Evil Insect God

Chapter 1007: One after another

While the Medicine King Sect was studying skeletons and exotic animals, Huo Hai did not make any progress here. He kept breeding ghost bone insects for sale every day, and Huo Hai would practice and research on his own when he was free.

Soon after the transformation of the ghost bone insect was completed, Huo Hai discovered that Xiaoyun had also completed the transformation. It looked no different from the previous transformation, but Xiaoyun's original white jade body suddenly began to become transparent, "Could it be with Yin Like beads, this is a sign of becoming an invisible spirit worm." Huo Hai felt a little strange.

But no matter how strange it is, Xiaoyun's ability has indeed improved. The fog can affect the masters of the spirit emperor realm, controlling the power between the fog and the sky to attack and defend, and the power is more powerful than before.

However, Xiaoyun’s abilities are limited, and his attacking power is not very strong, so he has been marginalized by Huo Hai. From a long time ago, Xiaoyun’s main job was to help Huo Hai cultivate, because his weapons can absorb a lot of Reiki.

But now, what Huo Hai mainly needs is to condense his own star core. Xiao Yun's ability is of no use. The only use is probably to absorb the power of the world on a large scale and help Huo Hai speed up his recovery.

But this ability is not very useful, because Huo Hai can now absorb the power of the world at will within a 200-meter radius. Now it seems that Xiaoyun has gradually become useless. Unless a better solution can be found in the future, Xiao Yun can only be marginalized, and it seems that he has felt the master's thoughts, and Xiao Yun is also a little lost.

Today's Xiaoyun is very smart. If one day he wants to become like Yinzhu and is completely abandoned by Huo Hai, Xiaoyun himself doesn't know what he should do. Huo Hai sighed, this is not what he thought.

Xiao Yun is actually very powerful, but compared with monsters like Huo Hai and other perverted spirit insects, Xiao Yun’s ability is far worse. Unlike Star Gu, it has always been Huo Hai’s most important. helper.

After Xiaoyun's transformation was completed, it took a long time for Xiaojin and Xiaodie to gradually transform successfully. Because they had previously absorbed the Heaven-level Origin Spirit Lingbao, this transformation is not only transformation, but also condenses their own origin, so Xiao Jin and Xiaodie spent a lot of time. Not long ago, Xiaodie gradually transformed into a successful cocoon.

This time, Xiaoyun left nothing behind. He spread his wings directly, with bright and attached eyes, silently looking at the direction of Huo Hai’s spiritual exploration, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Congratulations. ."

Subsequently, Huo Hai began to explore in the excitement of Xiaodie. First of all, as before, after Xiaodie's natural breakthrough, his spiritual power was even more terrifying. The spiritual power spells and illusions were many times stronger than before.

Combining the special spiritual power formed by the power of heaven and earth makes Fluttershy use these spells more like a fish in the water. Most importantly, with the help of Soul Extinguisher, Fluttershy's mental abilities are stronger. Now she uses spiritual power to attack, Fluttershy Can easily kill masters of the same level, that is, spiritual masters of the second-level spirit emperor realm, what a terrifying ability.

Controlling a master of the same level, Fluttershy can also hold on for a long time, at least a few hours, and a master who exceeds his own strength, as long as he is not specializing in mental power, Fluttershy can simply control it for a period of time.

You know, the master of the spirit emperor realm, but his own soul has been integrated into the power of heaven and earth, and the essence of baptism is very high, even this can be controlled by Fluttershy, which shows how powerful Fluttershy's ability is.

Huo Hai tried it on his own and asked Xiaodie to perform an illusion. As a result, even though Huo Hai knew that it was an illusion, it took a long time before he found a slight flaw. It was absolutely impossible for others to do it. This, in fact, these upgrades are now only incidental, the source of Fluttershy's condensed spirit is a blazing fire of extinguishing souls.

As long as this kind of flame is slightly close, Huo Hai feels cold, as if his soul can be frozen. Xiaodie's strongest ability now is to use the fire of soul extinguishing. This kind of flame is very difficult.

After being displayed, it is colorless and heat-free. It is very suitable for sneak attacks. When I find out, I have often been recruited. Once the soul is contaminated with the fire of the soul, it is not easy to clean up. This thing is aimed at The one is the soul.

Ordinary people, even if they are wiped a little bit by the fire of extinguishing souls, their souls will be gradually frozen, and there is no cure at all. You must know that this is a kind of ability that the ancestors of the sky soul are afraid of. Today's Xiaodie, In terms of combat effectiveness, it truly surpassed the average spiritualist of the same level, Huo Hai was very pleased. The spiritual worm that can stand alone is very rare.

Moreover, with the help of Soul Extinguishing Fire, the spiritual attributes that were previously difficult to absorb have approached, and now the speed of decomposition and absorption has also become very fast. Huo Hai was pleased to throw the remaining Soul Crystals to Xiao Butterflies absorb.

