Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 880: Bliss in the world

After Star Treasure's eight days of no-night efforts, she began to produce the "Eleph World" and finally completed.

This is also the first Chinese Huaxia District, the world's first, made by the players. Perhaps, there is no player who believes that there will be players who can make a magical device... Don’t say that the instrument of the gods, even the heavenly device, is impossible.

The conditions for making this gun of the gods are so harsh. It is more powerful than a rare and rare metal and material, and a core of the physics of the mysterious beast. The key to the core is the production drawings brought by the star. Nothing. There is not a few pieces of the gods in the whole of the lost of the mainland. It is difficult to make one. Star Boer can make this gun, and it is not a miracle.

Murong Qiu Shui, who got the news, rushed back from the wild like a rocket and plunged into the backyard...

Xing Baoer’s exclusive yard is already a mess, and there are traces of explosion everywhere, as if it had just been looted by the Eight-Power Allied Forces. After Murong Qiu Shui rushed in, he didn't have time to greet Ye Tianxie Su Feifei and went straight to Star Baoer. He eagerly shouted: "Boo... I am as beautiful as an angel, cute as a fairy sister, I know, You can certainly accomplish this great feat!! Boa, you are worthy of being the greatest engineer in the world, my dearest sister, you have completed a great artifact, your name will always be lost by mi Remembered by the mainland and the world..."

When Murong Qiu Shui came up, the first thing was a slap in the face, and he didn’t lose anything. Star Baoer put one hand on the back and stretched out one hand and spread out the palm of the white nènnèn: "Hey, give money... three hundred million."

Murong Qiu Shui turned and looked at Ye Tianxie: "Two brothers..."

"I have already paid the treasure to the money, you let Baoer give you the gun directly." Ye Tianxie said. When he came in, Star Bo has already hid the gun. He also couldn't see what kind of gun he was, but now he is also looking forward to it... Shen Xuan, or a hot weapon that should not appear in the game world. Murong Qiu Shui is now in the world of a **** empty tooth, but there is no occupation, only with that a gun in the first China Magic Wu Conference on the 32nd strong, hot weapons, can be seen So, what is the amazing heat of the gods?

Murong Qiu Shui immediately turned around and faced the star treasure, a look of pleading. At this time, the left-wing army, they finally came over with sweat, and opened their eyes together to see what kind of weapon it would be.

"Akisui brother, this gun is really powerful, more powerful than I expected. After you become more powerful, you have to protect me." Star Bao's hands are behind his back, and he smiles.

Murong Qiu Shui chun flapped a knock, raised his eyebrows and said: "That is of course, you are my Baoer sister, for you, I can even give up my life."

"Oh! Don't be so serious, there is boss protection around me! Hey... don't tease you, this...for you. Hey...somewhat not willing."

Star Baoer said, slightly twisted a bit, this is from behind, took the gun that was just finished, and put it in front of Murong Qiushui. At the moment when the two guns were on, everyone's sight was suddenly attracted. Murong Qiu Shui's eyes were locked in the top by the magnet.

These are two identical guns. At first glance, there is no difference in appearance. Perhaps the real difference will only be known after personal use. Both guns are dark gold, and this is also the darkness of the black gold. The shape is very small... above the size, it is incomparably coincident with the miniature silver sè pistol that Murong Qiushui never left in the real world. When the two guns were taken out by Star Boer, the unique atmosphere of Shen Xuan's instrument suddenly filled the entire courtyard without reservation, so that everyone clearly felt a special atmosphere from the gods.

"The two guns... they made me smell the taste of heaven!" If you know the gun. Who can beat Murong Qiu Shui, who has a "instantaneous sense", and others only smell the power of the gods, and he clearly feels the spirit of the gun... Yes, it is the spirit of the gun. He has been struggling to find the spirit of the gun hun. The ultimate knife can have a knife hun, the ultimate sword can have a sword hun, the ultimate bow can have a bow hun... He has always believed that in this world, there must be a gun with a spirit hun. If you can have a gun with a spirit **** and blend your own spirit with it, then you can bring the power of the gun to an extreme that has never been seen before.

Now, he found it and felt it.

After all, the world of bliss is not an ordinary gun. His power drive is the core of the power of the sacred beast of the gods. The body is contaminated with the spiritual power of the soul, plus the auxiliary molding of various rare materials. When the world of bliss was formed, the new spirit **** was born... It was the spiritual **** of this "bliss world."

Murong Qiu Shui incomparably ji moved the double gun, one left and one right. At the moment of starting, he almost moved even hun魄. It was so light, it was just like no mistakes, and the feel was perfect to the extent that he was ecstatic. It seems that the root is the gun that exists for him.

"Quick, look at his genus and other people.

"The sky is so horrible, the gods are so horrible, oh, I admit that I am in deep sorrow." Stuart licked his mouth and went over, watching the two guns Is xing:

Broken submunition gun - the world of bliss: the instrument of the gods, the energy gun (the twin guns), the prototype is designed by Slotta for a lifetime of life, one of the secret treasures of the race, and then passed to the mysterious world Star Baoer, Star Baoer, after collecting all the materials, used it in just eight days to make it into the first **** of the continent. At the moment when the world of bliss was formed, the singularity did not lead to the thunder of the sky, the reason is unknown.

Special xing: The world of bliss is divided into a sub-gun and a mother gun. There is no difference in appearance between the two. There is no difference in function. However, it must be equipped at the same time. Otherwise, it will not be used due to the interruption of strength exercises.

Is xing: double gun mode: attack +3000, attack +55%, agility +600, moving speed +50, one can accommodate energy bombs: 130 specific energy bombs. Shooting interval normal shooting effective range: 300 meters. After hitting the target, the 80% probability triggers damage to weaken 20% of the penetration, and the 20% probability triggers no weakening.

Single shot mode: no xing.

Special belongs to xing:

Critical Sniper: 100% triggers a critical hit when hitting the target's head, and has a 5% chance to die.

Blood stasis: When the blood is splashed, the blood stasis effect is invalidated, and the pain is weakened. g@.

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