Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 704: Start! Shura demon sword!


"Your strength, can you pull up the sword?" Ye Tianxie concentrated his spirit and responded. His eyes fell on the sword of Shura, and he stepped forward, slowly approaching. Suddenly, he saw it and he saw it. Above the Shura Demon Sword, those few skills that he could not view, need the blood of Shura to view:

Shura Blood: At the cost of the silkworm's blood, it greatly increases the attack power and the ability to tear when attacking. After launching, the user's upper limit of life is reduced by 50%, the attack power is increased by 100%, and the 30% probability of attack is accompanied by a strong tear. The torn target drops by 200% per second within 10 seconds. It lasts for 60 seconds after each launch, and can't be interrupted before the end of the effect, no usage restrictions.

Pale hell: The real **** was originally desperate white, blood is the **** of the blood red. But the pale **** is always more terrible than the **** hell.

Effect: With the blood of Shura and the interest of Shura, all the original colors that have been lost will be turned into desperate white, and all the creatures shrouded in it will tremble in the pale hell. They will fall into fear, extreme fear, and endless fear due to differences in strength and toughness. It consumes 50 spells and consumes 5000 life. The maximum range is 50 meters around itself. It lasts for 30 seconds and can be used up to three times a day.

The Abyss of Blood: For the blood sacrifice, every blow of the Shura Demon Sword will be a desperate blow to the enemy into the abyss. Effect: After being launched, it is covered by blood fog, life drops by 5% every second, 100% triggers crit when attacking, ignores defense when attacking, can be launched at any time, interrupt at any time.

Holy Prohibition · Instant Prison Robbery: A resentful blow that is released by madly devouring the user's life and blood. Devours 99% of the user's vitality, dealing 10 times more damage to all the targets in the surrounding 100 meters. Forced damage, ignoring all defenses including absolute defense. The user's own life value is over 99%, and it can be used once a day.

When Ye Tianxie walked before the Shura Demon Sword, the skills information that he could not view was all reflected in his mind. That is the four skills that need to be seen in the blood of Shura, and obviously belong to the skill of "Sura". Their effects can't prevent Ye Tianxie from moving, and then compare the skills of Shurao's skills - Shura's skills, the more consumed is not the devil, but the blood!

Use life and blood to exchange for high attack power, destructive power, and even use your own blood to attack and destroy. Ignore my own life and death, only to kill and destroy... This may be one of the true meanings of the word "Shu Luo".

And all he can now see the attributes of the repairing Luoji, obviously, because he now carries the power to destroy Shura, because he is a person who breaks into Shurao and has the blood of Shura.

"No." The voice in his mind gave him a negative answer. "My strength is impossible to pull up this magical sword."

Ye Tianxie has a sigh of relief.

"...there is no form, I can only drift without the target. Five years ago, the breath it released attracted me to come here, and I have been here since then... until you appear. My strength can't Obtained its recognition, there is no qualification to pull it out. Because it is a sword that aggregates the power of the demon and the power of Shura, only with the power of the demon and the power of Shura can it be recognized. I have the power of Shura. And you... have the mark of the devil. I am carrying your strength, enough to make it yield."

The mark of the devil?

Is it the magic print on your right hand?

Anyway, if it really succeeds...

Ye Tianxie does not need to hesitate, his brow condenses, bends down, and takes back the dusk of the gods, one hand is held on the hilt of the Shura demon sword... The height of Shura is five meters, and the hand is surprisingly large. One hand will completely cover the hilt. Then, Ye Tianxie's handcuffs clenched, slightly gnashing his teeth, and forcefully pulled up the Shura demon sword...

This is obviously destroying Shura's body, but on the back of his right hand, he suddenly reflects a black sun shape... that is the magical shape on the right hand of Ye Tianxie! With the force of Ye Tianxie, the black light flashed, and a red light belonging to Shura was shrouded in the whole body of Shura at the same time.

The quiet Shura Demon Sword suddenly wakes up from a long sleep, and the blade is surrounded by a circle of red-black light. Under the black mang, the Ye Tianxie, who has not yet started to force, feels The Shura Demon Sword is detached from the ground autonomously, and reveals its blade evenly.

Successful! Ye Tianxie's eyes stared at the more and more complete blade in the line of sight, shouting in his heart.

Hey! !

A burst of metal friction, the Shura demon sword has completely separated from the ground with Ye Tianxie's hand. As it was pulled up, the land it was originally destroyed was destroyed by the remnant power of the Shura attack in an instant. Ye Tianxie stood up straight, holding the Shura demon sword in his hand, and his eyes glided from the hilt to the tip of the sword. This is a great sword. Its length is only slightly shorter than the fate. The hilt is about 20 centimeters, the blade is more than 150 centimeters, and the blade is about 25 centimeters wide. The whole body is dark, no matter the hilt and the blade are very regular, there is no such strange distortion of the fate of the moment. Above the blade, densely engraved with a glyph like a curse.