Fluttershy is constantly consolidating, and Huo Hai does not have much battle now, and does not want to summon Fluttershy. Otherwise, it will be bad if the people in Piaohua Pavilion find out. Sometimes, he still hides a few more hole cards, which is better for him. .

It’s just that Huo Haiping is still studying the Fire of Extinguishing Soul. You must know that Fluttershy is his own spirit worm. According to normal circumstances, this Fire of Extinguishing Soul can be mobilized and blessed by himself, or even borrowed it himself. Just because the Fire of Extinguishing Soul is too domineering, Huo Hai has no way to mobilize it at will, otherwise there is no need for such research.

After a few more days, Huo Hai suddenly felt a familiar fluctuation: "Hey, this fluctuation, is Xiao Jin coming out too." Huo Hai's eyes lit up, and he found that Xiao Jin's cocoon also burst out brightly. Golden light.

The golden light flickered, the cocoon melted little by little and turned into a golden mist, which was finally swallowed by Xiaojin. Today Xiaojin looks even bigger, almost as long as a palm, and his body is still crystal clear. Golden.

It’s just that the number of wings on the back has increased to ten, flapping the wings, the speed is faster, as if it is a stream of light, Huo Hai’s eyes can’t keep up at all, let alone Huo Hai, even if it’s Star Gu, it’s now at speed. Not being Xiaojin's opponent, Huo Hai also discovered that Xiaojin actually had the ability to grow bigger and smaller, and could become as long as an arm at most.

At the youngest time, it was much shorter than an ordinary centipede, and could easily dim the golden light on his body.

Huo Hai smiled slightly, and Xiao Jin became more and more suitable for sneak attacks: "It turned out to be so, I said how you wanted two source spirit treasures." Under Huo Hai's investigation, he finally understood the original reason from Xiao Jin.

Xiaojin’s body, the source of the condensation, was beyond Huo Hai’s expectation. It was also a ball of flame, but it was a ball of dark green, flashing a special flame of colorful brilliance from time to time. The "poisonous fire" was what Huo Hai saw the flame. The first reaction.

Xiaojin’s flame comes from two special source spirit spirit treasures. The source spirit spirit treasure, which is a small financial unit, actually comes from the poisonous crystals left by the mutant bone-eating snake. The toxin attribute of this crystal is as high as the sky. Grade quality, and very high, but among them, there has been a trace of poisonous fire. Although the flame is small, it is the essence.

Xiao Jin can already feel that this kind of poisonous fire that burns is the most powerful. It is the qualitative change of the toxin. It just so happens that Huo Hai also has a fire-attribute Heavenly Origin Spiritual Treasure, which has a higher level than this poisonous attribute. Not bad at all.

So after fusing the flying fish king's tail, we used the flame source in it to strengthen the poisonous fire, so that the poisonous fire was completely strengthened, "Wasting so many treasures of us, I want to see how your ability is, if it is not good, I have to clean up. is you."

Under Huo Hai’s threat, Xiao Jin’s dissatisfaction fluctuated, and then he began to demonstrate his poisonous fire. Now Xiao Jin does not need to transform his spiritual power into toxins to use, but directly sprays poisonous fire and soul-killing fire. The cold attribute is different, this kind of poisonous fire is extremely hot, and most people will be burnt to ashes on the spot when burned by the flame.

Of course, the heat of the flame is not the root. The most important thing is the toxin in it. If the flame cannot burn the opponent, the poisonous flame will penetrate into the enemy's body, erupting or lurking with Xiaojin's mind.

This kind of flame can absorb the power in the opponent's body and grow himself slowly, which is very difficult to remove. Moreover, even if he leaves himself, Xiao Jin can still control the poisonous fire. The control of the poisonous fire is not just a simple flame explosion.

The essence of poisonous fire is toxins. Xiaojin controls these poisonous fires and can emit all kinds of toxins that Xiaojin can use. Using these toxins, they can explode on others and form various effects, and because they are the toxins emitted by poisonous fires. , Which is completely different from ordinary toxins, it is not something ordinary people can do to detoxify.

Moreover, the special crystals that Xiaojin secreted now can truly detoxify the poison. The special crystals tempered by the poison are used for detoxification. As long as the poison itself cannot exceed Xiaojin, it can be easily resolved.

Xiaojin’s current toxicity, even if it is the fourth-level spirit emperor poisoning, I am afraid it will not be better, or it will be poisoned to death, Huo Hai is very satisfied: "Very good, I did not waste my source spirit spirit treasure, now your strength is really good Not bad."

Xiao Jin’s combat power really shocked Huo Hai. Even without his own blessings and assistance, Xiao Jin’s combat power now makes Huo Hai feel terrified. Fighting alone, Huo Hai doesn’t know whether he can win Xiao Jin. With Xiaojin, it is equivalent to having another powerful helper. With Xiaodie, Huo Hai's strength has expanded several times.

After being praised by his master, Xiao Jin raised his head and made a "Bao 呲..." voice. He was very happy. After a long time, after testing all of Xiao Jin's abilities, Huo Hai moved Xiao Jin aside and absorbed the blood spiders left behind Those toxins.

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