Evil Insect God

Chapter 1000: Storm is coming

After trading the large amount of spirit wine he accumulated during this period, Huo Hai sent Sagong Rouyu away. Speaking of which, nowadays, Huo Hai has accumulated a lot of spirit wine, at least a lot less than before. .

After reaching the spiritual emperor realm, accumulating spiritual power is not the most important. On the contrary, condensing and polishing his own crystal nucleus is the most important means. Now Huo Hai has finally discovered the difference between his own spiritual crystal and spiritual crystal.

Aura crystallization is a special solid aura created by your own spiritual worms. It can quickly replenish your own spiritual power and help people with low strength to cultivate. However, there are some things missing in the ordinary aura crystallization, so after reaching the spiritual emperor realm , On the contrary, it is of no use to Huo Hai. Now it is not difficult for Huo Hai to accumulate spiritual power.

On the contrary, to polish one's own star core, absorb the spirit crystal, and use the special power in the spirit crystal to help, is the best way.

Although the Spirit Gathering Worm uses the spirit crystals to directly produce aura crystals, the effect is also very good, but the speed of absorbing the spirit crystals is too slow. Even if the cultivation is expanded, it will not help much. It is better to think of other methods.

From now on, the effect of aura crystallization is not great, and the spirit wine accumulated by Huo Hai is naturally much less. For those general aura crystallization, Huo Hai has left most of them to Fang Biya and others, at least in the spirit king realm. There is still a little effect of absorbing these things. Once the time flies, another few days have passed like this.

"Why Yun'er hasn't come out yet, what kind of spiritual art is she cultivating?" Huo Hai was a little strange. This girl can't sit still at all. What kind of cultivating can keep Yun'er in this way all the time.

Ji Mu tilted his head: "It seems to be fusing a special tree to create a dryad warrior that can grow and improve. I heard that this tree is very special, so it takes a long time to merge."

After hearing the words, Huo Hai finally understood what was going on, "By the way, what happened recently? How come several forces are planning to order ghost bone insects from me." All this time Sikong Rouyu is in charge of contacting Huo Hai, and Sikong Rouyu said some time ago that many close friends are inquiring about Skeleton.

As the owner of the skeletons, Huo Hai thought for a while, and planned to sell a part of the skeletons. At least these skeletons can help him earn a lot of spiritual crystals, but as more and more people inquired, Huo Hai didn’t feel it. Right.

"Husband, you haven't been out for this period of time, so the matter of the King of Medicine may not be clear. Now the Molian Domain is completely messed up." Following Qu Siyu's statement, adding Shangfang Biya and Ji Mu from time to time add , Huo Hai gradually understood the reason.

What Huo Hai did not expect was that the reputation accumulated before by the King of Medicine actually played a huge role. After the last incident, the King of Medicine only issued some statements against the Molian domain. Most people actually believed it. Actually, it couldn't be considered as a true believer. It was because the displayed strength of the King of Medicine was really terrifying.

Under Yaowangmen Mountain, there are a large number of strange beasts. Many of these strange beasts are able to affect the masters of the spirit emperor realm. However, ordinary people don't know this kind of thing. They only know that these strange beasts are very strong. .

After that, the King of Medicine started to deal with some of the surrounding forces under the pretext of what happened last time. These strengths either directly obeyed the rule of the King of Medicine and still maintained the previous state, but were completely supervised.

Or, it was destroyed by the Medicine King Sect and eventually turned into a test product of a different animal. Of course, there are some forces that have dragged their families to escape. An area near the Medicine King Sect is completely controlled by the Medicine King Sect. The composition of the King of Medicine Sect of Medicine has gradually begun to resemble the form of the Haotu Empire, and the ambition of the King of Medicine Sect has gradually become prominent.

"The Medicine King Sect did not blatantly attack other forces. They only attacked those who have hatred with them, so now most of the forces don't dare to provoke them." Huo Hai nodded to express his understanding.

After all, the current strength of the Medicine King Sect is too strong. Even the first-rate sect including the Spirit Emperor, dare not confront the Medicine King Sect. The previous first-rate sect that did not obey the order has been Destroyed.

"By the way, Hai, Yaowang Sect issued a statement some time before that to deal with the Danxia Sect and the Haotu Empire, the last time these two sects sent the most people." Upon hearing this, Huo Hai frowned.

"Such an excuse... The last time the King of Medicine Sect was the first to attack, these two forces were the victims. It seems that the ambition of the King of Medicine is not small." Huo Hai's expression became a little serious, and the King of Medicine showed this. The posture was obviously intended to encroach on the entire Molian Territory, and when they really destroyed the vast empire, then the other two sects would not be much better.

