Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1185: Interlaced between two worlds

Ye Tianxie took the small star glass in one hand and took a small dream in one hand, walking around the commercial street in the lost city. Xiaomeng wants to see the whole lost city today, and of course he has to satisfy her little wish. Since he became "famous", he has not been so leisurely strolling in the lost city like this for a long time, because a little carelessness will lead to a large-scale onlookers.

The reconstruction of the lost city did not affect the city's lively prosperity. The entire commercial street is still crowded with people and the atmosphere is very warm. Ye Tianxie is a gorgeous blue dress, and the mask on his face is also blue. Chen Xin's sewing technique has faintly changed the trend of the highest sewing master beyond the lost city. Together with the best materials from Ye Tianxie, the decorative equipment she produced is not gorgeous. All the decorative equipments of Ye Tianxie are from the hands of Chen Xin, calm, unrestrained, heavy, lively, elegant... all kinds of styles. Of course, Xiao Xingli was also covered, wearing a purple long skirt, and the skirt was straight without ankle. Although there is a layer of amethyst clothing, but because her body is petite, because it does not appear bloated or uncoordinated, it gives her a kind of ethereal and dusty feeling, wearing a long hat on her head. The purple sun hat, covering the upper half of the face with amethyst... she is not sure to be recognized, otherwise the sensation caused is absolutely explosive. Since the stop of the lost city in the previous period, everyone who has lost the continent has already known the appearance of this demon. Huaixiu]

"Brother, go there and play!"

"The old grandfather's beard is so long! It's longer than my hair, so it's fun!"

"Wow! What is that big thing? Is it the Ferris wheel that Chen Xue’s sister said?"

"Brother, that thing looks so cute, I want it."

"Brother, there is a very beautiful sister there, let's go in and see it?"

"Brother, what is the name of the animal with red wings and wings? It’s so long!"

"The smell of good fragrance, my brother, I want to eat that..."

"Brother, are you holding me for a while?"





Women are born shopaholics, even if the little dream is just a girl, it has already reflected the characteristics of this woman. Of course, she has never been taken out of her dreams before, so it’s one of the important reasons.

I turned the shops on the commercial street all over the place, and went to the playground for an afternoon. All the way was full of happy laughter, just like a bird out of the cage, for her, everything It’s all so fresh and fun. Yesterday, I was tossed by Ye Tianxie for so long. Even if I had a day off, it would be weak. But this whole day, she was all excited. Even Ye Tianxie began to have some troubles, but she was like At the beginning of the run, I couldn’t see the slightest exhaustion, so that Ye Tianxie had to scream that women’s talents in this respect could not be judged by common sense. Now, the grown-up has gotten.

In contrast, Star Glass is much quieter, always following Ye Tianxie's side, not leaving him more than three steps away. Her attention is mainly concentrated on Ye Tianxie. Nowadays, facing this so cute and lively, long, little dream like Boa, she has no murderousness when she saw it yesterday. Even the subconscious hostility is very small. Maybe in two days, she will be completely Accept the little dream. Although quiet, but seeing beautiful things, she will also have twinkling stars. When she likes it, she will also gently pull the corner of Ye Tianxie and let him buy it for himself.

From the lost city to the Tianchen City, this day, Ye Tianxie spent the small dream and the star glass. Fortunately, he and Star Glass were not recognized in the day.

In the evening, at the time of returning to Tianchen City, passing the identification shop of Tianchen City Commercial Street. The appraisers of the appraisal shop are full of hordes of appraisers, every day, and from time to time there will be disputes of big or small because of the position of the robbing. When there are players standing in front of the appraisal shop, these appraisers will Going to grab the business. This is the same in any city before the appraisal. The competition in life profession is also huge, and the appraisers industry is particularly prominent. The biggest advantage of the appraiser profession is that it does not require any success. Once it receives business, it is pure income, and there will be no loss, especially in the later period. With the improvement of equipment grade and grade, the appraisal cost is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, although the appraisers industry is highly competitive, there are not a few players selected.

