Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 142: Shield breaks thousands of troops, Qiu Shui Yi people

"Hey," Sufifi said, "Hey, there are girls who claim to be swearing, and the Iraqi sister, are you... ah?" Sufifi seems to suddenly think of something, his voice, his expression is suddenly on his knees. There... Murong Qiu Shui... Murong Qiu Shui... a familiar name...

"Ah!! You... you are Murong Qiu Shui, that is... that..." Sophie Fei took a step back and stood next to the eccentric Ye Tianxie, stuttering and saying: "You are... male !"

"Bingo! Right, beautiful lady, you not only have the beauty and voice of angels, but also the spirit and wisdom of angels." Murong Qiu Shui made a standard gentleman's etiquette, the charming smile on his face like a spring bloom, and then Dotted on the peach blossom eyes that flow in the autumn wave... It’s so beautiful!

Murong Qiu Shui, this name does not know many people, because this name will only be circulated in the most high-class, the highest class. And those who know that Murong Qiufeng really comes to the head will definitely know the name of a taboo - the sanctuary!

The time of the establishment of the Sanctuary is unrecognizable. It is all about the various abilities that appear in the Huaxia country. Whether it is congenital or acquired, as long as it is discovered by the Sanctuary, it will find ways to incorporate it into the sanctuary. As a person with the "super power" in the eyes of ordinary people, the number of such abilities is too small. Throughout the whole of China, the number of people who can have abilities is only about 100, which is less than one ten-thousandth of the population of China. . At the same time, as a superhuman existence, the number of their existence can not be too much, otherwise it will break the balance of people's daily life.

On the one hand, the existence of the sanctuary is to maintain the balance by bringing together the abilities. On the other hand, it is also to concentrate the strength of these people and build a super-defense force that is not known to ordinary people. To maintain the highest regime in China - that is, the stability of the left home. In other words, the sanctuary is the guardian of the left family and the strongest guardian of China.

The Sanctuary also has its opponent, a very strong opponent - the Ronaldinho.

The purpose of the existence of the Ronaldinho is completely opposite to that of the sanctuary. It only destroys the left family and disrupts the Chinese regime. The true origins and founders of the Ronaldinho have not been known until now, but it is convinced that there are both the faces of the East and the faces of the Westerners. In the Temple of the Devil, all of them are the ones who are extremely difficult to appear. The Sanctuary and the Ronaldinho have been fighting for several times in the past few years, until the confrontation between them finally came to a close five years ago... The fierce battle that was not known to the common people five years ago, more than half of the people in the sanctuary died. However, the Temple of the Ronaldo has never been seen since, and it has not appeared yet. I don’t know if it was completely destroyed, or it’s hiding and recuperating. There is very little people who know the detachment of the power at the human level, and even if they know, they will not dare to say it. If they say it, no one will believe it... and as for the process, except for the real participation. No one knows, and no news has flowed out. The people who participated in the Sanctuary of the World War I were all kept secret, as if it was an invisible taboo topic.

Today, the name of the sanctuary is called Murong, and there is a son named Murong Qiu Shui. Before Murong Qiushui thirteen, everyone thought he was a girl, and even he played with him from childhood to big left-handed army and always thought he was a woman... Perhaps even he himself thought so. After the age of thirteen, the news that he was a male was passed down, but what he usually showed was still exactly the same as a normal woman. So the first time I saw him, he would not hesitate to think that he was a woman. And when he knows that his gender is male...the psychological gap is enough to make them linger in the night, especially at the first sight of a man who has a sense of horror and has thoughts and even love at first sight...

He is like a enchanting one. Although he has not done anything, the man who is the scourge is much more and more cruel than the demon enchantress.

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes, nose, lips, ears... Every part of the face is more delicate than a woman, even the body is so soft that the woman is jealous... What makes people vomit blood is that his eyes and looks do not need to be deliberate. It can release a kind of flattering that makes a man feel uneasy... and aside from this, his conversation is more unique, and people are always speechless or even chilly. However, if you judge from his appearance that this is a woman who is still a woman than a woman, and who is contemptuous and harmless, it is a big mistake. This is also a man who can't help. One of his taboos is the name someone else calls him.

On the aristocratic banquet three years ago, Guo’s second son laughed at the other people’s demon through the wine. The former Murong Qiu Shui was discolored. At that moment, the whole hall suddenly turned into a cold winter from the summer, cold let The heart is full of people, and the lively hall is as silent as the ice, and Murong Qiu Shui is so in front of countless dignitaries, in the face of Guo’s two parents, more beautiful than a woman’s hand. The hand, in three seconds, tore him to a dozen pieces with a special ability, and then took out the gun he carried with him, leaving a bullet on each of his residual limbs. Every shot sounds like a shot in the hearts of everyone present. Finally, with a light and cruel smile, he slowly walked away, leaving a **** flesh and blood...

