Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 879: The miracle of true life

Returning to the Lost City from the Dragon Field, the time is already afternoon. Ye Tianxie just returned home, and Situ fell to the rain and shouted excitedly: "Heavenly brother!! You are finally back, come come!!"

From the excitement of Situ’s rain, Ye Tianxie has already guessed what. Sure enough, when Situ fell to the front of him, he took out a greenish-green bead like the emerald-like ball at the fastest speed: "Look, the miracle of life and the hybrid cooking of lucky flowers have been successfully produced. Really successful! And, my culinary level has jumped to the heavens! God, it’s just like dreaming."

Successful? However, there is a conglomerate that can be 100% successful, and success is completely inevitable. He took the miracle of a new life from the rain of Situ. At this time, the "miracle of life" is much greener than the original, and even the light is obviously strong.

The miracle of true life: one of the seven ultimate hidden props in the world of destiny, the miracle of life and the fortune of the flower of fortune. After eating, the value of life is permanently increased by 20,000-300,000.

Ye Tianxie grasped this reborn "miracle of life" in his hands. The miracle of the new life is really the same as that of the singularity. The upper limit of the vitality of the increase can be increased by 50% from the original 200,000. It is now 300000!

"Great." Ye Tianxie could not help but shouted out. Adding 300,000 vitality at a time, and then adding the life-enhancing skills and equipment amplification effects, the actual life limit is much higher than this number. Ye Tianxie is very clear, if you can get the highest degree of life bonus, then, after burning the sacred inflammation, it is the high-spirited beast that does not want to kill him. At that time, he could not provoke the beast of the Holy Ghost, and almost everyone else provoked it.

"How, great! The highest can increase 300,000 lives at once, too scary. I used to show them to my brother, they can’t say anything if they are shocked. If it’s not for me, it’s for my evil brother. Do, they may have to come up and grab it." Situ rain said excitedly. “And, my current level of cooks is so good that I can use some special materials to make permanent additions to the dishes! Great!”

"Well, it’s raining, this time thanks to you." Ye Tianqi said with a smile.

"Hey, we are a family, can help you, I am even more happy. God evil brother, do you not eat now?" Situ fell to the rain.

Ye Tianxie shook his head and said: "The specific effect of the miracle of life is related to the user's lucky attributes. My current lucky attribute is not high enough, so it is best to use it when the lucky attribute is high enough. Right. Falling rain... these lucky flowers are for you."

Ye Tianxie took all the remaining lucky flowers and handed them to Situ’s rain, saying: “These lucky flowers will be further enhanced after cooking. You are now a day-to-day cook, doing these should It’s a breeze. After it’s made, give it to Fifi, the feathers, the broken army, the autumn water, and your brother.”

Situ Rain took the lucky flower and nodded hard: "Okay, I will do it very seriously, rest assured, then I will go now."

Situ rain did not entangle Ye Tianxie, and immediately twisted to the direction of the July Chamber of Commerce. There is a kitchen utensil at the highest end... well, including the pan of the Red Tai sheep.

After Situ’s rain left, Ye Tianji opened the property panel and looked at his lucky attributes:

Lucky value: 54.

"Call..." Ye Tianxie exhaled a breath. I have said that the miracle of luck is the "miracle". The effect is strictly linked to the lucky value. To achieve the peak effect of life, the lucky value is 200!

The lucky value of 54 will play less than a quarter of the role... Although he wants to use it immediately, if he uses it now, he will only abandon this rare miracle.

Lucky value... How can I raise the lucky value to an incredible height of 200? This height seems to be too far away. But now it will be used, and he will not be willing.

There were all sorts of weird sounds in the backyard, like mechanical knocking, and there seemed to be a slight explosion, and there would be a scream of Starbucks. Since yesterday, she has been tossing the "bliss world", apparently a gesture to be completed in the shortest possible time. Ye Tianxie took back the miracle of life, touched his backpack, smiled and walked to the Chamber of Commerce in July.

The next day, a potion that can greatly increase the attack ability and a powder that can greatly improve the defense ability appeared in the July Chamber of Commerce. Each bottle can increase the corresponding attribute by 100 hours! The price is 5000 gold coins a bottle / box. From the first player who saw the goods in the Chamber of Commerce in July, the news of the super-potions in the Chamber of Commerce in July quickly spread. For a time, a large crowd of people rushed to the Chamber of Commerce in July, rushing to buy, lest the number is limited, they can not buy. Soon, the blood of the dragon was snapped up, and the speed was faster than the leaf eclipse expected. The keel powder was attached to the defensive property, not as hot as the dragon's blood, but it was sold out soon after the dragon's blood. .

