Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 703: quick decision!

A **** light reflected from Ye Tianxie's body, rising from the sky, covering his whole body. For a time, there was no part of his whole body, not blood color, blood-colored armor, blood-colored hair, blood-colored face, blood color. The eyes, the **** guns... Even the ice blue feathers under his body were painted red.

At this time, he is like a demon who climbed out of the blood pool.

If the previous **** smell is only a bit pungent, now, the air is floating in the smell of blood that makes people want to vomit. Fruits scared, wow, screaming, far away, squinting and not dare to look at the current Ye Tianxie... and Ye Tianxie, it should be said that it is a sly attack, has skyrocketed to ... 8792000!

"Green soul, it seems that you are not destined to reverse the possibility of your own fate... Turn into the soul of the gods at dusk, return to where you should go!" Ye Tianxie whispered in a sneer, that was emitted from himself. The **** scent is so horrible, the taste is so disgusting, but he is surprised that he is not disgusted, but his heart is excited by this taste. He held the **** gods at dusk and rushed to the green soul. He also jumped on the sobbing feather ice lin, his body stuck to his back, and opened its "black wall of heaven".

The speed of the destruction of Shura is far less than that of the Qingshen. However, under the pressure of blessing Shura’s power, it is even more laborious to move the body, let alone show the speed of his full state to escape. In the face of the approach of Ye Tianxie, it finally had to give up the hope of escape. On the blue face, a pair of eyes that were also dyed in blue sparked the cold death light.

The attack power of the Green Soul is not strong, there is almost no defensive ability, its power... is a terrible death penalty! The blue light can easily capture the life of the soul... But now it faces ten times the destruction of Shura under normal conditions, that is, ten times the strength of the sacred power, such a destruction of Shura, the soul of the soul Can the death penalty really work?

The blue light of the Qingshen was erupted to the body of Ye Tianxie, and it quickly dissipated. It did not let Ye Tianxie feel the slightest discomfort, and even his footsteps did not stop. Then, in the eyes of the green soul magnified, the attack of Ye Tianxie fell ruthlessly, the gods stabbed before dusk, and the **** gunpoint ruthlessly stabbed on his chest...

"Shu Luo is a thorn!"


The gods pierced the chest of the green soul at dusk, and a yellow injury figure floated on its head.

A blow...just a blow, destroying more than 5% of the life of the Green Soul!

That amazing number of damages makes the soul of the green soul almost horrified. This kind of damage, even the goddess of Xi Yao can not be hit. He felt the fear from the destruction of Shura, but the root could not have imagined that his attack would be terrible to such an extent.

You don't have to hesitate, smart, his sane choices to do everything to escape. Such an opponent, if he counterattacks, will only end his last hope of running away. Therefore, at the moment he broke Shura’s gun, he tried his best to break away from his power and oppressed him. He rushed to the mountain wall at the fastest speed he could, and he had already rushed 20 meters away.

Ye Tianxie turned back, in the sneer of ridicule, "blood and sea reincarnation" was cast, throwing out the dusk of the gods in his hands. The dusk of the gods suddenly rolled up a blood-colored turbine in the rotation, and suddenly flew out and crossed the body of the green soul. The green soul snorted, and the body flew directly from the scorpion. The rotating blood gun flew back before he landed, and once again penetrated his body...


The ability to destroy Shura’s attack is extremely terrifying, and he has blessed the “blood-blood” state, which is a tenfold improvement. The intensity of the attack at this time, let the soul of the soul with a billion lives, also had to tremble and despair in the huge trauma that it has not experienced in this life.

The destruction of Shura’s life will drop by nearly 20 million per second. He has caused such terrible damage to the Green Soul, and he has paid a great price. However, his "cost" was completely restored every 8 seconds under the recovery of the mysterious spirit.

It is no exaggeration to say that a sly, let the terrible destruction of Shura, suddenly ten times stronger!

"Oh... continue to escape. You can try to resist, struggle, and try to change the fate you are about to face!! And now I... there will be no mercy and hesitation to destroy Shura... Ok!!"

"Magic Broken Soul!"

Ye Tianxie's figure disappeared in the same place, and immediately sprinted to the green soul that had just got up. The gods once again ruthlessly penetrated its body. This blow not only caused great damage, but also accompanied by strong ability to fly and stun. The body of the green soul suddenly flew out like a frustrated leaf. The weeping feather ice lining flew high and directly caught up with the green soul that was shot and killed. The gods who destroyed Shura were stabbed with **** rays at dusk...

"Shu Luo is a thorn!"


