Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 951: Backwaters

Before the lost city.

With the separation of the dark clouds in the sky, in the ridicule of the lost city, a black shadow descended from the air in the thick black air, floating in the sky in front of the main entrance of the lost city. He looked at the melee in front of the city gate, and his face showed a mad smile: "Ha ha ha ha ha... hahahaha... four years of forbearance, ten thousand years of waiting, I finally waited until this day, when our At the moment when the Devil's Day is formed, the entire lost continent is already in the palm of our hands, and the goddess of Xi Yao disappears. The twelve sages don't know where to go... and even if they exist, our demon gods are about to wake up. At that time, there is no longer any possibility to resist the footsteps of our Mozu, hahahaha..."

His appearance made the sky seem to be a bit gloomy. The players under the dark pressure and the chest of the city guards were covered with a hard slate, almost breathless. It is only the heavy pressure on this power that is enough to make everyone here understand how horrible the enemy is, and the black mans on him are also tangible... This is the demon of the Mozu! !

And it is a hundred times more horrible than all the other demons here.

"Yes... is the Rakshasa King of the Nine Devils!!" In the palace, the pheasant priest was pale, and his hands with the paper were trembled fiercely. Ghost King, this is a terrible name for human beings who occasionally think of his name. His strength is terrible. It is the nightmare of all human beings. It is impossible for human beings to resist. Only those who can resist these devils are the goddess Xi Yao and the sage who carries some of the power of God.

But... the goddess of Xi Yao disappeared, the twelve sages disappeared, and the ghost king escaped from the same year, and disappeared after four years. Now, who else can stop them.

"Ziji, ice fire, how confident is it to defeat him?" The lost emperor, who had always calmed and calmed, turned white and could not sit in his seat.

The purple sword **** and the ice fire **** looked at each other and shook their heads. The purple pole sword **** said: "The victory is impossible... With the power of the Luocha ghost king, we join hands, at most... can resist up to three quarters of an hour without dying. and……"

"And the Mozu's large-scale dispatch is like transferring all the demons of the entire Devil's Land to our lost continent. The Rakshasa Ghost King has also appeared, then the other seven ghost kings who are still alive, they may also... will follow By the time..." The ice fire **** said half, and his face was already incomparably heavy.

The lost emperor took a few steps back and forth, then sat down on the carved seat and waved his hand and said, "You... go, the moment you can resist is a moment. If the day is going to die, I am lost, we These human beings have no roots to resist. Do your best."

"Yes." The purple sword **** and the ice fire **** agreed at the same time, then quickly stepped out and went straight to the main entrance of the lost city. Their hearts were covered with a heavy shadow.

"Pheasant, still haven't found evil days?" said the lost emperor with a blank expression.

The pheasant shook his head and said, "No... I have tried various methods, but I can't find his place... There is only one possibility. He should not be lost in the mainland now." He carefully tried to ask: "The emperor, if he finds him... Does he really have the possibility of eradicating this disaster?"

"I don't know." The lost emperor shook his head and said: "Have you forgotten? The dark ghost king was hiding in the remains of the illusionary orcs, but later he did not know where to go. The illusionary orc relics turned into ruins. Obviously, after an extremely fierce battle, Tianchen City owner told me that the disappearance of the Dark Ghost King should have a great relationship with the evil world... The God of the Day tells that the evil day told him that the Dark King is being He was expelled and showed him a ghost king token that fell when the dark ghost king escaped. A few months ago, the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps went to investigate the source of the crying sound in the dangerous canyon, and later learned that it was actually Rakshasa. The ghost king was hiding there... As a result, no one was destroyed, and the Rakshasa Ghost King left there and never returned... Obviously, it was expelled by evil days."

Pheasant: "..."

"Although he is only a player, but his body seems to have miraculous power, always doing something that shocked me. He can drive away the Dark King, and drive away the Rakshasa King. Perhaps, if he appears, there is really the possibility of resolving this huge crisis." The lost emperor looked up and looked complicated.

But it is this time, they can't find Ye Tianxie anyway.

Because the position of Ye Tianxie at this time has indeed left the scope of the lost continent.

The violent energy roar came from the direction of the city gate. The collision of this energy class made them understand at once that it was the battle between the purple pole sword **** and the ice fire **** gods to fight against the Luosha ghost king, although it was impossible to predict the lost city. How long can these two strongest gods masters support, but it is conceivable that the energy of a sub-Holy demon and the energy of two great gods will inevitably turn the city gate into a **** of death, and the lost city will be close to it. The marginal zone will also be destroyed by a large area.

