Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 952: Regression

"The desperate weather is foggy!"

The green poison gas spreads rapidly around the body of God's happy body. This time, he is the deadly poison of the dead. In the poisonous mist, all the shrouded Dongjun troops were blinded instantly, sighed with pain and sorrow, and then fell one after another in mourning.

"Chasing the soul and chaos!!" Situ, a bow and five arrows, when he shot, he has not targeted, and all the arrows he shot will directly track the target Russia, no one will miss It will not be avoided, so the root does not need to aim. Not far from his side, Situ was ruthlessly waving with his devil's claws. Every time he waved, he would ruthlessly smash the body and life of a large enemy. Among the dense enemy groups, he is the fastest to kill. So far, the most killing enemy is Sufifi, followed by him and Murong Qiu Shui. With his current ability, his Devil's claw can last for half an hour every day, and he will kill more people with this precious half hour.

Even in this Wanjun army, the figure of Meng Yuyi is still unparalleled. Every movement of her body, every displacement, will be accompanied by a clear and cruel body cracking. In this kind of battle, all her performances are the skills of group killing. Every time the blade is waved, there will be one after another or bloody, or black "x", and each one is printed on the player's body. "x", which determines their death, no matter whether the high-temper-proof Templars or the fragile Magisters, none of them can be spared.

In a twinkling of an eye, the place where the Soul Mercenary Corps is located, the bodies are stacked, and one after another vacuum appears, but the horses will be quickly replenished by new players.

However, they have the ability to pierce this huge enemy, but it is impossible to stop. More Dongpu players have rushed to the gates in arrogance and greet them. Naturally, they are not destroying the reincarnation.

"Come on, brothers, I won't give you any more orders, because I know that you are doing your best, I will see here, witness your strength, courage and unyielding, then, become the last one. The people who are going to die with you." The blood wheel looked at the team that had been battling together and smiled and said in the gang channel.

The sorrowers will win, and under the battle of the water, these strong men who do not destroy the reincarnation will squeeze out every strength and perseverance in the bones and in the blood in order to kill more enemies. The unrelenting reincarnation of the reincarnation also makes the Dongpu players feel the fierceness buried deep in the bones when they are scared, and the same fierce attack...

Therefore, what was played before the city gate was the most tragic scene since the war. If this is in the real world, there is no doubt that the earth, the city gate, the city wall... have been dyed red by blood, the blood flows into the river, and the corpse is everywhere.

The players of Dongpu and the players who do not destroy the reincarnation fall down. The death of the players of Dongpu is like one of the nine cows for their lineup. The death of the player who does not destroy the reincarnation is a little bit of defense, and it is the kind of collapse that cannot be recovered.

However, in the face of the final defense that was quickly disintegrated before the city gate, no one chose to go back to the defense, even if they didn’t look at it... they’ve settled, then they should Do it, kill more invaders...

The distance of three kilometers behind, Gaotaizhi, the mysterious man with a cloak has been watching with a telescope. The attack on the city gate is close to the eye, and it may not be used for a few minutes, unless there are tens of thousands of reinforcements suddenly falling from the sky, otherwise it is impossible to change. His attention began to shift, and he was transferred to the corps of the corpse of the corpse who was rushed in the Eastern Army...

"They...must die!!" The black man said in a gloomy voice. Because of their existence, he lost the army! The previous attacks made them become jokes that were less defeated. Even if they broke into the city, they also had the fact that they had been settled with "waste"... all this is because of the soul mercenary. group.

"Ma, give me... at the fastest speed, rush the team of the Souls Mercenary!!"

As long as the team of the Souls is broken, each individual is killed, and the individual ability is stronger, and don't want to support it.

The movement of the Chinese army in Dongpu began to change. A large group of soldiers rushed to the place where the Souls of the Souls were, and then they were attracted by the left-handed army. After the commander of the distance left to release the ridicule of the playful king, he immediately waved his hands again. Suddenly, a team of heavy shields rushed straight in the big bang, even giving his own team that had been attracted to hatred. He slammed open and rushed to the members of the Souls Mercenary...

The left-wing army's "overlord's ridicule" has a short cooling time of only ten seconds. Such a short cooling time has always allowed him to protect his opponent. And he used it a lot. Under the attention of the commander of Dongpu, he also faintly measured the cooling time. This team, in this short gap, rushed to them...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

These shield guards did not attack, only to collide, and many people collided with one, and the momentum was quite shocking.

"They want to knock us out, be careful!"

God yelled and said, the body turned, the smog array that had just cooled down was released quickly. The green poisonous fog would cover the line of sight for a while, and all the rushing shields were poisoned, and then fell one by one. But behind, more shield guards rushed with a rapid momentum, their purpose has been very clear ... Tianshen people also know that this is specifically for them. Among them, the left-wing army has no attack ability. From the start of the war to the present, he has not killed anyone. However, the output of other people’s injuries is centered on the left-wing army. Hatred attracts and strong defense, they don't want to attack so comfortable. If the left-wing army does not have the cure and assistance of Sufifi on the side, he can resist the physical attack, but too many magic attacks will also force him into danger. After all, the magical technique of rebounding three hundred magic before. Not always available.

Therefore, if they are dispersed, in addition to the dream of self-protection and the ruthlessness of the Stuart, everyone will fall into absolute danger.

All, they are more consciously aggregated together, killing another rushing enemy. And the attacks against them have been persevering, and other professions have attracted the left-handed army to display the techniques of taunting, and then the momentum of the shield will be shaken by the squad... But under the powerful cooperation of the spirits, they The root can't get it.

The time passed by one second and one second. When the souls of the day finally looked back, they found that only the last few hundred members of the invincible reincarnation were left in front of Tianchen City. They were supported by the body. The gates of the city are congested, with all their bodies bearing all the attacks aimed at the gates of the city, and then falling one after another in the attack and counterattack...

Gradually, the front of the city gate has been inundated by the Eastern Army, until no longer see a player who does not destroy the reincarnation.

The blood wheel of the wall closed his eyes... He saw the last member of the reincarnation falling down. In the ear, there was also a reminder that all the invincible reincarnations were killed.

The player who is here. Only the last ten people are left... The blood wheel of the city wall, the star treasure, the Murong Qiushui, and the left-handed army, Su Feifei, Meng Yuyi, Situ, the Situ ruthless, Feng Xiaoyao, Ling Jie .

They are all still rushing on the battlefield... In such a large enemy army, they have not died yet, and this body is already an incredible miracle. This miracle is witnessed by the whole world... I don’t know if there will be a second team in the world that can reach their height.

Destroyed the final defense, the attack of the Eastern Army began to focus on the gates of the city, all kinds of knives, swords, guns, axes, blades, arrows, magic... such as dense raindrops generally bombarded in the city gate. The gates of Tianchen City are naturally incomparably strong, but in the previous invasion of the magic soldiers, they have also been destroyed by half of the magic soldiers. Today's city gates, such intensive attacks, may take only two or three minutes to completely break open. .

In this regard, the defending city's n can only be helpless. The battle between players, they have no right to intervene. This is one of the rules that the world has been fixed a long time ago.

"They... they started attacking the city gate."

"Don't be distracted, don't worry about them... Don't forget, there are countless players in the city who have been there, I believe they will protect the resurrection stone in the city."

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