Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 948: South China Sea Fishing

"Heavenly brother, how can you be here... Are you coming to find the rain, and then deliberately drilled out of the water to scare the rain!" Situ fell rain and delighted and jumped, almost could not help but directly Jumped and rushed. She drove the raging sea sharks under her body and approached the past, then slammed him hard and smiled happily.

"Falling rain... How are you here? This shark is..." Ye Tianxie fell on the back of the raging shark, and he was surprised to see Situ rain here. He looked down at the gray shark under his body... Although most of his body was underwater, the growth on his back would only belong to the dorsal fin of the shark.

"I am fishing here! This is a small shark that I just caught a week ago. It is a very large pet egg. It is almost as big as it is now. I don’t know how big it will be when I grow up. By the way, its name is a doll, it is very cute." Situ fell to the rain and said, the body is like a docile kitten that is generally swaying on Ye Tianxie. Counting, Ye Tianxie has left for twenty days, and he has not been able to talk to him for more than twenty days. Some teas that she has already thought of have not thought about it.

"Yeah. Doll..."

This name, and the shape of this shark really does not match. In childhood, there is such a huge body. When you grow up, you can imagine.

"Heavenly brother, are you coming to me? Have you already thought of the things you have forgotten?" Situ asked.

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ye Tianxie raised his head, did not speak, and his head was a light blue sky, as his heart was like a mi.

He is trying to swim under the sea, looking for, eager to find what... He has been so hard and urgent, but after so long, he did not find anything that would make him pay attention, and finally, there is no limit to it. In the sea, his heart is tired, and his mind has also been shaken...

Is it really here?

Or... The Blu-ray Phoenix is ​​not actually going to bring itself here, but it has not yet reached its destination, and its energy is no longer enough to support and disappear...

Or... pray that the legendary root of the glass is illusory.

Yes... to realize a wish, how this kind of thing that will appear in the fairy tale world may be true. From the beginning of the wish, to the follow-up of these days... In fact, I have always been in a wishful thinking... Is it...

Then, dragging the exhausted body and the chaotic and helpless heart, he separated from the sea and left the sea from where he had previously dive. Then, he accidentally encountered the Situ rain.

He suddenly became a lonely look, so that Situ fell into the rain, and the excited mood was all put away. She knew that she had said the least thing to say. She held the body of Ye Tianxie and said softly in his ear: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't think about it. We still have a lot of time to think about it... and, no matter if you think about it or not, We will always be with you all the time, so be sure to be happy, okay? If you are like this, I... I will feel very sad."

Situ fell to the rain and said, it was already awkward.

One hand was on the shoulder of Stuart's rain. Ye Tianxie smiled and shook his head and said, "Do not worry, I am fine..."

He said one sentence, he couldn’t say it anymore, looked up and looked at the ocean silently...

Even though the heart has begun to shake the true meaning of the cherished glass legend, it has been shaken violently. However, deep inside, why not hold the hope that you are not willing to be erased... He hopes to be true, I hope that the place where the blue phoenix brought himself can really help him find what he has lost. It’s just that he hasn’t found it yet.

If you let him go now... he will give up, not willing, not willing. His mind will let him stay here like a curse, continue to find it, one day, two days, three days... ten days... twenty days... until real despair.

"That... the evil brother of that day, can tell the rain why you came here?" Looking at the eyes of Ye Tianxie, Situ’s heart was sore in the rain. Before, how proud and sharp these eyes were, how arrogant And sometimes, how gentle and warm heart. At the beginning, when she first saw these eyes, she knew that she could not escape his cage in her life.

And this time. What she saw in these eyes was a hollow with no focal length.

"Because... here... there is something I lost... what I lost... it’s here." Ye Tianxie’s inner replay was preceded by a wishing tree growing in front of him, praying that the glass would be formed before him. The scene of the blue phoenix, the eyes become mi away, giving a voice like a nightmare.

“Here? Here?” Situ rained and looked around... except for the sea water, only the sea water, except for themselves and the shark below, there is nothing else worth noting. She whispered, "Where is that here? Is it... is it below?"

Ye Tianxie just came out from under the sea. She realized that Ye Tianxie must have searched for something in the ocean before... But why did he say that his lost memory would be here? What did he find out?

"I don't know. I can't find it..." Ye Tianex shook his head and sighed with a sigh.

"I don't know... Hey, it doesn't matter, God evil brother." Situ fell a rain and laughed, then hugged Ye Tianxie's arm with both hands, pulling him to sit down beside him, leaning against his shoulder, in him He said in his ear: "I believe that since the evil spirit brother said here, it must be around here. Since it is here, then we are here, silently waiting for it to come out."

"Wait for it to come out"

"Yeah! When I was young, my stinky brother told me that the things that I lost, if I went to look for it, I couldn’t find it many times, but if I calm down and think about it, I might think of it very quickly. Where, more often, you will appear in front of you when you don't care. The stinky brother also said that if it is destined to be his own, even if it is let go, deliberately throw it away, it will come back by itself. Root does not need to deliberately pursue the search. What is not your own, how to pursue it will not belong to you. God evil brother... What you forget is your own thing, it belongs to you, even if I forgot it for a while, and I always think about it. I don’t need to think about it. You see, the old evil brother had forgotten it for a while, but then, a string of wind chimes appeared, letting Tianxie’s brother know that he had forgotten something important. ... This is the fate of destiny, destined to be a true forgotten brother, so those who are forgotten will have a complete day back to their side. If they are here... then I Just wait here together, I believe rain, it will appear himself, his own back. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Situ rain picked up the star of the sea, hung up the bait, and then threw the hook with the long line of fish to the sea, and made a small splash on the surface of the water. She adjusted the fishing rod to the most suitable position, and smiled and said: "Heavenly brother, don't think about things that make you feel bad, and fish with the rain... When you are fishing, waiting quietly and continuing. In the midst of eagerness, the troubled heart will calm down. When you don’t catch the fish, you will enjoy the quiet. When you catch the fish, you will enjoy the surprise. For the rain, fishing is the happiest thing in the world... ... ah, right? The third happy thing in the world is fishing. The second happy thing is to be with the evil spirited brother. The happiest thing... is to fish with the evil spirit brother, just like now."

Situ rain closed her eyes, and the cool sea breeze blew her eyes and hair, adding a fresh beauty to her. She said softly: "God brother, your mood will be the same as falling rain." Ok, right?"

Ye Tianxie looked at her side face and looked at it for a while. She suddenly smiled and said, "Let the rain, give me a fishing rod."

“Well!!” Situ’s rainy and cheerfully promised, and took out a Ye Tianxie to use. The ordinary fishing rod without any restrictions on use gave Ye Tianxie, and put out some bait in his hands: Put these bait on the hook, then throw the hook to the sea, then it is the waiting and expectation of enjoyment. Every harvest, no matter big fish or small fish, is the hope and joy of harvest. Evil brother, you will also like fishing... Although you have not studied fishing, you can only carry out the most basic fishing, but the evil spirit brother has such a high lucky value, the rain is sure, there will be a lot A lot of harvest."

"Yeah!" Ye Tianxie nodded hard and promised that he was awkwardly hanging the bait on the hook, then learning the movement of the Situ rain, throwing the hook to the front, silently watching the hook Water splash, disappeared above the sea...



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