At the same time, Tianchen City has already ushered in another disaster of itss... a disaster that is numerous and numerous before it.

The enemy launched an assault and rushed to the city gate with a violent breath... The Goryeo Army and the Murray Army all did not move. The only ones who attacked were the Dongjun Army, or they felt that the whole move was too fussy, completely unnecessary, or they were What agreement was reached with the time just now.

Although only the East Army, it is a full 56,000 people! !

The impact of this scale...

"Ah! They are coming, what should I do?" Star Treasure standing in the high place yelled and jumped in screaming, excitedly, and took out the wild gods. The blood wheel that was cited was another burst of heartbeat.

Murong Qiuhui raised his gun, and when the enemy explored his shooting range, it was the beginning of his death dance. At the time of the city gate, seven people of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary were standing at the forefront, and they were determined to look closer and closer to the enemy...

"Don't keep it, it's impossible to hold it." Zuo Dujun said, saying that it is extremely calm. Although this sentence is so harsh, everyone knows that this is the fact that the root cannot be changed. "As I said earlier, I can kill more and kill more."

"Understood." Situ suddenly nodded.

"If the evil brother is here..." Ling Jie holds the grass and sword, and he whispered.

And the words he said are also the voice of all of them.

In the most chaotic days of this lost continent, when they were hit by the biggest crisis in history, he lost all the information... Has he already known the status quo lost in the mainland? If you don't know, where is he now? If you know why not come back...

"We are gathered together because of the head of the group. Whenever and wherever, he is the core of the soul of our group. I said a long time ago, if we want to be strong, we should not always be in trouble. Habitually want to rely on the head... We may not be able to give him a long face, but, at the very least, we can’t give the head, can’t humiliate the whole soul...” Situ’s hands slammed, the bowstring in his hand was piercing The incomparable sound was pulled open by him, and it became an exaggerated full moon. The dark arrows on the bowstrings released the coldness of the monks: "Now, let us kill it!! No hope to guard, even if it is dead, no doubt, we will choose to escape! The soul of today, though destroyed!

"That's good!!" God screamed and screamed, holding the demon's hand and trembled: "Hey, poker face, finally, it's rare to hear you say a decent person, hehe."

"You have to understand that under the appearance of my coquettishness, it will always be a burning heart." Situ said leisurely.

At the time of their speech, the army of Dongpu had already rushed to the front.

"let's go!"

"it is good!"


"Go all to die!!"

In the ear, it is the hollow of the blissful world. The powerful penetrating bullets draw a line of blood in the crowd. The seven people of the Heavenly Mercenary Mercenary Corps rushed to this huge army...

Looking at the heights of the city wall, like a small stone, was thrown to the sea. This scene was recorded by the blood wheel. All the players in the world who watched this place really understood what was really "pride" in front of this picture.

This picture later appeared on the textbooks of many countries.

"Oh ah!! Overlord hits the sky!!"

Before, when the left-wing army faced the intensive enemy forces, it would first release the "overlord's ridicule" to attract all the enemy's hatred to the body, but this time, he is holding both hands. In the reincarnation, he rushed to the front. During his impact, the imperial reincarnation in front of him became more and more obvious. He could completely cover his body before, and quickly grew to three meters. High, nearly two meters wide...

The Dongpu Army is in the first place. It is naturally a chain of iron riding shields. These high-level Templars or sacred knights overlap at least tens of layers. Under the fast sprint of the mount, the impact is extremely fast. It is estimated that even one The stone blocking door can be directly broken, but the left-breaking army is in the hands of the imperial reincarnation, with a person's body colliding with this huge shield array...

boom! ! ! !

It was not the collision of the collision of the shields, but the fierce roar of the mountain. In the dusty days, the body of the left-handed army was motionless at the place where it collided, and in front of him, more than a dozen shield guards flew out like a bundle of straw that was thrown out, and fell in the air. The huge momentum has knocked the rear cavalry into pieces.

The most taboo of the cavalry is to step on it. Because once the chaos begins, it will spread like a flame that is blown by the wind. The collision of the left-wing army made the front position of the Dongpu Army cavalry array a mess. The front was hit and flew, and the back was knocked down. The cavalry in the back was not able to follow the situation, and it was immediately chaotic. A pot of porridge in general, but the blink of an eye, the entire cavalry in the big battle because of the left-handed army of this hit a mess of a third, which largely delayed the pace of the Eastern Army sprint. At this point, the left-handed army screamed, releasing the "overlord's ridicule" and rushing to the chaotic enemy group ahead.

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