Ye Tianxie couldn’t help but stopped and looked at the long-lost Tianchen City appraisal shop. Of course he would not forget that he was here, he met Chen Xin and was convinced by her temperament. Her own method helped her until the intersection became deeper and deeper. Finally, she appeared in his life and became a part of his life... with her, and her sister, Chen Xue. If there was no encounter here, there would be no Chen Xin and Chen Xue in his life. If they did not meet themselves, the fate of these two sisters would have to suffer too much... Chen Xue will die, And Chen Xin...

Some encounters are really destined. He and Feifei, and the broken army, they are so... and Chen Xin, why not?

Not long ago, she and her promised to take her to complete a thing that should have been completed... It should be time, after the debates of the countries, it is time to go home.

"Brother, what are you looking at? Is there something fun there?" Xiaomeng stretched out his hand and shook his pair of sluggish pairs.

Ye Tianxie smiled slightly and replied: "No, I remembered some previous things. Star glass, Xiaomeng, tomorrow will take you to Tianricheng and Tianxuan City to play... Today is a little late, I will not go first. Little dream, what else do you want to go to?"

"Let me think about it... Hey, I haven’t played enough yet, I really want to have my brother playing with me every day. It’s really fun, I’ve never been so happy.” Xiaomeng’s hands holding Ye Tianxie’s Only the arm and the whole body are leaning against him. Today, whether she is calling or behaving, she is much more intimate than yesterday, and his feelings are heating up quickly. "Right, my sister and I said that in the south of the lost city, there is a big plain. There is boundless green, there are many cute little animals, and the most refreshing wind. Let’s go there and play well. Ok? Hey... I’m tired of it, just go there and take a break, okay?”

"Well, okay." Ye Tianxie certainly won't refuse. He took the hands of the two girls and thought about it. He took out the empty rock and sent it to the windy town where he often went.

The secluded green grass and the soothing breeze really make Xiaomeng deeply like it. She learns the appearance of Ye Tianxie lying on the grass, and then unknowingly closes to his body, close to his body. Close your eyes and enjoy the softness of the grass and the freshness of the air. Star Glass put away the purple dress on the body and sat by Ye Tianxie. There are very few players or residents in this place, so there is no need to worry too much about being discovered.

"Star glass, tired?" Ye Tianxie said with a half-closed eyes. The girl who should feel the most tired of the three is the most spiritual, but he is already tired enough. If he lie down, he will not want to get up.

"Not tired." Star glass gently shook his head, with the physique of her goddess, will feel tired after work.

“Would you like to think about the mainland of Devil God?” Ye Tianxie said.

Star Glass still shook his head and smiled at him with a very shallow smile: "There is no need for me to worry about the Devil's mainland. Their biggest difficulties have been solved, and nothing can hurt them. I just want to stay with my brother. Others, don't want anything."

Ye Tianxie looked at her quietly for a while, and suddenly smiled: "Star Glass, remember the past... At that time, you were like a kitten, and you will be afraid to hide when you meet someone. Behind me, because it is difficult to say the complete words, I was especially whispered when I spoke. Although I wanted to eat when I was eating, I was afraid of a big voice, so I was very slow and very careful. When I always hold my hand tightly, I am afraid that I will run away. If I don’t see me on that day, I will secretly cry... The starry glass at that time, no matter who saw it, would like to hold it in my arms. However, no one would have thought that my star glass turned out to be such a powerful person... It was the demon of the demon **** continent. It was almost a person who ruined the lost continent and was more powerful than anyone in this world. Thinking about it now, I still feel incredible."

Thinking of her weak and weak appearance, the face of the star glass reflected a slight pink color. She put her little hand on the palm of Ye Tianxie and whispered softly: "Is that brother like the current star glass, or Past star glass?"

"Haha, of course, I like the star glass, whether it is the past or the present, as long as it is the star glass, it is my favorite." Ye Tianxie smiled and replied.

Star Glass also laughed, and the smile was extraordinarily sweet... She prefers her current state. Now she has complete language skills, can fully express her heart to him, and has strong power to protect him. The people around you can do a lot of things for him, no longer become his drag...

Suddenly, without warning, the smile of Star Glass suddenly became stiff. She looked at Ye Tianxie’s eyes and turned to look at the East.

Her sudden change made Ye Tianxie squat, sitting up from the ground, whispering: "Star glass, is this?"

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