Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1184: Reaching the enchantment

"Oh... hurt, it’s still a little painful."

From time to time, Xiao Meng licks his own belly. Every time he walks a few steps, his thin eyebrows will be scorned. The tender face is already full of pain and full of grievances.

"Come, I will hold you, so that it won't hurt." Ye Tianxie stopped and held her up with her waist and jade stocks. Such a small body suffered so long, so intense. The collision, the eating is strange.

"Is it still painful?" This posture is like holding a daughter who has not grown up. In memory, he has never embraced Boa like this. Now, with his little dream on his way home, he is ready to introduce this girl to the people around him. However, according to her current situation, it is impossible to go out and play today.

Was picked up by Ye Tianxie, Xiaomeng did not resist and resist at all. It was natural to put the arm on the neck of Ye Tianxie, and put the whole face and his closeness, and closed his eyes: "... ... was held by the big brother, it was so comfortable. Although there is still a little bit of pain, it’s okay... Tian Qing big brother, when you are like me again, can you light it a little, it will hurt. ""

"...well." Ye Tianxie’s mouth twitched slightly, this little girl was still thinking about the next time.

"Hey, big brother is the best. Although it will have a little bit of pain, but it is also very comfortable! I have never been so comfortable, God, big brother, we often play games like this in the future. But, to be light A little bit... remember."

Ye Tianxie:..................

Stepping into the house, the big yard let Xiaomeng exclaimed: "Wow! Just like my sister said, it’s really beautiful, is this the big brother’s home?"

"Yes, in the future, it is also the home of Xiaomeng." Ye Tianxie said with a smile: "Which room can you choose for a small dream? You can pick it yourself."

"Oh... I want the big brother's room, and my big brother, oh!"

When Su Feifei and Chen Xue saw the little dream, they all showed the astonished look of Ye Tianxie when he first saw the little dream. Because her appearance and voice are very similar to Boa, at first glance, it is a slightly smaller version of Boa.

"She is a little dream. She is a child who dreams of dreaming five days ago. I don't remember the previous things. I want to keep her at home and take care of her." Putting Xiao Meng down from his arms, he is facing Feifei. They explained.

If you bring back another girl, Sophie will definitely ask the bottom, but look at the girl's face and listen to her voice... For this reason, they don't need to ask. At the same time, they will not have any rejection of this girl. At first glance, she saw the shadow of Boa in her body, as if she saw the treasure that had already left appearing again... Five sentimental, five-pointed, they all smiled at the girl.

"It turns out that you are a little dream. It’s a beautiful girl. I will live here later. We will take good care of the little dreams... Yes, my name is Feifei, and my dream is to call my sister." Sufifi leaned down Said to this girl and Hee.

"My name is Chen Xue, my brother's sister... We will be good friends."

Xiaomeng usually follows the flowers and dreams, almost no contact with any outsiders. At this time, facing so many new sisters below, she is a little bit nervous, but fortunately her character is lively, and she is only timid. For a little while, her eyebrows bent and smiled at them: "My name is Xiaomeng, my sister is good... my sister didn't lie to me at all, there are many beautiful sisters in the home of the big brother."

"Brother, you are back!"

Star Glass ran out of the hall. After returning, she seemed to have forgotten her identity as a demon, and turned herself into a carefree little star. She heard the voice of Ye Tianxie coming back. She was as excited as before. Run out to meet him, want to plunge into her arms.

"Star Glass." Ye Tianxie smiled and screamed. However, just as the star glass was approaching, when she was about to hit him, her footsteps suddenly stopped... Because she saw a little dream, her eyes were instantly fixed on her body, and she did not remove it for a long time. The amethyst suddenly releases a faint purple glow.

Ye Tianxie is amazed.

Star Glass and Star Baoer are the most intimate in peace. Boa’s disappearance, Star Glass is as painful as him, and suddenly sees a girl like Boa. Her reaction is completely normal... But, Ye Tianxie From her body, what she felt was actually - murderous!

Xiaomeng did not find any abnormality. She stared at the starry glass that came to her. She smiled and shook her hand: "Miss sister, hello, my name is Xiaomeng... wow! Miss sister, your clothes are beautiful, yes. Is it made of crystal?"

Star Glass did not speak, still staring at her... Her strangeness also made Feifei look at the starry glass with amazement. For a while, the star glass returned to normal, and the corner of the mouth showed some stiff smile: "My name is Star Glass."

"Star glass, what's wrong with you? Did you find anything?" Ye Tianxie lowered his head and said to the star in a secret language.

"She has something... I have a breath that I hate." This is the answer from Star Glass.

