Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 143: 倾城妖姬柳柒月


Sufifi once again fought a chill, and the coldness of her spread from the heart made her unable to help herself approach Ye Tianxie. Because no matter what the gas field they made, or what they said, she heard a cruel and cruel taste.

Just because someone else has taken the name of Ye Tianxie.

Tian Moxie... The first of the three major online games in China, the person who claims to be "unbeaten evil king" is actually a **** of evil!

"Well, you don't need to be angry. It's good. It exists in another name. It feels pretty good." Ye Tianxie smiled casually.

Pressing the suffocating in my heart, Zuo Bianjun said with a smile: "Oh, too. I didn't expect that the fake boss actually had two brushes, but he could rush to the second place in the rankings. Maybe this person can bring us It’s a lot of fun.” He paused and suddenly looked at Sophie’s eyes with the light of his eyes, then pressed the voice and asked carefully: “Two brothers, ask you something... you, you Did you contact the big sister for a while... She seems to already know you and Miss Su... coughing and cohabitation."

"Cohabitation? Hey! Don't talk nonsense, we are just...just...the evil spirits are just protecting me, we live together, and we don't... don't sleep together, don't talk nonsense!" Sophie Phillips step forward, angry Retorted. The pink marks on the face are obvious and can no longer be obvious.

"Yes, I know." The left-handed army was sweating. In fact, Sophie’s reason for staying in Ye Tian’s family has been checked, including the annual trade of 300 million Huaxia coins. But after all, it’s the same time that men and women live together, and Ye Tianxie never let people set foot on his house. This time, Sophie’s life is allowed to live in his house, and then look at the fools they have been showing before. Look at the relatives' attitudes, will they really be between...

Ye Tianxie gave a sigh of relief and asked: "Break the army, what happened to her older sister, how are you? I haven't seen her for a long time, I wonder if she will blame me."

"Big sister, she..."

"Hey! God of the evil spirits, you still have a conscience, but I still remember asking my sister, not so long, my sister is worried about your stomach, and hurts."

When the sound is transmitted into the ear, it is like warm spring and wind. It is soft and fascinating. It brings up the shackles of the sea of ​​hearts. When you hear this sound, the three men reveal different expressions, and then they look at the sound. direction……

A simple, plain-clothed woman walks slowly, with a chuckle, stepping on the clouds. When she was near, a stunning look that was enough to pour the world appeared in front of her eyes. This stunning flower is beautiful and glamorous. Whoever sees this face for the first time is worthy of the "God of the Country" will be lost in a moment, suspected in a dream.

Long hair is like a waterfall, snow skin is like fat, and the corner of the mouth evokes an elegant smile. The curved moon eyebrows and phoenix eyes evoke the boundless charm. The slightly pink lips are like fresh petals, making people only It is a glance at the heart, and the desire is like a tide... It’s really exquisite everywhere, it’s the most perfect masterpiece of God! It is as charming as a fairy, dreamy and mysterious, and the beauty is enough to make every man in the world crazy.

The simple novice smock is slightly firmer on her body, and it is tightly attached to her proud chest and buttocks. The crispy chest and hips are all out, and a simple ribbon on the waist is gently spliced. Out of the slender waist, like a willow, the **** body of the body is exposed, showing an absolutely perfect shape... This is a woman with a stunning figure. When she sees her, she will know what is true. The fat of the breast | hip, what is the devil figure. The chest is huge, and the clothes on the chest are raised high. The degree of propulsion is worrying that the clothes will pop up at any time. The hips are round and round, and the waist is so slender. Under the match, there is no slight dissonance. Instead, it releases a terrible temptation that is tempting.

As she walked slowly, the rich and delicate curves of the delicate body floated, making the originally incomparable curve even more thrilling...

Fairy... This is a fairy-like woman.

When a woman with a very good looks and a good figure sees a woman who is more beautiful and taller than her, her first reaction will be...

When Sophie Fei saw her first sight, she secretly compared herself to her... Even if she didn’t want to admit it, she had to admit... In the face of this fair-faced woman, she was defeated... even Her usual proud chest was eclipsed by her turbulent waves that couldn't be seen. She sneaked up her chest and tried to make her look taller. How could she lose to another woman in front of a man she likes.

And when her face became clear in sight, she bowed and immediately thought of a person's name... a name that surprised her again.

