Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 949: Reversal of the mans, the heavens of the grass!

In front of Tianchen City, the fierce scuffle broke out again.

The resurrection of the invincible reincarnation of the player's fighting spirit is twice as high as before. These cold-hearted killers even made a burst of roar, and the sharp blade in the hand is like a slashing knife. Before the city gate, the corpse began to accumulate quickly... But among these corpses, there must be one in every four or five corpses. Each of them will try to pull three or four cushions before they die. Even if they die, they will die absolutely.

The left-wing army constantly released the taunts of the Overlord to attract the attacking targets and attack directions of the Dongpu players... However, it is obvious that the commander of Dongpu issued the order, and the Dongpu Army of these impacts has begun to consciously bypass the Tianshi Maid. corps. Their impact is no longer a direct forward, but scattered into three shares, one left and one right, the soul can only block one at most, because when they are brought together, Wanfu is invincible, whoever is dead, but if Their team is scattered and everyone is in danger.

More than 20,000 people have more than 3,000 people. Without the deterrent and resolving of the ultimate bomb of the stars, the defense line of the reincarnation is finally broken again. The players in the rear are all rushing under the open shield of the front shield. To the gate of the city... before the gate of the city, killing the sound, the invincible reincarnation can only do everything in its power to block, use the sharp edge to kill everyone who has gathered in front of the door, but the difference between the two sides is too big Even if they are about to bite their teeth, how can they stop the flood-like impact, the attack of the reincarnation falls on the Dongjun army, and the Dongjun army roots rushing to the front door have ignored their attack, one side Eat the medicine and attack the city gate with all your strength...

"Back to defense!"

In the big shackles of the left-wing army, the souls of the heavens are evacuated backwards, and at this time. Sophie’s body suddenly flashed in front of her, and a glimpse of the snow appeared in front of her...

Sophie’s footsteps paused and then shouted: “Snow!”

The person who appeared in front of Sufifi was the Chen Xue that was sent over the Miles Tracker.

"Fifie sister." Seeing Sufifi, Chen Xue smiled and smiled, as if the roots did not hear the sound of the ear and noticed the confusion around, and the danger of being killed at any time in this confusion.

"Snow, how come you come here... Hurry up, hurry back, it's too dangerous." Sophie said anxiously.

"Ah! My little head, Madame, how come you ran here, this is not the place you should come. These people who are so wicked and wicked will eat people. Use this to go back quickly." Situ was coming over. , take out an empty magical beads to put on the hands of Chen Xue.

"It doesn't matter, they can't hurt me, I am here to help everyone."

After Chen Xue finished, smiled and raised his hands. The thick hands had already held a thick book. The book was opened by Chen Xue, the pale green brilliance was released from the book, and then spread to the body of Chen Xue...

"This is... the guardian of the herb! I actually forgot this!"

Seeing the green light that shrouded Chen Xue’s body, Sufi’s original fear disappeared and she sighed softly. Sophie’s change made Situ’s moment. He opened the eyes of the demon and swept the green light of Chen Xue, and then almost missed the chin on the spot.

The Guardian of Herbs: Active Effect: Summon the gods of Herbs in the book of Herbs to protect themselves, perfect against all attacks, can be summoned at any time, cancel at any time, the accumulated usage time is 30 minutes per day. Passive effect 1: If killed by others, no matter who fights first, the other party will be punished by three times the death. Passive effect 2: Immune full abnormal state and full capacity decline state.

"Call... The people around the head of the group, of course, none of them are normal. Even this ordinary Xueer sister has such a hand." Situ was holding his forehead.


"Snow sister, see you!" For a long time, I didn't see the book of Herbs. Sophie Fei even forgot about its existence. At this time, she saw that she knew what Chen Xue said "help". The cause of the city gate was in a panic of crisis, and there was a pleasant smile on his face.

"Yeah!" Chen Xue tried hard and nodded. The small hand moved, and the book of Herbs on her hand was turned to the first page. Suddenly, the green brilliance shone softly, and the scattered spread of the ocean was far away... soon, The green mans will cover the soul of the soul, as well as all the players who do not destroy the reincarnation. Their spirits are fierce and the sounds in their ears are making their hearts violently tumbling...

The Heavenly Gift of Herbs: The enhanced version of the blessing of the herb that can be released after reading and understanding the essence of the book of Herbs, the **** of the grass that releases the book of Herbs with compassion, and the green mang of the sky envelopes 300 meters around itself. Area, all covered companions' life limit +50000, mana limit +50000, life automatically recovers 5000 per second, magic automatically restores 5000 per second, immunizes all abnormal state and ability decline state, will have a very good life for the undead A large probability causes an instant annihilation effect. It can be released at any time, interrupted at any time, and can be used for 600 seconds per day. 】

The life and magic ceilings are soaring, and the life-recovery automatically recovered every second is even more impressive... and it lasts for a full six hundred seconds! This is the invincible of six hundred seconds! !