A voice that was penetrated by the body brought a scream of the green soul. The body of the Qingshen was pierced, and the long-slung scorpion returned to the ground, sinking the ground deeply. In the air, Ye Tianxie swooped down, and the gods above the tip of the gun at the twilight, the glare of the blood stunned suddenly, obviously not touched, but the ground suddenly appeared obvious subsidence, and the surrounding air was instantly rejected. No trace...

"Broken Mans!"

boom! ! ! !

From the south side of the mountain wall to the ground of the northern barrier, except for the small area where the Shura demon sword is located, all the land is violently boiling, and the mountain wall that is as high as 100 meters trembles. If Ye Tianxie deliberately controlled the scope of the attack, this blow even had the ability to directly destroy the high mountain wall into a flying stone.

The attack of the gods at dusk, like Murong Qiu Shui's **** empty teeth, ignores the weakening of pain and ignores the **** shield. The green soul is the death spirit. It is much less sensitive to pain than the normal spirit. The body that it encroaches on, the blood will turn into cyan. At the moment when the ruined awning exploded, Ye Tianxie saw the gods at dusk, and the blue liquid splashed out...

Even so, Ye Tianxie still did not stop his attack, the corner of his mouth, and the cold smile like a demon. Although the current destruction of Shura is controlled by his consciousness, it will be affected more or less by Shura. Shura can be cruel, but destined to be ruthless. Because the unrequited love is the most basic condition for breaking into the road. He doesn't know what pity is. If he wants to die, he will not stop the attack before he completely destroys him. He will not be soft and hesitant.

The dust around it has just risen and has not yet fallen. The attack of the gods at dusk follows the breath and once again stabs the body of the Qingshen. Undoubtedly, under his current strength, the Qingshen was completely suppressed. It only attacked once, and after that, it never shot. I don't know if it feels that it is useless even if it is shot, or has no chance to attack.

"Shu Luo is a thorn!"

"Pale abyss!"

"Blood Sea Reincarnation!"

"Magic Broken Soul!"



The chain of attacks fell on the body of the Qingshen again and again, without any hesitation, under the strong attack of any interval, the body of the Qingshen was swept away again and again, and was repeatedly penetrated by the gods at dusk. Picking up, falling... because their power gap is really too big. The level of Shura is higher than it is, and the level is higher than it... Now it has added the taboo technique of increasing the attack power by ten times. Green spirit, how can there be the ability to resist.

Half a minute later, I have been performing four times of mysterious recovery, and in the most accurate time, I will return the life that Ye Tianxian has continued to fall back. If it is not it, the current Ye Tianxie has died before the Qing spirit.

The life of the Qingshen has fallen by more than half.


In a scream that it could not be suppressed, its body was once again picked up by the gods at dusk, watching the life value of the green spirits in the sky, and then glanced at the time used by them. Refers to the air, half closed his eyes, said low: "So fast, is it over..."

The sound fell, and he suddenly looked up, and a cloud of blood suddenly exploded on him...

"Shu Luo hated to kill each other!!!"


A figure of up to nine digits of damage floated on the head of Ye Tianxie, which caused his life to drop by 30% in an instant. As the **** fog of his body exploded, the soul of the air was almost the same. Time blasted a bunch of blue blood fog...


Everything was so quiet, and the soul of the air no longer had a voice. After reaching its highest point, its body quickly fell in a free-falling state, and it slammed on the already ruined ground, and there was no movement. Then, the body's blue light flashed slightly, and the ruined body that had been destroyed under the dusk of the gods—the body of the Emperor Dongzhuo, slowly faded and disappeared.

On the ground, there is a small **** that is the size of the palm and releases bright blue light.

Green soul!

It’s over... Ye Tianxie stared at the green soul on the ground that had no spirits and returned to the body, silently. Before a minute, he couldn't think of it, everything could be so fast, so easy to end. He did not know whether to sigh the impermanence of fate, or to thank the fate for another favor.

In this way, after continuing Huang Yuan and Green Wave, the Green Soul was defeated in such a way that he could not have thought of before, and turned into a pure nuclear core of fate.

Life is still falling. The matter of the Qingshen settled in this dust, and Ye Tianxie just wanted to dispel the state of the illusion of God. Suddenly, his mind came again with the voice that shattered Shurao:

"Use my strength... pull up the sword."

Suddenly the sound of the sound made Ye Tianxie stunned, then immediately reacted and turned to look behind him. Under the power of Shura, the ground here is tough, but it is still ruined. But the land where the Shura Demon Sword is located is intact. The dark sword body also maintains the same posture as before and is inserted vertically on the ground without any traces.

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