almost all his heart and hope have been poured into this only daughter. With the blood of the King of Creation, Hesfia showed an amazing talent at a very young age. When the daughter of the creation **** finally appeared on the battlefield, the power and wisdom she showed made the gods firmly remember her name. The original stalemate of the Protoss was finally broken because of her appearance. In that unprecedented war, she defeated the eight great gods of the Protoss with one person, and trembled the two worlds of the gods and creations. Her wisdom made the vast war completely toward her. In the direction of the director... In the end, the wild gods had the biggest defeat, they destroyed the space passage, and the wolf fled back to the wild gods. The creation of the Protoss will naturally not give up such an opportunity, pressing harder and harder... In the end, the gods and gods have to sacrifice their guardian artifacts and cast a huge space blockade to get a three-year breathing time...but only a short period of time Three years. Three years to God, just like a sand in the blink of an eye.

It was also the battle that made the name of Hesfiya, the daughter of the **** of creation, remembered by the protoss. The king of the world has no longer appeared, and Hesfia has deservedly become the supreme leader of the creation of the Protoss War Army. No one disagrees. After the creation of the King of God, she will undoubtedly become the next king of God... If everything goes on the way, it will be true.

In the handed down Protoss, Hesfiia is unattainable. She has the noble status of the next creation king, has a strong power close to the creation king... and her beauty transcends the cognition of beauty by the creation gods. Even with God's state of mind, when she sees her, she will lose her heart. The reason why the powerful eight great gods of the sacred gods defeated Hesfiya one hand is one of the reasons for her beauty... let the eight great gods Different levels of disappointment in the battle, even subconscious can not bear to shot.

Within the creation of the Protoss, no one can compare with Hesfield in the same age group. The creation of the Protoss is the first race of chaos, they have the qualifications and strength to overlook the world. But there is nothing to qualify for them to look up... and Hesfield, in the entire handed down Protoss, she is as dazzling as the most beautiful stars in the night sky, and people can only look at it.

The wild gods have been silent for three years, and eventually, the space blockade has disappeared. The long-awaited creation of the Protoss once again came under the city. This time, the princes of the wild gods are no longer the savage kings they are familiar with, and the king of the wild gods did not appear... The ones who led the army of the wild gods were actually young people who were young and arrogant.

The only son of the Emperor of the Wild God - the Son of the Wild God. Its name: late night.

This genius, which has been deliberately hidden by the wild gods, finally appeared in the sight of the Protoss. Back to the night as a child of the wild god, has a terrible talent, but he hates war and does not want to see any war-related pictures. In the battle of the eternal war, he did not set foot on one foot. This made the **** of the gods disappointing. Even the defeat of the wild gods three years ago still did not arouse his war. The reason why he appears, is only one person - Hesfield.

Because he is proud of him, he never wants to believe that there are people who are superior to him in the same age group. Hesfield provoked him not the heart of war, but the heart of victory. He wants to personally teach this woman who created the **** of the gods to be defeated by the legendary gods.

Therefore, the battle between the two Protoss three years later is destined to be the main character of the night and Hesfield.

Thus, in the vast space between the creation of the Protoss and the Wild Protoss, two large groups of Protoss stood in the distance, without any movement. In the middle, two young men and women who carried the blood of the King of Creation and the blood of the **** of the gods launched a fierce battle. The battle between them made the gods of the two Protoss dazzle between the souls and almost forgot the purpose of their standing there.

The battle between the two men lasted for seven days and seven nights. In the end, the two men did not win, and no one lost. They have always believed that they have no rivals among their peers. For the first time in their lives, they have encountered their peers who can compete with them.

That fight was their first time, but it wasn't the last time... it was just the beginning of their numerous fights.

At that time, they couldn't think of it at all. The fate of the two of them was destined to turn upside down when they touched each other's eyes.

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