No. 1 looked at her with empty eyes, and there was no response to her actions.

Tang Mu stared at him carefully. Suddenly, he finally found a small floating near his chest. The floating was very small. No one would pay attention unless he observed carefully.

"No. 1, don't cry even if it hurts later." after saying that, she first cut the gauze on his chest. The floating was very close to the wound. In order to prevent the small insects from running there, she had to tear the wrapped place again.

No. 1's eyes were still dull. For her words, she just said, "yes."

The little bug didn't take it aside. When Tang Mu raised his sword, it ran to the injured position of No. 1. Even the expressionless person like No. 1 trembled slightly.

Tang Mu was not soft hearted, but directly took a knife to open the meat and cut it off!

For a moment, No. 1 finally knelt on the ground because of severe pain, and the sweat on his forehead fell down drop by drop, but he still clenched his teeth and died without making any sound.

I don't know whether the little bug realized that he was no longer in others' body. He climbed out of the picked meat. Seeing this, Tang Mu immediately took out his gold needle and stabbed it directly.

The golden needle has always been without false hair, and this time is no exception. Although the bug was stabbed, it still swung back and forth, like the golden needle, which did not affect its life at all.

Looking at it so tenacious, Tang Mu raised his sword again and chopped it like meat.

The little bug is very tenacious. Even if it is cut in half, it still twists quickly, like looking for a host.

"No. 1, go and get a teacup." seeing how to kill him, Tang mu can only find a way to close it first and find a way to kill it slowly.

Although No. 1 was in severe pain, Tang Mu's order still made him stand up and take a teacup.

After receiving the tea cup, Tang Mu suddenly felt a little strange. It was clear that the insects he vomited before were extremely small. How could this one be as big as soybeans? Could it grow up quickly in such a short time?

Thinking of this, she immediately pulled No. 1's wrist and felt his pulse again. When she felt his pulse yesterday, his pulse was very strange, not like the pulse of a living person, but it would change a little from yesterday. If yesterday was a dead man's pulse, today is like a terminally ill pulse.

Tang Mu thought for a moment, then remembered that No. 1 was still hurt, and immediately took out the only medicine on his body and applied it to him.

The medicine is a little cool. After applying it, No. 1's face is a little better, but his eyes are still empty.

"Number one, do you know what the bug was just now?"

"Worm, drill."

No. 1 has few words, but Tang mu can barely understand it. Suddenly, she suddenly understood why Kailong Mingming wanted to kill her so much, but left her until now. She even didn't hesitate to hijack xiaojingyue. The only purpose was to make Yeyu Jun turn against her, or control her and kill Yeyu Jun with her hand.

Thinking of this, she suddenly burst into cold sweat all over her body.

Kui long hates her and Yeh Kui Jun. she will not kill them so easily. The only way is to let them instead, let her or Yeh Kui Jun live in pain.

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