Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1057: God of War

The Southern Chaos World is a mysterious world that can no longer be mysterious to the Three Protoss. The Three Protoss existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one has ever stepped into the area of ​​the Southern Realm. Nor has it sensed the existence of life from the South. In other words, the night has become the first person to come to the southern chaotic world. It turns out that this world is not without life.

The two creatures that existed in this world did not show any hostility to the night. As the first two creatures born in the Southern Chaos world, they have powerful powers that make night-time horror, but they are too simple and kind. The root does not know what is evil, what is war. The wounds on the night are cured by them. Since then, the night has spent almost all of its time exploring this mysterious Southern chaotic world, looking for ways to get out of here and return to the wilderness. In this process, the two creatures have always accompanied him, showing him an impurity-free affinity. After a long period of exploration, he was surprised to find that the entire southern chaotic world seems to have only the existence of these two creatures. At least he has not seen other creatures after searching for several years. In the past few years, he and the two creatures have long been intimate, and what surprised him even more... These two creatures have wonderful magical ability, often changing into two small ones, only five or six years old. The girl is playing around with him.

But, the entire South Gods, really only these two creatures?

The answer is no, but the night-time at that time did not know.

One day after ten years of exploration, he was suddenly stunned by a strange force he had never felt before, and then moved to the direction of the power as attracted by the magnet.

There, it is the center of the entire southern chaos.

In that place, I saw a colorful stone in the night. The power he felt was radiated from this colorful stone. The stones are colorful, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple...



The pale world disappeared, and the memory from the gates of destiny was interrupted when it came to the night to find the colorful stone. Ye Tianxie opened his eyes and looked at him. The door to fate has been closed, and the fragments of the second rock monument have shown a different light as the first one, proving that all the memories contained in it have been released. Ye Tianxie did not touch the fragments of the third rock monument with his hands as before, but stayed there for a long time...

Xuan Ling's fox...

Nightmare beast...

Colorful **** stone...

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple...

Is it coincidence... or...

Shaking his head, Ye Tianxie removed the distracting thoughts, calmed his breath, and touched the fragments of the third rock monument with his hands. Most of the inferences and conjectures now may be rumors, answers, subsequent developments and answers must be in the next three memory fragments.

"Oh... the power of engraving is not enough to open the fragments of the third memory."

The sound of the ear made Ye Tianxie’s action stop there. He frowned and pressed his hand to the fourth and fifth blocks. No accidents, he got the same “can’t open” Prompt tone.

"Engraving" is undoubtedly the moment of fate. In other words, the power of the moment of destiny is now only enough to open the fragments of two memories.

To make the power of destiny stronger, only to find the heart of heaven. This means that to open the remaining three pieces of memory, you must rely on the power of the heart.

The memory of the door of destiny made him feel like he was in a mythical world. The development of mythological stories has involved many secrets he wants to know, and he is looking forward to what is going to happen next. However, there was no ending, and it was suddenly interrupted. This made Ye Tianxie unable to tell the whole body.

"What happened behind, the mysterious fox, the colorful **** stone, the seven colors, is it..." Ye Tianxie whispered to himself, and his heart was full of words, but there was nothing to use. Confirm his conjecture. After a long time, he had to give up, take a step back, grasp the fate of the moment, and use a little force, suddenly, the fate engulfed by the gate of destiny was slowly withdrawn from it. When the fate of the moment was completely out of the door of destiny, the fragments of the original rock-studded rock monuments all lost their light, fell from the top, and were caught in the hands by Ye Tianxie.

The door to destiny became illusory, and then slowly disappeared in the dissipated white light, leaving no trace of it. Just like never appeared.

"Hey... Congratulations, you have completed three transfer of abyss-level trial missions to open the door to fate. Strength +20, physique +20, agility +20, spirit +20, lucky +5, charm +5, savvy +5 , can be transferred for the third time."

“Hey...you are the only person in Huaxia District who has passed the three-turn abyss trial. The system will issue a regional announcement to hide your name.”

"...Forget it, don't post it, the three-turn period has passed for a long time." Ye Tianxie waved his hand and said. Indeed, the three-turn era of Chinese players has been a short time. He is also not interested in letting the world's players know that he has passed the abyss trial until now.

The system did not refute, as he wished not to issue an announcement.

"Oh... you got a special item - the God of War badge."

When the tone of the ear fell, a palm-sized round badge slowly floated from the air and floated in front of his eyes. This badge presents a gorgeous gold color with no complicated lines on it, only two simple words engraved on the front and back - hero!

