Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 446: Purple mansions under the deep sea

I don't know how long it took, and the wind in my ear finally eased. Ye Tianxie’s body, which was flying obliquely, began to break open and the air quickly fell, and then it was planted into the sea and brought a large splash of water.

Even if he never doubted the power of the beast of the sacred sacred, but this blow, he even fluck him for more than ten kilometers... The horrible power of the dragon tail that is arbitrarily thrown out.

Although it was not hurt, the shock power of that time almost shook his consciousness. He flew in the air for so long, and he still did not completely ease it, both mentally and physically. The body is still as crisp as a rack.

When the body fell into the sea, the feeling of suffocation suddenly came, and Ye Tianxie moved his soft arms. At the same time, his life began to decrease rapidly.

Ye Tianxie has never practiced the life skills of "swim", so in the water, he will not be able to move freely. Even if he simply wields his arm, it will cost several times more than usual. At the same time, if there is no swimming skill, after falling into the water, life will continue to fall... and this drop is not according to a specific amount, but proportionally! Shallow water, forced to drop 10% per second! In this way, even a super-powerful super-class, if you can't swim and fall into the sea, there is only one dead end.

Naturally, it is impossible to return to the city in a non-free state. Ye Tianxie drank a bottle of mineral water, and suddenly his life returned quickly at 30% per second. He was right in the body, and the ice feathers under the body also eased, shook his body, and then stood in the water, standing flat, as if on land. The sobbing feather ice lining has the power of the water system, not only will not fear the water, but will be hydrophilic.

In this way, it should be safe.

Unexpectedly, I was just trying to catch the little fur ball... but it led to the disappearing dragon! At the same time, even the ring of Qinglong is gone away... Otherwise, if there is a ring of Qinglong, he can move completely freely in the water, no matter how deep the seabed will not interfere with him.

Not only did it not succeed, but it was a heavy loss. The first time I saw the fur ball, it showed the strength that made him extremely shocked. The second time I saw it, he realized that he still underestimated it... and today is the third time, the destruction of seven colors is easily cracked by it. The forced demonization of "Devil's Devil" has forced it into a dead end... But in the dead road, another change has occurred, and it is so shocking.

He still underestimated the terrible of this fur ball!!

Slowly descending in the water, his brain is constantly chaotic filled with that question... that hairy ball, what it is! ! Such a powerful magical ability, but also free to change the attributes, and it disappeared after the Qinglong ring, Qinglong appeared, and attacked him as soon as it appeared... If the green dragon has nothing to do with it, the fool will not believe ! Ye Tianxie can even be convinced that the green dragon...the root is the change of the fur ball, and the real green dragon has already vanished as early as 10,000 years ago.

Devouring the ring of the dragon, changing the green dragon... What kind of ability is this! Why is this happening? That hair ball is such a thing when Ye Tianxie is about to catch it... Obviously, it knows that after he has swallowed the ring of Qinglong, he can become a green dragon... Why does it know? In addition to the attributes it displays, what is the secret of the Dragon Ring?

"Kaka, let's go!" Ye Tianxie took a sigh of relief and patted Kaka's head. Kaka led the death, the ice-blue wings opened, the fierce water broke upwards, the wings cut open, the speed of running was no slower than on land, and the resistance of the water could not cause even a slight impact on it. !

"and many more!!"

Ye Tianxie suddenly scorned, Kaka's action stopped abruptly, floating in the water, and when Ye Tianxie was screaming, Kaka also noticed something, his head raised, blue eyes Looking up, the blue body released a cold hostility.

The seawater above it began to turn green and thicker. The sea that was swaying in the gentle sea breeze was like a thing that was suppressed by death. The original blue sky was covered by a blue shadow, and even the white clouds were everywhere. A very powerful and powerful pressure to spontaneously collapse...

Qinglong! !

Ye Tianxie clenched his hands... He played a distance of more than ten miles, and he did not intend to let him go! Instead, in such a short period of time, he directly caught up here and once again appeared above him.

Ye Tianxie can no longer float out of the sea, otherwise, the face must be the killing of Qinglong.

However, Qinglong is the supreme of the water. Below, it is a sea of ​​water. Even if Ye Tianxie does not go out, does Qinglong really have no way to deal with him?

Qinglong’s pair of dragons are shining, and its eyes are like a sword. The water is so cold that the body of the leaves is so stiff. It feels like you are being watched by a pair of horrible eyes... thirty meters deep Under the water, his eyes can only see the blurry shadow of the dragon in the water... But his small body, the green dragon from the top, is so easy to lock his place.

Roar! ! ! !

After the roaring and roaring, Qinglong’s dragon mouth was wide and facing the sea. Suddenly, a large group of white mist spouted from its mouth and rushed directly into the sea, covering thousands of miles in the blink of an eye... It was only a moment of effort, and it was suppressed by the momentum of Qinglong to the sea without the slightest waves, all the places touched by the fog - all frozen! !

The coldness of the bones came from above, and the sound of the rapid condensation of the ice was so clear. Ye Tianxie frowned, and shouted: "Kaka, go down!!"

The icy feeling is getting closer and closer, Kaka's body is straight down, and the speed is a little faster than when it is over.


The sound of the cold condensate sounded continuously in his ear, and it never stopped. The sound was deafening, as if it were in the ear. Ye Tianxie turned back and suddenly found out that the sea that he had passed in the moment had no longer been water, but turned into icy ice...

Kaka's speed is fully open, and the distance can be moved by more than ten meters per second... But at this speed, the spread of the ice is still almost close to the back of Ye Tianxie, and it has not been dropped. At this point, as long as the Kaka pauses, or there is something in front that blocks it for even 01 seconds, Ye Tianxie will be directly blocked into the ice, no doubt!

