Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 947: Source of light, resurrection

"No... don't use that!!" The blood wheel rushed to the big road. He was afraid that Star Treasure couldn't think of it for a moment, and he really threw the wild **** out and threw it out. Before the gate, there were already a large group of Dongpu troops rushing, dozens of weapons and countless arrows and magic fell to the city gate...

At this time, the Tianshen Mercenary Corps did not return to the defense, still in the position 50 meters before the gate.

"Fifie, look at you!"

Everyone on the face of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary is not confused, but a multiplying confidence... They have never given up in the face of such a large team. Although they have greatly shocked the enemy, but on the defending city, the use of several of them is not too much, the fragile line of defense is washed away again and again, if not the bomb of Star Treasure, perhaps Tianchen City Has been broken into the door.

But then, it will be the first major reversal made by the Soul Mercenary!

Sophie nodded, not only did not return to the direction of the city gate, but a teleport, moved to the east ten meters position, hands raised, the stick of the Word in his hand pointed to the sky...

"Sinful body, sinful soul, sinful soul, accept the sanction of light from heaven... The source of the Holy Light is extinguished!!"

With the low sorrow of Sufifi, her whole body was shrouded in a warm light. The dark sky suddenly sprinkled the brilliance of the sky, as if the sun had been covered for many days and was once again lifted up. The players looked up subconsciously and looked at it. They saw a bunch of thick beams of light falling like a storm...

The Source of the Light of Light: The Light of the Summoning of the Sanctu of the Sange of the Sange of the singer of the singer of the singer of the sacred light of the sacred light of the sacred light within the range of 100 meters around the sacred light. Destructive blow, it takes 45 seconds to sing before launching, consuming 12000 magic, no skill cooldown. 】

Brake brake brake brake brake brake...

The light of the sky is like the sacred light blade that descends from the sky, cuts the air, cuts the space, and sanctions all the creatures that are shrouded. In the twinkling of an eye, the area around the 100 meters of Sufifi is covered by the light... This range is easy. Cover all the players in front of the gate. At the rear of the team, the players who were fortunate enough not to be shrouded were all frightened, and the emperor retreated, his mouth wide open, his eyes wide open, and he looked so stupidly that such a huge light curtain shrouded from the sky, too strong and bright. It’s impossible to see that life has happened inside, only to hear the terrible tears... It’s the beam of light falling from the sky, the ruthless sound that runs through the body...

The sanction of the Holy Light lasted for five seconds. This time is not long, but for the players of Dongpu, it is undoubtedly a long and terrifying nightmare. When the light dissipated, Sufifi kept the original action standing there, and the staff in his hand pointed to the sky. And around her... front, back, left, and right, the corpse is piled up everywhere, and no matter which direction, no one is standing.

In the second magical Wuhua Conference in China, Sophie's sacred arrow exposed her strong ability to attack, and this wide range, high power of the strongest sacred skills, killing these Dongpu players is a breeze. Sacrifices do not mean that there is only a simple healing and auxiliary ability. They also bear the mission of sanctioning the darkness... And the source of the Holy Light is one of the powerful light techniques of sacrificing the darkness of the Sacred Words, and it is also the sacredness of Sophie. Outside the arrow, the only attack technique.

Although it can only be used once a day, but... the power of this time is already shocking. At least, all the scenes, as well as the players watching here, were shocked and stayed straight, and they haven’t been there for a long time...

The destruction of the 100-meter centered by Sufifi, the number of corpses around her, has been countless, and at first glance, it is like stepping into the Shura field just after the tragic war.

She is the only sacrifice of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary... Is she really attacking the fragile to assist the priest as the main abilities?

"Oh... you succeeded in killing 4,680 targets with ‘the source of the light.’”

Sophie's ear sounds gave her the most accurate number. The corpses all over the place made the scene dead, and the shocked ones who couldn't believe their eyes were not only the players, but also the people who did not destroy the reincarnation.

At this time, Sufifi, undoubtedly became the focus of the audience, a white outbreak, surrounded by dim light, the figure is so sacred, she is a sacred fear. Standing in the same place, Sophie’s raised right hand did not let go, but closed her eyes, and a warm light shone on her body...

"Resurrection, my friends... the light of the Holy Spirit!"

The Light of the Holy Spirit: Calling the warmest light with the heart of compassion, sown the resurrection of the Holy Light within 100 meters of itself, resurrect all the dying partners in the sphere, and restore the vitality of all the targets. It consumes 9000 magic and cools down for six hours. 】

The light that covers the sky and the sun is once again sown. If it is just the ruthless sanction of light, then this time, it is a soft warmth of light. Under the bright bathing, the surviving members of the resurrection are all replied. The members of the invincible reincarnation who died in battle were all reflected in a white light. In the light, they stood up slowly from the ground one after another, and then looked at their hands... On the side, echoing the tone of their resurrection.

