Evil Insect God

Chapter 1008: Leaps and bounds

Some time ago, Huo Hai first processed orders from Piaohua Pavilion. Huo Hai made ghost bone insects fast, but no one could really figure it out. In fact, these insect eggs already existed in the inner space.

After processing the order, Piaohua Pavilion immediately sent a bottle to Huo Hai. The person who came was still Sikong Rouyu: "This is our Piaohua Pavilion's secret Sanyang Pill, which is specially designed to enhance the power of its own fire. It is just suitable You use it." Now Piaohua Pavilion also knows that Huo Hai owns fire, and the effect of this Sanyang Pill is very famous in Piaohua Pavilion.

Huo Hai didn’t know that even the Piaohua Pavilion’s alchemist would find it very difficult to get this thing. After taking it over, Huo Hai’s mental power casually explored, and he could feel the fiery power contained in the Sanyang Pill. , Like a big fireball.

After receiving the pill, Huo Hai smiled slightly: "Sure enough, it is a good thing. I will prepare the next skeletons for you. I have to practice, so I won't bother." After that, Huo Hai left and returned to his room. among.

Sikong Rouyu didn't bother Huo Hai, so he let Huo Hai slowly improve himself. He took out a Sanyang Pill and Huo Hai ate it directly. Then a fireball seemed to rise in his stomach, and the power of the fireball quickly flowed. Gradually absorbed by the fire, the originally violently burning star fire suddenly burned more violently and the flame became more vigorous.

Huo Hai's fire was condensed by himself, and he did not possess fire attributes. Therefore, Huo Hai could not use his spiritual power to forcefully increase the power of fire. Such fire could only be used relatively stably.

Huo Hai could not strengthen the flame limit of the fire seed. After the Sanyang Pill was digested, Huo Hai's own flame power really increased, "Unfortunately, he can only eat one a day." Huo Hai shook his head and sighed.

The digestion of the power of the Sanyang Pill also takes a certain amount of time. This bottle contains ten Sanyang Pills. The pill has reached the low-grade level, but the flame power contained in it is not inferior to the alchemist. With the earth-level middle-grade pill, Huo Hai’s flame power continued to increase with one pill a day. When three pills were taken, the fire broke through the quality of the earth-level middle-grade.

When he had eaten it completely, Huo Hai felt for the first time that the flame power in the fire had exceeded the flame limit that his cultivation base could control. If he continued to increase the fire power, Huo Hai would even feel hurt by it.

However, it’s good to use the enhanced fire to refine his star core, so that Huo Hai’s strength can increase very quickly. With the passage of time, when Xiaojin’s transformation is successful, Huo Hai’s cultivation base has already reached a few stars. The second-level spirit emperor is at its peak.

Among his main battle spirit worms, only Xiaoshui has not yet completed its transformation. Xiaoshui’s transformation is more troublesome. It needs to slowly absorb spiritual power and then gradually condense its own crystal core. However, Xiaoshui’s transformation is different from other spirit worms. It did not shrink into a cocoon, but maintained its original physical state, so now, these spirit worms have no restrictions on Huo Hai's breakthrough.

Breaking through the cultivation base one day earlier can also bring his own strength to the next level. Huo Hai has vaguely known during this time that the Molian Domain does not seem to have reached the seventh level of the spiritual emperor, even among the three top strengths, there seems to be none.

As for whether this is true, Huo Hai is not clear, but even if there is, it shouldn’t be too much. In this case, as long as he can break through to the fourth-level spiritual emperor or higher, then Huo Hai will also Not afraid of anyone.

With the continuous practice of Huo Hai’s own swordsmanship fusion speed is also very fast, with the experience after the first fusion, plus Huo Hai’s spiritual power is now extremely pure, the fusion of sword aura is getting easier, not long ago , Huo Hai finally succeeded in fusing the two sword auras once again, integrating a large amount of spiritual power into his spiritual power, once again strengthening the will in his spiritual power.

Huo Hai sent out a purple sword qi at random, and he had already reached three times the attack under his normal state, don't underestimate the three times the ability, the stronger the strength, the higher the difficulty of each increase.

Originally, Huo Hai thought that within a short period of time, his strength would not be much improved, but who knows, on the third day after Xiaojin's transformation, Sikong Rouyu found Huo Hai's courtyard again.

Huo Hai walked out and said helplessly: "Elder Sikong, I really don't have so many eggs in my hand, can I wait for a few more days." Huo Hai has no shortage of eggs, but he dare not take them out at will. Too much is taken out, but people will be jealous.

"Yes, yes, the elder Sagong, your husband's small bones can't reproduce so fast." Qu Siyu looked at Sagong Rouyu by the side, a little anxious, but didn't dare to say too much, just a reminder. , Sikong Rouyu is one of the top masters of the sect, even if Qu Siyu has Huo Hai as a backer, he dare not easily offend him.