Ye Tianxie’s eyes have been watching behind, the ice is spreading, and the speed of the spread is extremely terrifying. Five seconds passed, six seconds passed... Ten seconds passed... This speed, at least a hundred meters deep sea is completely frozen! However, the speed of the spread of the ice has not weakened, what a terrible chill, how terrible power!

In this frozen sea area, I don’t know how many souls have been shackled, and I am caught in an ice that is enough to deprive them of their lives.

Fifteen seconds... twenty seconds...

With the isolation of hundreds of meters of ice, the impact of the cold will inevitably weaken. Finally, after twenty seconds, although the ice is still going on, the speed has slowed down. Above is a few hundred meters thick ice layer, completely separate the light, dark. The scorpion of Ye Tianxie glowed in the darkness, and the darkness could not affect his sight. He looked at his back and the heart was finally put down. But did not relax the alert, still let Kaka down to the fastest speed.

If there is no water-carrying ability of Kaka, he will be frozen without any suspense, without any luck.

Thirty seconds later, the spread of the ice finally began to slow down, and it was getting slower... although it was slow, it still didn't stop. Across the hundreds of meters of ice, the cold can still affect this place, the horror of the cold, Ye Tianxie thinks and shudders.

Also poured a bottle of mineral water stolen from the mysterious businessman, maintaining the value of life. At this point, the drop of his life is not 10% per second, but 14% per second. The deeper, the faster the life falls, and the more difficult it is to act. Because under the deep sea, it is not only the suffocation without air, but also the heavy water pressure above the mountains.

Although he can not be afraid of the deprivation of life by the sea for a while, the incomprehensible sense of suffocation and oppression is irresistible. Every second stay in the sea will be a torment for him...just, now he should go out.

The average depth of the lost ocean in the south of the mainland is about four kilometers. It is near the edge of the coast, and the depth should be only about a kilometer or even less.

Looking up, faint, he seems to see a trace of blue green... Qinglong seems to know that he has not been frozen, still did not leave. Obviously, it is because I want to have the body of the dragon, and I will not give up.

The water pressure in a few hundred meters of deep sea is enough to easily flatten a piece of soft iron, not to mention a person's body. Ye Tianxie felt that his body seemed to press a mountain without every second. Kaka took him down slowly, and Ye Tianxie looked at the top and thought about the way out of this mortal situation.

"Kaka, forward."

Kaka led the life, the wings showed up, and the water was drawn straight ahead. Above is a few hundred meters thick ice layer, the root can not escape. The coldness of Qinglong is enough to freeze the waters of several kilometers or even tens of thousands of meters... but it is even stronger, and it is absolutely impossible to seal the entire southern ocean. Then, as long as you leave the frozen area and reach a sea area with no ice above it, you can break the water.

However, Kaka has just moved forward, but the distance of tens of meters, the change of regeneration, a sense of crisis in the horrible approach, Ye Tianxie nerves tight, even the head did not lift. Directly shouted: "Kaka, down!!"

Kaka's body turned again, rushing straight down, Ye Tianxie turned and staring at the ice above. The dangerous feeling was real and would not lie to him... five seconds... ten seconds... After fifteen seconds, he saw that the ice layer that was getting farther and farther away from the sky... exploded!

What kind of spectacle will be a few hundred meters thick ice layer explosion, and how much destructive power it will bring... No one has ever seen it, and no one can really imagine and calculate it.

The original quiet sea water became violent for a moment, such as the porridge that was stirred by the frenzy in the same pot. The blasting power of the ice blast is terrifying. The nearby sea water is also exploding at the same time as the ice layer explodes. The location of Ye Tianxie’s original place has also become a disaster area. If he had hesitated for a moment, the body would be broken by the broken ice.

Despite this, despite the fact that it was far enough away, the ocean violent storm brought by the ice explosion immediately affected the position where he and Kaka were moving... suddenly, when it was rolled up by a huge tornado, Under the irresistible force of sweeping, Ye Tianxie and Kaka's body is like a dead leaf brought by the wind, and is far away in the turbulent sea... I don't know where it is.

Ye Tianxie’s eyes are closed...not that he wants to close his eyes, but that he has no roots to open his eyes. The sound around him was so loud that he never knew that the sound of the water was terrible. The sweeping of the violent current is even more terrible than the real tornado. His teeth were biting tightly, forcing himself to remain calm... At the same time, he did not forget to constantly drink mineral water and maintain his own health.

Fortunately, because of the distance, he was not affected by the ice explosion when he was scrolled by the sea.

Since the explosion came from above, the natural transmission was also the downward shock. The body of Ye Tianxie and Kaka was also swept down by the water... to the deeper and deeper waters.

The fall of life has become 25% per second!

If a player who does not have swimming skills is here, if there is no other help, he can barely survive for less than four seconds! Even if he is full.

I don't know how long it took, the sound of the surrounding water finally began to ease, but the water flow was still swept away, so that Ye Tianxie's body could not be restored to freedom, the body was still taken to the bottom... Look at the quantity of mineral water, actually It has already consumed more than a dozen bottles... which means that the current impact of the water has lasted for at least a minute.

The extent of life falls is getting bigger and bigger, 27%...28%...29%...30%...31%...35%! !

The turmoil of the water finally stopped at this moment, and Ye Tianxie opened his eyes at this time. Kaka was no longer under him, but was forced to separate in the previous attack. At this time, he was also quick in front of him. The broken water rushed, and Ye Tianxie glanced around and just looked at his rear. Suddenly, his body paused...

At the foot, I actually felt the feeling of stepping on the real thing.

When he bowed his head, he was surprised to find that his feet were actually sand and rocks.

This is clearly ... the bottom of the ocean! The impact of myself and Kaka turned to the deepest seabed!

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