Evil Insect God

Chapter 1001: Transformation complete

Within a few minutes of the discussion, everyone had to stop. From a distance, before a figure entered the gate, a clear voice sounded: "Brother Huo, sisters, where are you." The voice spread instantly. All over the yard.

Hearing this voice, Huo Hai couldn't help showing a bitter smile. He already knew who the person was. Isn’t it Feng Jiaojiao who followed him to the Piaohua Pavilion that day? Feng Jiaojiao insisted to follow, so Huo Hai also Can't do anything to her, Piaohua Pavilion is because Feng Jiaojiao was brought by Huo Hai, and now she and Huo Hai have just become allies, so she didn't drive her away.

Besides, at this time, the Yaowang Sect, there is no excuse for Feng Jiaojiao's affairs, so she came to trouble with Piaohua Pavilion. As for Feng Jiaojiao and Qu Siyu in the past, they were not in the consideration of Piaohua Pavilion. Feng Jiaojiao's ingredients are too complicated.

"Here again, huh, I can tell you, if you want to find other women, we don’t care, but I don’t like this woman." Hearing this voice, Ji Mu was a little annoyed. Ji Mu, a person with bone rebels, disliked Huo Hai's income from his family. Ji Mu could see that Feng Jiaojiao's feelings for Huo Hai were somewhat different.

Ji Mu got up and left, Qu Siyu followed closely: "Husband, that, I don't like her either, but you have the final say on everything." Qu Siyu said that she naturally meant Fengjiao. Jiao, the relationship between the two was originally bad.

Before Huo Hai could say anything, even Fang Biya stood up. As the eldest sister of the three, Fang Biya had the greatest influence on Huo Hai. "Hai, the two sisters have already said so, then I will not What are you talking about, but Feng Jiaojiao is very scheming." It is obvious that even Fang Biya doesn't like Feng Jiaojiao very much.

Seeing everyone left, Huo Hai was depressed for a while: "I don't like it very much, why don't you let me talk." But after a while, Feng Jiaojiao ran in and saw that no one else was there. Suddenly there was a beautiful smile on the face.

"Ah, the older sisters are not here anymore. It seems that only the two of us can chat." Feng Jiaojiao was obviously deliberate, and Huo Hai had no choice. Since the first day, Feng Jiaojiao wanted to talk to Qu Siyu Qu Siyu didn't pay much attention when the set was close.

After that, the relationship between the two people became very delicate. Knowing that other people didn’t want to see themselves, Feng Jiaojiao called out from a distance. In this way, she could be alone with Huo Hai. Anyway, Huo Hai is embarrassed. Drive yourself away.

Because Feng Jiaojiao almost took the initiative, Huo Hai’s senses of Feng Jiaojiao did not deteriorate. As time passed, Feng Jiaojiao had to come for a period of time every day. Every time Feng Jiaojiao came, everyone else would Leaving, but afterwards, everyone would not leave. Every time they came, someone would deliberately pull Feng Jiaojiao to speak and distract him.

This kind of open and secret fight really makes Huo Hai depressed, "Fortunately, this kind of struggle does not happen at home." Huo Hai is somewhat fortunate, his wives are still very harmonious, otherwise, wouldn't his family have to be a mess. .

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since Huo Hai came to the Piaohua Pavilion, and news from the outside world kept coming. The Medicine King Sect still slowly annexed the surrounding forces, and the forces expanded slowly, although not very quickly. It's very solid.

By now, the Medicine King Sect has slowly annexed several first-class forces, and several first-class strengths have mysteriously disappeared. According to the information of Piaohua Pavilion, these forces are likely to have been secretly destroyed by the Medicine King Sect. It is a pity Yes, because there is no evidence, no one wants to provoke the behemoth Yaowangmen, so these things are gradually forgotten.

The development of the Medicine King Sect has scared more and more first-class and above forces. It is a pity that no one is willing to work hard for others, and people in the distance always feel that maybe the Medicine King Sect will not reach their position, so they still Feel lucky.

The Medicine King Sect was going to deal with the so-called channel that needed to be opened between the Haotu Empire and the Danxia Sect. Now it has only been opened up a little bit. The channel has not been completed, and the surrounding forces have been annexed by the Medicine King Sect one by one.

The Yaowang Sect, which has always been very gentle, is now showing a strong pressure. It is constantly crushing the surrounding area. The three top forces are still restraining each other, and there is no effective blockade against the Yaowang Sect. .

On this day, Huo Hai's heart was shocked, and he suddenly smiled: "My spirit worm has been transformed, I will go back to the room first." Huo Hai's words caused several people who were chatting around to stop and look at Huo Haiyuan. Go, everyone looked at each other. Finally, because of the presence of another Feng Jiaojiao, the atmosphere gradually became weird, and no one knew what to say.