Seeing the scene of snapping, Ye Tianxie seems to have seen the rolling gold coins fall from the sky. At present, the best attack potions circulating among the players are all dropped by the monsters, and the strongest effect is only attack +50. Regardless of the effect, the duration is worse than the dragon's blood by n grades, but the price is nothing. Not cheaper than Dragon's Blood. Therefore, when the blood of the dragon comes out, it is completely normal to be rushed to rush. As soon as today's situation opens, more and more will be bought in the future... Gradually, there is no need for the adult people to have the essential remedy for the leveling pk. But they can't think of how low the blood of these dragons is.

Three days later, in July, regardless of the main part of the Chamber of Commerce, all equipment below the silver level was removed, and an announcement was issued to stop the consignment service for any equipment below the silver level. Along with this, one piece of silver equipment and gold equipment filled the equipment and weapons trading points of the Chamber of Commerce in July, so that the people who entered it almost looked silly, and the prices sold by these advanced equipment were even better than the market. Prices are two to three times lower. Not long after, the full hall of the Chamber of Commerce in July was full of silver and gold equipment, and the news that the price was too low was far from coming. The big chambers of other chambers of commerce came over and stood at the gate of the equipment exhibition hall in July. Before the stunned, almost no courage to enter.

In their store, the treasures of the treasures of the town store are as common as the cabbages in the vegetable market, so that they can’t be killed by their self-satisfied hatred. Although they don't want to understand where the July Chamber of Commerce came from so many advanced equipment, there is no doubt that they know that the gap between them and the July Chamber of Commerce is getting bigger and bigger. Now, it has become There is a mountain where they can't see the top.

No suspense, the ultra-low price attracts a flood of snaps. Tens of thousands of pieces of equipment were sold out in less than half a day... and players who couldn’t squeeze in outside could fill three streets. There are too many players in China, and everyone is pursuing gold equipment. It’s cheap and human. Every time there is such a cheap gold device, they naturally have to climb over and take advantage of it. Tens of thousands of roots are Supply is in short supply. At the time of sale, the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce in July issued an announcement, and in the future, a certain number of advanced equipment of the same price will be entered every day. The quantity is limited and the pre-order is as fast as possible.

As a result, a large number of players were stuck in front of the Chamber of Commerce in July and did not leave. They only had to wait until the next day in July when the Chamber of Commerce arrived for new goods, so they could buy them in the first time, so as not to be robbed again.

After that, there will be a large amount of dragon blood and keel powder purchased every day, but in the face of the huge number of players in China, it is still in short supply. The same is true for all types of weapons and equipment. However, due to the Chamber of Commerce in July, other chambers of commerce had to drastically reduce the price of advanced equipment, and they suffered heavy losses. They began to complain that the July Chamber of Commerce was unfairly competing for chaotic market order... but it was the various snipers of the players. They shouted that this is the strength of the Chamber of Commerce in July. If you don’t have the strength, don’t be jealous. And the large number of Chinese players' advanced equipment also makes the war zones of other countries have psychological imbalances, and some even have faint uneasiness, because the higher the level of advanced equipment in the player's hands, the higher the overall strength of the players in this theater, which means Their overall strength is getting farther and farther than other countries in a little bit...

Among them, the biggest benefit is undoubtedly the July Chamber of Commerce. The amount of gold coins they make every day will be a day's number, and the daily full scene will make its competitors gnash their teeth, but they can't help. However, no one has ever discovered that these "dragon blood" and "keel powder" that suddenly appeared in the Chamber of Commerce in July have a large number of high-grade weapons from where they came from. This has become a mystery for many people who want to know the answer. .

On the other hand, under the perfect planning and execution of Zhao Tianhua, the land industry of the Chamber of Commerce was officially launched in July, and this is the most profitable industry. The catering industry has spread all over the lost central area of ​​the mainland, and in the rapid expansion, the entertainment industry has a small demon sitting in the town, untouchable, and attracted a large number of big-name stars vying to join... the giant of the July Chamber of Commerce The longer the hand stretches, the longer it grows, the more it expands into a bigger and bigger monster...

A few days later.

There was a huge explosion in the backyard of Ye Tianxie. As a result, a smoky smog rose to the sky, and when Ye Tianxie and Su Feifei rushed to the backyard, there was a star in the backyard. Excited laughter: "Haha!! I was born!! A mysterious device, born in the hands of my star Baoer, oh oh!!!

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