"Yeah, yes, everyone knows the ambitions of the Yaowangmen, but now everyone can't organize them at all." Fang Biya sighed, and then said the methods of the Yaowangmen. In summary, it is nothing more than harmony. Longitudinal and horizontal.

I made friends with some forces and used the means of elixir to win over. Those forces under his command were given very good treatment. After so many years, the King of Medicine had accumulated a large number of high-level elixir, which is now just being used.

After all, the reputation of the Medicine King Sect is still there, so many forces believe in the Medicine King Sect. Besides, their attitude is relatively mild. Only those who oppose them will be directly destroyed. Instead, the news is basically blocked. If it weren't for the Piaohua Pavilion's very powerful intelligence system, they would not have known many things that Yaowang Sect had done.

Therefore, many small forces have even taken the initiative to seek refuge in the Medicine King Sect and gain asylum. The Medicine King Sect's strength has begun to grow rapidly, similar to the formation of the vast empire, but has a stronger voice.

"With the current strength of the Yaowangmen, it shouldn't be the opponents of the Haotu Empire. Is it a bit bad for them to provoke the Haotu Empire like this?" Huo Hai asked strangely, he really didn't understand the Yaowang Door approach.

Ji Mu sneered: "Huh, it's not just showing your attitude. Although the Yaowang Sect is going to attack the Haotu Empire and Danxia faction, in fact, their team did not directly attack at all. Instead, they opened up the passage and moved around along the way. All of the forces have been cleaned up, and their main energy is actually still focused on gathering other forces around. With this method, it is just a diversion. When they get through the road, I am afraid that their strength has improved. I don’t know how much."

After a pause, Ji Mu went on to say, "The people in the Haotu Empire are also idiots. They clearly know what the end result is, but the major forces are still arguing. If the king of medicine does not hit the head, they will not discuss one. The result came."

Fang Biya shook her head: "Who said no? The other powers are not the same. Zongmen has clearly stated the harm of the King of Medicine Sect, but the major powers are still unwilling to unite, and even our Zongmen do not want to. Go and help the vast empire.

Hearing this, Huo Hai took it for granted: "This is natural. The Medicine King Sect did not assume a posture of destroying everything. In the face of such a behemoth, small forces and casual cultivators have no right to speak, and larger forces always There is a fluke mentality, and many of these first-class and above forces are probably thinking about taking the opportunity to strengthen themselves in the troubled times."

Huo Hai, who comes from the earth, understands the nature of human nature more profoundly than anyone else. If the King of Medicine had a posture of destroying everything from the beginning, it would be the same as the demon masters of the southern countries, and be influenced by everyone. Combat together.

However, the Yaowang Sect showed such a sullen look. Even though everyone knew the dangers of the Yaowang Sect, they also knew that the Yaowang Sect wanted to rule the Molian Domain, but when they didn't hit themselves, everyone still had a fluke.

Many people even have the idea of ​​surrendering when they can’t beat them. Anyway, the king of medicine treats his subordinates very well, and it can also be protected. Isn’t it just a change of power in the head, this kind of thinking, many They all exist in people's hearts, and when everyone really wants to unite to deal with them, the strength of the Medicine King Sect will be irresistible.

But what can I do if I know it? This is a dignified and upright plan, let alone knowing it, even if the major strengths are constantly propagating, it still cannot be changed, because the news on the opposite side cannot be blocked here.

Huo Hai spread his hands and said, "We have nothing to do now. Apart from making as many skeletons as possible by the time, I can't think of other methods." If the King of Medicine Sect breaks through the Piaohua Pavilion, a few people are in front of you. What to do.

Besides, once the entire Molian domain is really unified, then the Huo family will be insecure. A large number of masters will gather together. It is not a difficult task to destroy Cross Canyon. The others don’t care, but grandpa, father, and Huo Hai absolutely didn't want them to have trouble with the two uncles, and there was no way. Now the style of Yao Wangmen has forced Huo Hai to the opposite.

If he can't deal with Yaowang Sect, Huo Hai will continue to flee with his family. It is really a helpless choice. Otherwise, how could Huo Hai take out his skeleton, I am afraid he will still hide in an unknown place.

"Anyway, let's improve our strength first. We will be stronger, and we will have more chances of survival during the coming of the war." Huo Hai gritted his teeth and then changed the subject: "Okay." Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s talk about the problem of cultivation first. If you have any problems, see if I can help solve them.

Huo Hai didn't know the secrets of Piaohua Pavilion's cultivation very well, but Huo Hai was also a spiritual emperor after all, and his knowledge was very broad. The so-called stone from other mountains could be used to attack jade. Some of Huo Hai's opinions also benefited everyone a lot.

So the scene turned into a tea party discussing Zhan Ling Jue and Ling Jue, and no one went to mention Yao Wangmen.

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