Sikong Rouyu rolled his eyelids: "Am I that unreasonable? The purpose of my coming here is not ghost bone insects, but this thing. I heard that Lord Insect Emperor seems to have been looking for some spirit bats with special attributes. ."

As he said, Sikong Druid waved his hand, and a group of people behind him lifted up a transparent box. In the box, a weird white spirit bat was flying, and during the flight, frost and snowflakes were continuously released.

"The frost attribute spirit bat, really, thank you so much." Huo Hai's eyes lit up. You must know that this ice attribute, that is, the frost attribute, is one of the few spirit bats that Huo Hai is looking for. , It can be said that the difficulty of searching is second only to the special spirit bat with rain attribute. Huo Hai has also looked for it before, but he has not found it.

"Hehe, I don’t need to say thank you. We are all allies, aren’t we? This kind of spirit bat has no value at all to us. It will be brought to you if it is helpful to you. I believe that we will encounter difficulties in the future. Will help too."

Huo Hai nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, Piaohua Pavilion will encounter any difficulties in the future, even if you come to me." Huo Hai felt a little warm in his heart. If it is someone else, he can use the Frost Spirit Bat to bargain with himself.

"Okay, I delivered the things. Don't be too anxious. Now the development momentum of the Medicine King Sect has been stopped. As long as we push the skeletons to the Medicine King Sect, they will be completely disintegrated. "Speaking of the Medicine King Sect, Sikong Rouyu's eyes burned with anger. This time, the Medicine King Sect had done too much.

Huo Hai did not hypocritically: "Thank you so much." After sending away Sikong Rouyu, Huo Hai thought in his heart, should I give Piaohua Pavilion more skeletons of the spirit king realm? You must know the skeletons that have reached the spirit king realm. , Huo Hai is strictly controlled.

Now let alone the Piaohua Pavilion, even the Haotu Empire and Xuanbingzong have ordered a large number of skeletons. Unfortunately, Huo Hai did not give outsiders a special ghost bone insect that reached the realm of the spirit king. Everyone is in the realm of Lingshuai, but there are some small sects, because the bids are too small, so Huo Hai specially made some of the worse.

"Sorry, I can't accompany you again today." Huo Hai said to Qu Siyu and the others a little sorry.

"It doesn't matter, your business is more important, don't worry about us, we can take care of ourselves." Fang Biya pushed Huo Hai and pushed Huo Hai into the room with a melancholy expression.

Huo Hai has been living with himself during this time, but Huo Hai is too busy. There are a lot of things in normal times. Most of the time is used to make ghost bone insects. Although he can often meet, he is very good for those who get along with Huo Hai. The women cherished the time even more. After Huo Hai left, everyone fell silent again, especially Feng Jiaojiao with a helpless expression.

Feng Jiaojiao still runs here every day, but she still doesn't respond when she looks at Huo Hai. Seeing other people's cultivation speed far surpass her, Feng Jiaojiao feels a little sad, but she doesn't say anything.

Back in the room, Huo Hai took a deep breath, took out the spirit bat, and then controlled it. The eight methods of the spirit bat are about balance, so Huo Hai used the spirit bat of the spirit king state before, but now he can only use this state. Spirit bat.

This frost-attributed spirit bat itself happened to be in the realm of the spirit king. I don’t know where the Piaohua Pavilion was captured from, or a fierce beast. Huo Hai punched the rune into the spirit bat’s brain, giving him a sword aura. , Cut the spirit bat in half, waved his hand, and a white ball of light emerged, which was the spirit of the spirit bat that Huo Hai needed.

The soul of the spirit bat was tempered and fused, and finally merged into his body. After approaching the corresponding spiritual vein, the spirit of the spirit bat naturally began to revolve around the spiritual cave, and a frost spiritual force was quickly born.

Huo Hai felt a chill in his body, and then there seemed to be something more in his mind, "It turns out that this is the second stage of the eight magic bats." Huo Hai felt the insight in his mind, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

After the five spirit bats, the second stage is really reached, which is the stage suitable for the realm of the spirit emperor. The skill is once again improved a lot, but it is mainly the use of one's own spiritual power. Under control, the transformation was carried out bit by bit, and the blessing was applied to the whole body. At this time, the eight methods of the spirit bat were no longer just the movements on the legs.

The whole body technique, including the whole body, has very strict requirements. At the beginning, Huo Hai was still a little uncomfortable. Using the body technique was not much faster than before, but as he practiced, Huo Hai quickly adapted.

It took two days for Huo Hai to finally fully adapt to his body style. The speed that was already very fast has now improved a lot. Huo Hai is sure that even the top three powers' body style masters are all Can't compare to myself.

The person who created the eight spiritual bats is really not easy. Huo Hai even suspects that the eight spiritual bats are really the peak of the mid-level abilities? How come the more he cultivates, the more he feels this kind of abnormal abilities. Weird.

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