At that moment, they knew what the devil was...

It was also from that day that, except for a very limited number of people, no one dared to call others demon... The only son of the Lord of the Sanctuary was a mortal. He is also a terrible actor.

Therefore, when Sufifi knew that this person in front of him was actually an elegant demon like a woman, it was inevitable to give birth to shock and fear. Shocked... he is really like a woman. I used to hear people say that she still doesn't think so. I think that at most, the sissy is heavier and the appearance is more like it... I never thought that it was like this level, fear, naturally because it was hard to hear what he did. What it bears.

"Second brother, I didn't expect that there was another beautiful, elegant and intelligent angel on your side. This is nothing more than a wonderful thing. I don't know what the big sister knows..."

"Good autumn water," Ye Tianxie scalp slightly numb, interrupted Murong Qiu Shui, I do not know why, he now dare not hear the word "big sister." At the moment, I randomly found a topic and said: "Autumn, do you choose an archer?"

Murong Qiu Shui's eyes are burning, and there seems to be water waves in the eyes: "Second brother, you finally look away from the dead fat man who blocks the line of sight, remembering the poor person who is willing to die with you, 唉Life is bitter and bitter. It’s been a long time since I haven’t sighed with my second brother to breathe the cool night wind...”

Ye Tianxie, Zuo Bianjun, Su Feifei all have a black line.

A steel-colored bow was held by his hand, and he swayed and said: "This bow is my answer."

"Second brother, this is a white question. This time, the dead man will only choose the archer. If you don't choose the archer, it will be strange." The left-handed army snorted and said.

Dead demon! ? Sophie’s nerves jumped, in the rumor about Murong Qiu Shui, but anyone who dares to call her dead demon will...

"A hundred steps away from taking life, watching the elegant blood blossoms in the distance, the world can no longer find anything more beautiful than this." Murong Qiu Shui will withdraw the bow, laughing naturally. There is no over-exciting reaction to the name of the left-wing army "dead slut". Sufi Philippine is surprised to see if the rumors are fake, or ... they can be intimate with no concern.

Zuo Bianjun directly ignored Murong Qiu Shui, organized the language, and some carefully said to Ye Tianxie: "Second brother, what is the situation of the person called evil heaven, do you know? Although this person makes me very unhappy, actually can Riding on the second brother, but I have to say that this must be a very strong person, maybe it will be the second brother you have always been the biggest opponent. He is the first thing in the high-ranking leaderboard and the prestige leaderboard, but at the beginning He actually passed the abyss trial alone... I and the demon slayer have also passed the abyss trial, and the best time for two people has reached the third level. He is alone..."

Two people went to the third level of the abyss trial, and if they were heard by other players, they would be shocked.

Sophie’s face showed a weird expression. She tempted and asked: “Hey? You don’t know... Heaven is evil.”

"Hey?" Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui are also dumbfounded.

Ye Tianxie shrugged his shoulders and publicized his name. Suddenly, two clear characters appeared on his head - evil days.

"Now, I am called evil."

"This... Hey, hahahaha, the original evil day turned out to be the second brother. I said how the second brother might be crushed by others. I said how someone might be better than the second brother. You are really good. If you change your name, don’t tell us earlier, we’re suspicious, even my dad is trying to find out who the real identity of evil days is. If he knows what you are...” Then relieved and laughed. The name of Tian Moxie was actually pressed underneath, which really made him very angry. He can be suppressed, but Ye Tianxie is never allowed to be suppressed.

Murong Qiu Shui is a brow, and a trace of cold flashes in the eyelids: "Since the second brother is evil, then the current Tian Moxie... Who is it??"

The laughter of Zuo Bianjun stopped, squatting there... Yes, since he has changed his name to evil days, now Tian Moxie, the second highest level of the rankings is Momo...

"A person who is looking for a dead." Ye Tianxie disdainfully smiled.

And his answer, so that the surrounding air suddenly suddenly cooled, cold so that Sophie could not help but shudder. The horrible icy breath did not come from Ye Tianxie, but from the left-handed army and Murong Qiu Shui in front of her eyes. Their expressions are silent at the same time, gloomy and terrible.

"There is a dare to grab the name that belongs to only the second brother. It is indeed a person who is looking for death." The left-handed army sighed softly and snarled.

"Oh, why are there some poor creatures in the world who are struggling to pounce on the abyss, don't they know that when they make the wrong choice, the devil is already beckoning to them... vomit! Pray a lot, pray You can be exposed to our eyes later, don't regret coming to this world too early."

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