Huo Hai, who returned to the room, ignored the weird atmosphere outside. From the inside, his spirit worms had already transformed successfully. The first to succeed was not the ghost bone worms, but the fastest accumulation and transformation. Star Gu.

At this time, a Star Gu had slowly broken through its own cocoon. The cocoon turned into a ball of light, which was directly absorbed by the Star Gu instead of being swallowed slowly as before. With the first Star Gu Slowly transformed and succeeded, more and more Star Gus broke out of their cocoons, feeling the power of Star Gu, and Huo Hai expressed exceptional satisfaction in his heart.

These Star Gus remained the same as before, maintaining strong hardness and speed, their teeth were sharper, and their size did not change much, but the light power of the whole body was dimmer, replaced by a very mysterious power.

This power, even Huo Hai doesn’t know what’s going on. He can only feel that this power is very aggressive, the internal space is getting bigger and bigger, and the spiritual power and material that can be stored are also increasing. Spiritual power has become extremely condensed.

After integrating the power of heaven and earth, the light attribute spiritual power is more powerful. If Star Gu launches an attack at this time, it will definitely not be worse than a master of the same level of Spirit Emperor realm. A large number of Star Gu attacks at the same time, even if it is Huo Hai Today's defense is absolutely impossible to resist, and the control of the spiritual power released is stronger, and the volume of the spiritual power released at this time has exceeded the size of a person.

Even if it is a Star Gu, he can now use his spiritual shield to enshroud Huo Hai's whole person. Of course, these are not what Huo Hai is most happy about. The improvement of Star Gu's strength was originally in his own expectations.

What makes Huo Hai most happy is that today’s Star Gu naturally absorbs the power of the outside world, recovering and accumulating its own spiritual power faster. When it was still in the realm of the Spirit King, Huo Hai still needs Feed a lot of spirit jade to supplement.

Today’s Star Gu, Huo Hai feels that as long as he stays outside for a year or two, he can fill the inner space with spiritual power. Don’t think that it’s very slow for a year or two. That’s because the storage space in the Star Gu’s body is now It's too big, usually only need to absorb a few days, the reserve of spiritual power is enough for Star Gu to fight a more difficult battle.

Today's Star Gu is really barely free from his own feeding, and can save a lot of spirit jade and spirit crystals. There is no need to be busy all day for these things. Huo Hai's mood is naturally extremely joyful and happy.

The Star Gus that have transformed once again become smarter than before. They have reached the wisdom of humans before. Now the wisdom of these Star Gus has finally reached the peak of normal adults. Among humans, they are considered smart people. .

It's just that after reaching this level, it is not easy to continue to improve IQ. Huo Hai feels a little bit, and is very satisfied, "Haha, this is the best surveillance tool."

These Star Gus of China Unicom are no longer the same as before. They can only see the picture but cannot hear the sound. Now through the Star Gu, Huo Hai can see the picture and hear the sound the same as through Xiaodie before. It shows that the auditory system of the Star Gus has also changed. With these Star Gus conducting all-round exploration, Huo Hai's detection ability has once again improved a step.

Of course, Huo Hai’s strength has improved, and the natural control range of insects is much larger than before. Today Huo Hai can even make these Star Gus within the scope of a kingdom, all under his control, easily and easily contact.

It's a pity that the range is too large, and it is impossible for only five thousand Star Gu to detect everything clearly. As the Star Gu emerges from the cocoon one by one, a hint of joy and excitement flashes in Huo Hai's eyes.

"Hey, why is this fluctuation so strange." Suddenly, Huo Hai felt a special fluctuation and looked around the inner space carefully. In the end, Huo Hai finally set his sights on a cocoon. This cocoon, no Huo Hai recalled the cocoon of Star Gu. Wasn't this cocoon like a transparent glass marble formed by small bones?

"Could it be that the ossicles will also be transformed successfully, great." Huo Hai is even more happy now. The ossicles have successfully transformed, which means that he can give others an explanation. This month, Piaohua Pavilion There are a lot of bones collected.

At the same time, many forces have also begun to collect bones. The Heavenly Spirit Continent is different from previous lives. People eat the leftover bones and usually find a place to throw them away. And the bones of these large creatures, not many people will go. Bother.

The bones of high-level spirit beasts are a very good material, so they are rarely found, but the bones left by ordinary beasts and low-level spirit beasts are very easy to collect. Of course, there are also a large number of dead people. The bones are also the same. Now the bones collected in the Piaohua Pavilion have piled up into a hill in a recess not far away.

If the ossicles were not transformed successfully, Huo Hai felt that he was about to be unable to withstand the pressure, and found that there was a problem with the cocoon of the ossicles.

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