"Broken Shura, you didn't make a mistake, we succeeded." Ye Tianxie said with a smile, and then he frowned slightly and said: "But even if you pull it out now, when your power disappears, I Because there is no blood of Shura, it can't be recognized by it...it can't be used at all."

"So, let me use the last remaining power to help you."

The sound of destroying Shura fell, and Ye Tianxie had not had time to respond, and the whole body was shocked. A group of increasingly thick blood mist began to surround his whole body... but that feeling was not the condensation or release of power, but Power - broken!

He felt that the power that Shura had given himself was quickly dissipated... The power that Shura gave him was enough for him to maintain his current form for three minutes, but now it has only passed more than a minute!

The broken power turned into a mist of blood, and the madness flocked to the Shura demon sword in his hand. He felt the shudder of the Shura demon sword... Then his body began to slowly become smaller in the fog, transforming... ... After a few seconds, as the blood mist dissipated, the power to destroy Shura disappeared, and his body had changed into a normal form. In the hands, still holding the Shura demon sword.

In the ear, there was a final voice that shattered Shura: "I have used the last power to force a change in its use limit. Now it belongs to you only... So, goodbye."

Everything returned to calm, and after a brief silence, Ye Tianxie looked at the Shura demon sword in his hand.

Shura Demon Sword: The device of the Holy Seal, the use requirements: exclusive evil days.

Exclusive evil days!

The original conditions of use have actually been destroyed by Shura with its powerful power! !

Such a change, if it only destroys Shura himself, is not possible. Because to change the conditions of use of such an sacred device, the most important thing is to get its recognition... In the body that combines the power of the magic of Ye Tianxie and the power of Shura, the Shura demon The sword did not produce any resistance. At the same time, without the body of Ye Tianxie as the carrier, the destruction of Shura will not release the power to change the sword of Shura.

The changes in the conditions of use of the Shura Demon Sword can be said to be the joint completion of Ye Tianxie and the destruction of Xiu Luo. The power used is the powerful Shura power that can continue to maintain the magical change of nearly two minutes.

The current Shura Demon sword is only an evil day, and only he can use it.

Holding this almost miraculous process, the sword of the Holy Ghost obtained under the dream method, Ye Tianxie's inner excitement, but also inevitably tangled... If the comprehensive attribute, the current fate is far less inferior to Shura Demon sword. But the force of the mandatory sanctions it possesses is impossible for any other weapon. But just now, the comprehensive ability of the fate of the moment cannot be compared with the Shura demon sword. Do you really want to give up the use of fate in the future? ?

Ok, let’s not say whether the fruit will be happy... After all, it’s what the fairy left, how he would be willing to give it away.

However, the Shura Demon Sword is now only available to him alone... I don’t want to use it for others.

The moment of destiny, the sword of the Shura devil... One is the forbidden device that once sealed the tower of destiny, and the other is the device of the sacred destruction from different worlds. If a normal player gets one, he will definitely be mentally ill, and he is entangled in which one to use...

During his ideological struggle, an unseen black light flashed on the sword of the Shura Demon, and an unexpected reminder suddenly sounded in the ear of Ye Tianxie:

"Oh... to use the Shura demon sword, you must first open the exclusive elemental power of the demon god. The Shura demon sword wants to transfer you to the special occupation 'Magic Buddha'. Is it accepted? If accepted, one of your current occupations will be Being forced to replace, if you refuse, you will not be able to use the Shura Magic Sword."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

To use it, you must... transfer jobs?

For other players, if you get a hidden device, you will also be given a hidden occupation. It is estimated that there will be a double mental illness, and the occupation attached to the sacrament may not be a weak occupation. But... Ye Tianxie's three occupations: the anti-天邪龙, the Eudemons, and the Abyss of the Claws... He can't give up.

Against the evil dragons... his overall attributes are mainly supported by the passive skills of this profession. The various skills of this profession are his main attack skills. The purpose of the evil dragon is the extremely powerful exploration technique he can't leave. The soul of the evil dragon is a foolproof life-saving skill. The evil dragon roar is like a bug. How could he give up!

The Eudemons God made...and without saying that without this profession, he could not summon his partner Kaka, the power of the four magical gods, he has found three! The power of this profession allowed him to defeat the enemies that could not be defeated again and again, and to create miracles again and again, how could he give up.

The claws of the abyss... If you lose this occupation, you will lose the ball. At the same time, he is the most terrible state of blessing him with the "inflammation of the catastrophic"... He is equally unlikely to give up.

"Reject." This is the only choice for Ye Tianxie. While choosing to refuse, he had to sing a scroll that allowed him to have three careers at the same time. If you can have another scroll like that...

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