Xiao Jingyue closed her eyes and slept selflessly. However, when Tang Mu approached, he was surprised that the other party had drugged him. He was so young that he could not withstand their drugging many times. For a moment, a trace of anger flashed in her eyes.

"Now that the empress has seen the little prince, I'll let someone take him down to rest. After all, he's still young and needs to sleep." he waved his big hand and asked someone to take him down.

"Well, then I'm relieved." Tang Mu endured the pain of breathing at this time. When he met xiaojingyue, he said again: "I'm relieved to see him. I didn't sleep all night yesterday. I suddenly feel a little sleepy. The eldest prince, walk slowly. I'm going back to have a rest." after saying that, she walked towards the house.

No. 1 was eating grass. Seeing her get up, he immediately followed her.

Liang Yuanrui smiled with disdain at the corner of his mouth. He didn't know whether he was facing No. 1 or Tang mu. Then he whispered, "it's really like a dog, but anyway, for your loyalty, I'll give you a bitch." then he laughed and left the courtyard slowly.

In the bedroom, Tang Mu just closed the door and saw No. 1 come in. She gave him a look and suddenly said, "close the door." after that, she immediately ran to the washbasin and retched. With this vomiting, she found that there was a black bug moving in the pastry she ate. If she hadn't left a hand before, Now I'm afraid the insect has already entered its own body.

At dusk, she was afraid.

No. 1 still stood in front of her, looked at what she vomited, and went forward and stretched out his hand.

"Number one, what are you doing!"

Smelling the speech, No. 1 slowly turned his head and said, "the master said he wanted to eat." then he pointed to the pile of vomit.

Just after vomiting, Tang Mu's stomach began to nausea again. If she guessed right, Liang Yuanrui must have let him do it before, otherwise he wouldn't say so. Thinking of this, she felt some sympathy for him. No matter who he was, she certainly wouldn't want to be like this.

No. 1's hand still pointed to the pile of vomit, because she just stopped it, so he didn't take action.

Just because he didn't move doesn't mean that other things didn't move. The little black bug was crawling around in vomit. Suddenly, it jumped directly onto his finger, and then disappeared.

Tang Mu looked at the scene in front of him in amazement. He immediately took No. 1's hand and observed it carefully. At this look, he found a small blood mark on his finger.

"No. 1, take off your clothes." said Tang mu, taking out the sword on his waist. Since it is a living creature, you must pick it out first.

No. 1 was very fast. She took off her clothes as soon as she finished. It was night before. Although there were candles, Tang Mu didn't pay careful attention. Today, she was shocked. She had never seen anyone covered with so many scars. In addition to the scars pulled out by the whip, there were also sword wounds of unknown size!

Tang Mu couldn't believe how he lived under liang Yuanrui for so many years. If someone else had been changed, he would have been killed. However, he suddenly understood why he could stand out among thousands of people and become the only one who survived.

The bug is very small and difficult to find in a pile of scars, but she didn't give up and still focused on looking for it.

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