"A very annoying breath?" Ye Tianxie was amazed.

"Well... I obviously didn't see her, but there is a feeling that I hate it very much. Let me, let me seem to kill her. I... I don't know why." Said, she did not want to lie to her brother, when she said these words, she worried that Ye Tianxie would not be very angry.

Ye Tianxie was silent, then shook her head at her smile and shook her head: "It should be an illusion. Stars, don't you think she is like Boa? Think of her as a treasure, then you will like it like Boa. she was."

"Well!" Star Glass promised to nod, trying not to think about the feeling before.

However, Ye Tianxie did not reconcile this matter, and there would be no reason for any abnormal things.


They handed the little dream to Sufifi, and Ye Tianxie came to a quiet place and used the idea to call ProLogis.

"Pros, the girl I brought back, did you see it?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"I saw... a very strange girl. Master of the evil spirits, I know that you want to get her origins from me, but unfortunately, I don't know anything about her."

"You don't even know?" Ye Tianxin frowned.

"There are so many things I don't know in this world. I have tried to find her origins before, but I have nothing to gain. I can only be sure that she does not belong to this world, but that she lost in five days. The mainland, where was it before, completely unaware."

Ye Tianxie thought for a while and said: "Her situation is similar to Star Glass."

"Is it similar to her?" The words of Ye Tianxie clearly surprised ProLogis.

"Yes, you don't have any memories of the past like Star Glass, and her life expectancy has exceeded at least 10,000 years." Ye Tianxie did not conceal, he told Proos that he knew the little dreams. . He has enough trust in his ability to pray for dreams.

"What?" ProLogis looked surprised. His last sentence made Ye Tianxian completely mindful: "There is no memory, more than a million years of life or a girl form... Is it also... God?"

"You mean?"

"This star of Xi Yao is the forbidden place of God... The master of the evil spirit, you know why this is the forbidden place of God?" Pross said.

Ye Tianxie thought a little and said: "In the past, the two Protoss were destroyed, and the chaos of a Protoss was happening on the Star of Xi Yao. Because of the tragedy of the year, the Protoss was forbidden to step into this night. The world of Hesfield... It should be for this reason."

Proos's voice quickly came: "The Star of Xi Yao is a place that God does not want to remember and mention. What you said is indeed one of the reasons. In addition, there is a bigger reason... That is, the surface of this glory star has an invisible enchantment dedicated to 'God'."

"The enchantment?" Ye Tianxie was amazed.

"In the original war of God, because the pity of the star of Xi Yao was created by the night and Hesfiah, when the wild gods and the creation of the Protoss fought, they would deliberately control the power to avoid destroying the planet, but the power of God is too strong. Even so, although the star of Xi Yao has not been destroyed, it is still completely destroyed. Later, when the soul dissipated, the master of the night gave me some of the power, and the rest of the power, in this star of the glory The surface, built into an enchantment that never disappears. An enchantment dedicated to the 'God'. He is created with the hostess, just like their children, and has their countless memories. Even if he perishes, he does not want to see the destruction of the star of Xi Yao. Therefore, he hopes that with this enchantment, the **** who has the ability to destroy the star of Xi Yao can no longer set foot."

"This enchantment can stop God's entry?" Ye Tianxie frowned. However, if it can block the entry of God, what is the story of Star Glass? ProLogis does not mean that she belongs to the shattered Protoss who have perished.

"No, the role of this enchantment is not to stop, but to suppress... an extremely cruel suppression. A **** passes through this enchantment, if his power is not stronger than the power of the original occupant when setting the enchantment, he The divine power, as well as his memory, will be suppressed by death. The direct consequence is that the memory is completely lost, and the power is lost or lost a lot. However, if the **** is strong enough, the powerful transcends the original. When the master of the night sets the power of the enchantment, then this enchantment can't affect him. When the master of the night sets the enchantment, his power has dissipated a lot, which is different from the state of prosperity. But he is the original. The strongest god, the enchantment set by his state, is still the courage of those gods. Therefore, the star of Xi Yao has become a forbidden place where the gods can't set foot, and the star of Xi Yao is also enchanted. Under the protection of the shelter, quiet growth, development."

Suppress memory and divine power! ?

Star Glass doesn't have any memories of the past. When she first came to the world, she had a very strong power, but she was very different from the state of full recovery now... If she is really God, her situation, and Pross The description is exactly the same.

Then a little dream... From the sky, there is no memory, no power, but the life of the gods.

Is it... she is also a god! ? The enchanted **** who suppressed the memory and divine power! ?

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