The color of the brave badge is dim copper. It is usually worn on the chest, and it won't even attract anyone's attention. The color of the hero badge is different from that of the brave, the color is brighter, and the others are exactly the same. They are all simple chapters, engraved with simple words. This badge, the shape and size of the brave badge, the hero badge, but its color, is a very noble and pure gold color.

God of War badge: the symbol of God of War, only the badges that have the power to overlook the world and pass the limit trials are eligible to be obtained and worn. Those who have obtained this badge have already qualified for the world. This is not only a symbol of identity and strength, but also seems to hide hidden secrets among the golden badges. . After wearing, the reputation is +10000. It is not tradeable, it cannot be dropped, it cannot be stolen, and it will disappear directly when discarded.

Additional Attributes: God of War: Increases reputation by 60% when you kill a high-level monster. Your mercenary or guild level is +1. When you leave a mercenary or guild, the additional level automatically disappears.

"Oh... you have both the Brave Badge, the Heroes' Badge, and the Ares Badge, and you can always enter the dangerous land that is lost in the center of the continent - the Tower of Destiny."

The door to fate was opened, and the three-turn trial that Ye Tianxie received at the beginning of his entanglement was completed. With the completion of this abyssal trial, the Ares badge appeared in front of him like the brave badge and hero badge he had already received, and he was held in his hand.

The brave is a brave man, the hero is the hero of the man, and the **** of war... is the **** of man! When this badge, which symbolizes strength and identity, is the most expensive badge lost in the mainland, Ye Tianxie truly realizes that he... a player from a different world who lost the continent, the strength is already Unconsciously, it reached the peak of humanity in this world.

Among the players, no one can fight with him, even if there is no power to attack him. A huge team of foreign players invaded, and at the moment of crisis, the situation was reversed by the appearance of one person. When the Mozu came back, and the lost city was in danger, it was also because of his appearance that the ghost kings were retired. Even destroyed the Luosha Ghost King. The nameless is strong, and the strongest purple sword **** and the ice fire **** in the lost city can't beat him. Today, he is also defeated by him.

It can be said that among the players, among the npc, no one is his opponent. This symbol of the highest strength of the God of War badge, he is well-deserved. At the time of reaching this level, Ye Tianxie was spared a while. This road is really unconscious. Perhaps all his encounters are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. And those, in fact, are not accidental. Some are inevitable, some are destined for life, and some are deliberately arranged.

"Oh, it disappeared... Master owner, did you see a lot of things inside, tell us!" Shouted fruit, his eyes flashing the eager light. To hear the memory described by the door of fate, only Ye Tianxie is a person, and the fruit and fruit are isolated from the white light, and can only be anxious in the face.

"Right right! There must be a very secret hidden in the door of destiny. Big brother tells us soon!" He also nodded and said, his face was the same desire. Women's curiosity is always quite huge, especially for girls of their age.

"This...the power of fate is not strong enough, so you can't fully see what's inside. If you want to fully understand the secret of the door to fate, you need to find the heart." Ye Tianxie pondered and said. I am not ready to tell the two girls about the memory fragments I have seen. After all, those things are really illusory. Even if he describes them in full, it is estimated that these two girls who are greedy and delicious will also be regarded as stories. listen.

"This way... Hey, that's it, Tianxin Tianxin... Where is it?" With such an answer, the two girls were disappointed and flattened, but they didn't ask. The mysterious door to destiny is that the idiot knows that there must be something hidden in the earth.

Hang the God of War badge on your chest, and then cover it a little dazzling light. After thinking for a while, he thought of a move and summoned the cockroach from the pet space.

What is the beast of the nightmare, he does not know.

But the mysterious fox mentioned in the memory fragment...

Reminiscent of the existence of 夭夭70 million years ago, and its name, its amazing ability and origin...

Is it just a coincidence on the name?

"Hey," Ye Tianxie came down and stared at the white snowy little mysterious fox, putting the moment of fate in front of him: "Have you seen it before meeting me?"

In the face of the sudden question of the owner, I showed a very clear doubt. After watching the fate of a moment, I shook my head.

"No?... um. Seventy years ago, you appeared on this continent... What happened before, including how you appeared, you all forgot, right?"

This time, I nodded very seriously.

Ye Tianxie smiled a little, picked up the cockroach, took back the fate of the moment, and said to the cockroach and the fruit: "Let's go, after we find the heart, let's go back here."

End of the eleventh volume]

The weather is good today~\\(≧▽≦)/~]

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