The blood wheel on the wall screamed after the excitement: "Brothers!! Look at our current state! What are we afraid of!! What else is fearful... Now, all change to attack, kill your murder Give me all the collars and give me the freedom to kill!! Everyone doesn't kill ten or eight, and don't be able to afford yourself!!"


A loud scream, the release of the riots of the group of beasts. These killers who have no worries are like a fierce wolf with a head, and with a sharp, breath, with a flash of green light on their body, rushing to the enemy closest to them...

They no longer need to dodge, no longer need to look forward to, no longer need to contain, 50,000 life limit is added, 5,000 life recovery per second, they have no need to worry about it, one is the strongest kill Even if the front is an enemy attack, they are completely blinded, so they rushed to the attack, and while they were attacked, they cut the enemy with the hot killing.

Originally presenting a one-sided situation, it miraculously fell to the other side in a short period of time, because the opponents of the Dongpu players who were so rushing to the front of the city all gave up the defense as if they had gone away. , killing them crazy! kill! kill! Generally speaking, this kind of killing method that is not in your own body is bound to be both loses, although the killing is fast, but the death is equally fast... However, the wave of the team closest to the city gate is almost ready to be killed, and the fierce wolves who actually run away are actually None of them fell, and all of them who had been in front of the city gate rushed out like a red-eyed rush, rushing to the approaching team...

A terrible breath began to make Dongpu players feel scared again.

The invincible reincarnation safely gave up the defense, and all of them rushed to the vast Dongpu player group. The two armies collided with each other, and the small fish was engulfed by the big fish, but... the team that did not destroy the reincarnation The five squad rushed into the Dongpu player group, but like the five sharp scissors, the huge Dongpu team was cut. In the game of only killing the life, regardless of their own style, let the Dongpu players leave for a moment. The body of the land. Dongpu players quickly counterattack in fear, their attacks fell on the target, once, twice, tricks, and tricks... the other side is still fiercely attacking, never fell, but he was killed by one One……

The speed of this kind of killing is basically incomparable. The bodies are piled up in piles. The bases are all players of Dongpu. Occasionally, there are several indefinite reincarnation members who are killed and killed. Dongpu players occupy the absolute advantage of the number of people, but it is more and more shocked by the Vietnam War. The most terrible enemy is not the fierce enemy, but the enemy who is not dead... Gradually, their surprise turns into a trepidation, and then the tremor turns into fear. Until the mind is almost collapsed...

On the rear high platform, another telescope of the mysterious man was slammed on the ground by him: "The green light... that green light!!"

"Receive the army, all evacuate!!"

The opponent's root is equivalent to a terrible state of blessing for a long time, and then stalemate is exactly the same as dying. The mysterious man had to give instructions to retreat in anger. The Dongjun Army, who received the instructions, was stunned and fled in the face of a strong enemy. But in the face of undead enemies, going up to the roots is to kill anyone.

The Dongpu team rushed backwards like a flood, and they were only slower than they were attacking. The whole body blood that had already been killed was burning and the invincible reincarnation player held the weapon and chased it in the arrogance. The incomprehensible scene is presented in front of Tianchen City... A team of nearly 20,000 troops has been stalked by a team of less than 3,000.

The souls of the people stood in front of the city gate, and their faces showed a smile. Sophie Fei took the hand of Chen Xue and praised it: "Chen Xue, this time thanks to you."

"Hey." Chen Xue showed a smile, a **** of mystery, often can be powerful to a war.

Chen Xue made a perfect interpretation of this sentence with a book of Hermitage.

"All come back, don't chase." The blood wheel calmly launched the order. His light drink, immediately let all the players who did not destroy the cycle stop, and then return smoothly and quickly. When they returned to the gates, the green light disappeared at the same time.

"Ah... it’s been 600 seconds." Chen Xue said. 600 seconds is already the limit of the time that every day can be maintained.

And this is only a short six hundred seconds. Under the circumstance of not killing the reincarnation, nearly 7,000 people were killed. The difference between the two sides is ten times, and it has been miraculously pulled five times.

Outside the battlefield, all the players who are paying attention to this have been under this continuous change, and I don’t know how to describe my feelings. It’s been almost an hour. The three thousand troops who stood in front of the city gate did not let the Dongjun army attack. Instead, they repeatedly hit them again and now, even forced them to retreat.

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