All the invincible reincarnation players who died in battle, under the light, all resurrected!

This is like a miracle that has been lowered from the sky, so that the players in Dongpu are all set aside and stand at the same place. After a few seconds of indestructive reincarnation, they did not cheer, but the whole body, boiling up the blood of frenzy...

Looking at the body of the players in the East, watching all the resurrected partners around... This melee has lasted for more than half an hour, Tianchen City did not fall, not being smashed by a Dongpu player, none of them defeated, died All of them are Dongjun Army. The corpse is all over the plains facing the gate, and it satirizes the incompetence and humbleness of the players.

They had never thought of winning, and everyone was holding the eternal consciousness. The belief was the moment of struggle to death. But at this time, in the face of the shrinking Dongpu people, they are screaming in their hearts...

Can win! !

We can win! !

We can protect Tianchen City... We can smash the ambitions of these Dongpu people and kill them all back to the East!

Do not destroy the reincarnation in the heart so screaming. And the Chinese players who are paying attention here are also shouting like this. So the fragile lineup, they thought it would be easily rushed, they all have the consciousness that Tianchen City was attacked or even occupied by these Dongpu people. But the war situation has evolved into the present state... They know that it is the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps that has less than ten people. Just because of their existence.

At the rear of the Dongpu Army, the telescope in the hands of the mysterious man was thrown to the ground by him. After two weeks of flipping on the stage, he fell down and hit the ground below 30 meters, making a mocking landing. sound.

The eternal Sun member on his side immediately stepped forward and gave him a new telescope.

"Tell me!! How many of us are now... How many people are we dead now!!" he screamed coldly.

"... So far, a total of 12,300 people have been killed, and we have 23,000."

"One...group...rice...barrel!!" The mysterious man bit his teeth and squeezed the cold resentment from his teeth. One thousand two people were killed... and the other people killed were all resurrected...

This root is equivalent to the other side in the state of unharmed, destroying their army! !

"Although... although we have a lot of damage, the situation is now completely down to us. The vast range of attack techniques and resurrection techniques have strict usage restrictions and may even be used. Punishment, it must not be used for a second time in a short period of time, the same thing will not happen again. And our previous failure to attack the city was due to the bomb dropped on the wall, and just before we attacked the city gate, the bomb Did not leave, obviously the bomb has been used up. They must have nothing to stop us now," said the man behind the mysterious man.

"Hey, what can you see, I still can't see it!! If there is no corpse mercenary group, then the three thousand garrisons are a group of ants!! And a corpse mercenary group has made us so long After attacking, I have been killed by so many people... Why does this Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps belong to our Dadong Empire?"

There is no one in the Eternal Sun who dares to scream... I witnessed the power of the Souls of the Souls, and they knew that they were as stupid as the frogs at the bottom of the well. Compared with them, they once claimed to be the strongest team in the world, and the root is a pile of slag.

"I will give orders to me immediately... I will launch the general attack again and tell them that this is all that the other party can rely on. I will give me all the things that happened before, tear them up and tear them into the city of Tianchen."


"In addition... our second wave of teams should be coming soon." The whisper of the mysterious man's haze.

Upon receiving the order, Dongpu players had to be strong in spirit, courageous in Gaochun, and the city gates swarmed away. I thought it would be easy to take them down in Tianchen City. At this time, they became a timid one... As they moved, they were the first to be greeted by Murong Qiu Shui.

"One thousand three hundred and twenty-seven..." Murong Qiuqiu's lips were slightly open, revealing the white teeth, and the sneer of Senran.

He has a hunch that the people he killed today will surpass the sum of his time in his life.



Another place.

Situ fell in the rain and quietly fishing, and lost the lost roots of the mainland, and did not seem to know exactly what had happened to the lost continent. Her luck today is also quite good, only half an hour later, and a kingfisher was dropped by her. Of course, this is also related to her high-level fishing professional and the powerful fishing rod "Ocean Star" in her hand.

At this time, she felt the instigation of the wrathful shark in the sea, opened her eyes, just asked, and suddenly, just below her eyes, the water surface was suddenly broken, and a shadow water rushed up.

"Ah!" Situ screamed in the rain, but when she saw the man who rushed out, panic suddenly turned into a surprise: "Heavenly brother!"

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