Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 554: Purple mansions under the deep sea

In the morning research, it is not easy to take a break in the afternoon, and I will be pulled to investigate, and tomorrow will be research... adjust your sister's research! Nima’s less work and hard work will die! 】

It means that these chapters are all sitting in the car and in the meeting, they can withstand the gaze, so you can't afford to be hurt by such a dedicated author (╮(╯▽╰)╭]

After Qinglong spit out an ice block, it did not immediately launch a second attack, but the dangerous warning sign suddenly came from below. The ice cube fell on the magma, but it did not disappear, but suddenly fried. Open, countless ice ridges start from the center of the explosion. For example, there are countless ice-colored blades that are usually scattered and shot at the left, right, and upper...

The icy chill carries the whole body with the breath of death, so that Ye Tianxie suddenly falls like an ice cave. Under his mind, Kaka's body rushed to the fastest speed to avoid the ice of death shot from below... And the flight of Yu Yubing was limited, and the highest was only at the height. At an altitude of 20 meters, it is no longer possible to go up. The ice below is chasing with the wind.


The blue light has passed away, and the gray light is shining. The ice feathers of the weeping feathers are turned into undead dragons in the gray light. The light of the illusion has not yet dispersed. The dragon body of ten meters has already risen with the leaves of evil spirits...not dead. Although the speed of the demon dragon is far less than that of the feathers, but the ability to vacate is far better than that, the gray body brings a gray shadow, straight up, and has been flying to the height of 50 meters. And the scope of the ice attack is not unlimited, and the distance of about three meters under Ye Tianxie finally dissipated.

However, such an attack is almost as simple as a small finger, and it is a simple attack that can no longer be simple. Just when Ye Tianxie finally stabilizes his body, a violent wind comes from a distant place. The north suddenly came... a large, huge blue shadow that couldn’t see the margin was getting closer and closer in his sight...

That is the tail of Qinglong from the distance of kilometers... It is just a tail, but like a huge mountain, the huge pressure is like a real mountain without a top! Ye Tianxie can only look at the front. The attack area covered by the dragon's dragon tail is extremely large, and his moving speed is even a hundred times faster. It is absolutely impossible to escape. The scream of fruit is heard from the ear, and soon, even the fruit The sounds of the dragons were swallowed up by the huge airflow brought by the dragon tail, and Ye Tianxie did not move, letting the blue mountain beggars bow to him...

What is a human being in front of the beast of the Holy Ghost?

That is exactly the difference between a cockroach and a normal human. They can destroy a city in an instant, and their power is even enough to destroy the mainland.

When the sky in the south suddenly turned from red to dark, the city of Tianri was already a mess, and almost everyone ran out of the house, staring at the south with a stunned look. Although the former Tianri City is not as hot as it is now, from the beginning of their birth, the sky in the south has been red, because there is a lava lava purse that is thousands of miles long, with hot magma flowing inside, releasing The high temperature that human roots cannot get close to. The sky there has been shining like a cloud of red, but it has never been dark.

And then, when the sound of the dragon came, when a huge blue dragon shadow appeared in the southern sky, I wonder how many people’s eyes were so big that almost even the eyes were bursting out, but Zhang Da, who was dead, was There was no sound, and some people were shocked that even the things in their hands fell.

The lava purgatory is more than a hundred miles away from the sky, but at such a distance, they still clearly see the whole picture of the huge dragon, and the terrorist pressure from afar.

The temperature is falling rapidly, and their hearts are shaking at a chaotic frequency...

Ye Tianxie was the first to see Qinglong, but those who lost the mainland, and one who did not know the record of Qinglong. The five sacred beasts have been wiped out for thousands of years, but the lost places in the mainland are still filled with sculptures of their size. They are the guardians of the year, lost the amulets of the mainland, and even guarded the stone carvings. Most of them are shaped like them... that huge The body, the color of the blue, the cold pressure...

It is exactly the same as the Qinglong in the record...

In this world, there will be no other dragons that can have the shape of a dragon. Because Qinglong is a "dragon", it is not a real dragon. It was not born in the dragon, not in the dragon. It is said that its birth was born in the eastern ocean lost in the mainland. It is not known how it was bred. And out. Although it has the shape of a dragon, it does not belong to the dragon. At the same time, the dragon dragon's attributes can only be light or dark, but it is water. Even if it must be a dragon, it can only be a heterogeneous dragon.

There was a complete chaos in the city of Tianri, and this chaos was spreading at the fastest speed. The emergence of Qinglong is enough to completely shake the entire lost continent.

Ye Tianxie has no doubt that this dragon's tail is enough to make a city suffer, enough to make him die thousands of times. He didn't hide, and he couldn't hide. He looked straight ahead and seemed to be waiting for it to fall on his own body...


Finally, he shouted, and the undead dragon under his body changed again, turning into a blue weeping feather. At the same time, a blue circular barrier appeared around his body...

Water mirror!

It is not a water mirror from Ye Tianxie, but a water mirror from Yu Yubing!

The same effect, the same cooling, the only difference is that the consumption of this water mirror is much larger than when Ye Tianxie relies on the Qinglong ring. A water mirror will almost exhaust all the mana of Kaka.

Ping! ! ! !

If this is squatting on the mountains, what is brought up must be a huge roar like a landslide. And this huge dragon tail is only squatting on a relatively incomparably small human. It was a collision that was submerged by the wind and a crackling sound.

That is the sound of the water mirror being smashed.

Ye Tianxie did not die, facing this random dragon tail attack of Qinglong. The water mirror is still perfectly fulfilling its mission... The attack of the Qinglong is rebounded, but this is an attack that it randomly throws out. The power of the rebound is just to make its body shake a little. And Ye Tianxie... Although the water mirror bounced all the damage for him, he couldn't stop the incomparable impact. His body was like a shell that was fired, flying far away at an alarming rate, and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

This is also the only way for him to escape!

This attack, Ye Tianxie can not estimate how far he was thrown out, his body flew in the wind, crossed the lava purgatory, and crossed the ridiculous mountain... When he finally opened his eyes, underneath, It is already a clear blue-green ocean in the azure blue.

Lost in the southern sea of ​​the mainland!

I will not let you wait a long time, the next chapter will be filled, pro. 】

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