"Hey... Big sister, you are coming." This is the wind and rain in the city of Jinghua, and the whole family of Beijing, who is shaking and shaking, is showing a near-pleasant attitude in front of this woman. I don’t know because it’s too Respect her, still too afraid of her, or both. Murong Qiu Shui's eyes waved, and there was a sigh of praise in his mouth: "Big sister, I haven't seen it for a few days. Your brilliance is still more dazzling than the sun in the sky. Even the clothes that are rough and rude can't cover your shining glory... ”

The woman smiled and smiled, the squirting of the smile, the white and plump chest could not shake, twitching a seductive milk|wave, and the small waist with both sturdy and firm elasticity twisted into a seductive curve of softness and slenderness Her gaze passed through Zuo Bianjun and Murong Qiu Shui, and she was set on Ye Tianxie, and her gaze, but the demeanour released by her smile, made him feel turbulent inside, even had a kind of The urge to turn around and escape... But in the end, I went forward and said: "Big sister, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The woman put her hand on her face, rubbing it up and down, and self-pity: "I don't know if I haven't seen it for a long time, so I don't want to see me, my sister is so annoying?"

How did her voice sound, with a little girl spoiled. This vague feeling suddenly made Sophie's body uncomfortable and sour, and what she had to be surprised was that with the temperament of Ye Tianxie, she just called her a big sister.


"Not the big sister, the temper of the second brother, you always know, how can he hate you." Zuo Bianjun quickly stepped forward to defend Ye Tianxie,

Murong Qiu Shui glanced at the big sister, and then looked at Sufi Fei, who was in a state of tension. Finally, she sneaked at Ye Tianxie and turned around. He said: "In a time that shouldn’t be, no place, Two people who shouldn’t meet each other met. Could it be that this is the most ferocious in the world... Is it a peach robber?”

Ye Tianxie, Zuo Bianjun, Murong Qiushui, and the people they called "big sister." Four years ago, they were certified as brothers and sisters under the moon. The eldest sister is the biggest, Ye Tianxie is the second, and the left is the third child. In that year, only the fifteen-year-old Murong Qiufeng was the oldest. The reason why Big Sister can become their big sister is not only her oldest age, but also five years ago, five years ago, the most important thing is that she can easily admire the temperament, so that these three are extremely proud. The man willingly call her a big sister.

These years of getting along know each other, there are very few people who are more familiar with them than they are, and today, her voice may be intentional, perhaps just inadvertently, showing obvious grievances and blameless blame. The reason why she has never had such an emotion is that she may only be because of Su Feifei around Ye Tianxie... The specific reasons are more complicated.

"You... is it a surname?" Sophie Fei made a voice at this moment, looking at her with a surprised look.

The woman’s eyes waved and smiled lightly: “I heard the beautiful and unparalleled sister of Su’s family very early, and it’s really worthy of my name... I’m older than you are, I’m calling you a Fifi sister... Sister, indeed. It’s surnamed Liu."

"You are really a fairy of the Liu family... Liu Yuyue!" Sophie was beautiful, and the small hand subconsciously held his lips, lest he was too excited to shout out a louder voice.

Liu Jiashen Fairy... In Jinghua City, almost no one does not know these five words. No one does not know the red-faced waters explained by these five words... Men’s dreams are longing for women’s dreams – Liu Yuyue. A fairy who is confessed to being a woman who is not like a mortal woman, a peerless enchantress that allows countless people to cross the miles to see a true face, a sinister disaster that has made China’s emperor and the Son of God fight for many years.

Sophie Fei heard her name a long time ago. The name of Liu Yuyue has been resounding in Beijing eight years ago. With her maturity from maturity to maturity, her style has made her charm more than a day, and she has never been a day. A woman, by appearance alone, caused such a huge sensation.

If such a woman is born in an ordinary family, she will be tempted by successive human appearances. However, her family life, but people can not give birth to her courage and misery. Her father, Liu Qianxi, the second head of Huaxia State, has a huge military power in the palm of his hand. Her mother, Zuo Chuanrong, the sister of Zuo Zhenhua, the highest head of China, is the aunt and aunt of Zuo Bianjun, the seventh head of Huaxia, who controls the largest intelligence agency of the Chinese government.

The combination of Liujia and Zuojia made them invisibly connected into a family that is interdependent. Moving Liujia is tantamount to touching the supreme regime of Huaxia.

Today, three people with terrorist identity and horror* have gathered together, only one person - Ye Tianxie. Liu Yuyue, Zuo Bianjun, Murong Qiushui... a name that is more shocking than one. Sophie Fei finally understood at some point, why her father would be so relieved to withdraw all the bodyguards, let her stay with Ye Tianxie, even paying him a daily price of 300 million yuan... indeed, even Ye Tianxie It is a person who has no power to bind the chicken. If there are such three friends, who can hurt him? In any case, who can hurt the person he wants to protect.

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