Evil Insect God

Chapter 1026: Full outbreak

On the side of the Haotu Empire, because they did not want to put too much pressure on the Haotu Empire, the Yaowangmen tacitly dispatched only two masters of the spirit emperor, surrounded by more than a dozen spirit emperors, and they were attacked when they hardly resisted. kill.

"There is no alien beast in the realm of the spirit emperor, it seems that their purpose is really not that simple." When the entire battlefield was gradually cleared, a spirit emperor from the vast empire team came out and said slowly.

"We don't have it there either. Forget it. Let's continue with the following plan. This time, we must level the Yaowang gate." The eyes of the only one who escaped were filled with excitement and hatred, killing the clean master. , The rest of the matter has nothing to do with them. Several people just took a few glances, and then left and returned to their own places.

The two battles started in the middle of the night and ended at noon the next day. Later, almost the whole team became a battle to wipe out ordinary monsters. It was calm here, but other places were different.

On the way from the Yaowangmen to the vast empire, another animal with millions of troops is setting off. This is to support and maintain the army fighting in the front, but this time, there are already many people around in ambush in advance. All right.

"It's the Yaowangmen's team, they have already come, inform everyone, as long as they reach the designated location, they will do it immediately." According to the investigation, there is no Spirit Sovereign among these support teams. After all, such an army of alien beasts, even if it is spirit Experts in the emperor realm, they dare not to mess around easily, they are not those low-level skeletons that cannot use ranged attacks.

The army of alien beasts formed a long snake formation, as if it were a long snake, slowly moving over, perhaps because there was a lot of travel along this road, so the disciples of Yaowang Sect did not feel any danger at all. .

As I walked, I was still chatting, "It's really boring to do this kind of thing every day, I don't know when I will be the head."

A young man beside him said calmly: "Soon, I heard that the plan in the sect is about to be completed. As long as it is completed, there is almost no need to do this. Besides, the contribution of transporting troops is not small."

Others nodded when they heard this. If it weren’t for the merits, they wouldn’t have come to do such boring things. There was no one at the sect, and they could only use this method to slowly gain power. It is not easy for the King of Medicine Sect to continue to a higher level. Not only must the cultivation base and alchemy level be good, but also certain qualifications.

Suddenly, a disciple of the King of Medicine raised his head and said to the mountain on his side: "Look, what is that? How do you look like it looks like a skeleton." Hearing this, many people suddenly laughed. Up.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can there be skeletons on this road? Even if there are skeletons, you will be scared away if you see us. After all, after all... God, what's going on." The speaker said no. Go down.

Because at this time, countless skeletons on the top of the mountain began to appear. Not far away, there were skeletons emerging from the ground under the ground. It seemed that his entire formation seemed to be surrounded by the opponent. On the march, a super long snake formation was set up. This formation was not suitable for combat at all, but it was easy for people to cut it in sections.

"No, we got it, **** it, who cleaned this road, and didn't clean it up a bit."

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense, let the elders know, if you feel good, let's go quickly, this time I am afraid it will be a big trouble." A group of Yaowangmen disciples immediately noticed that something was wrong, and got off their cars.

Originally, when they came here, they always let the alien beasts carry the car and take them away. There are not many disciples of the Medicine King Clan, but among the alien beast army, they are still very prominent. After all, there are only a few people here. Class only.

Before a few people escaped, several arrows suddenly flew in the distance, and the arrows fell on these Yaowangmen disciples. The defensive shield did not play a role at all, and was easily broken by the opponent's arrows. Then, The arrow sank into the body, and most of the disciple of the King of Medicine Sect here was killed and injured immediately, "Damn it, it is a broken spirit arrow, so be careful to avoid it."

It was a matter of life and death, and the disciples of the Medicine King Sect were not concerned about commanding the army of alien beasts. There was no one to command the alien beasts. They just walked forward according to the orders they had previously received. They actually ignored the skeletons close at hand.

Although the alien beasts also want to fight and attack, the order is the most important for the alien beasts, "Haha, these alien beasts are stupid, attack me and destroy them." With a loud roar, the skeletons immediately launched attack.

At the same time, the surrounding spiritual masters have also launched their own special war spirits. These are various long-term continuous attacks that everyone has recently researched. Only this method can deal with alien beasts. The best way to deal with the skeletons, as everyone attacked, one after another strange beasts fell, and when the Yaowangmen disciples reacted, it was too late.

The duration of the battle was not very long, and it was much easier than the previous two battles, but it was only two hours. The million monsters were all killed, and the last alien beast reinforcement was also It was cleaned up.

At the same time as killing the reinforcements of alien beasts, the Haotu Empire and other strengths have already started to move, and they have activated the teleportation array in their own territory. Even the Haotu Empire, not far from the door of the house, established a teleportation. Array, in the future, all the skeletons produced by Huo Hai will be quickly sent to various positions on the front line through this teleportation array.

The Haotu Empire launched with all its strength, and finally made Huo Hai once again see the strength of this first force. There are a lot of materials for the establishment of the teleportation formation. The spirit emperor realm also dispatched a full three.

With the help of these three psychics, the teleportation formation was established very quickly, and Huo Hai’s skeletons were also quickly sent out through this teleportation formation. The frontline position and the power of the major sects were finally no longer hidden quickly, and It all broke out.

Hidden skeletons emerged from hidden locations one after another and launched attacks on Yaowangmen’s territory. These were all invisible territory. Previously, the major forces did not provoke them at all. Now it’s different. The full-scale war has been At the beginning, everyone united and rushed into the residence of the sect one after another, forcing each other to cooperate.

If you do not cooperate, or even have been controlled by the King of Medicine, you will be killed immediately. In just one day, a large number of forces near the frontline will either join or be eliminated. The coalition forces are advancing very fast, which is shocking.

After Yaowangmen reacted, he found that his hidden chassis had actually been eaten away by a large part of the opponent, and now the territory he controlled seemed to be only about the same as the Haotu Empire.

After learning of this, the senior officials of the Yaowang Sect immediately announced, “What the **** did these **** do, and they would actually let them unite. We don’t know, **** it, and at the same time, all the subordinate sects don’t need to be hidden. Step back a hundred miles, and then all the alien beasts will be taken out for me. I don't believe that they can still fight us."

The master of the Medicine King Sect issued an order, and the entire Medicine King Sect area immediately became active. All sects, regardless of others, as long as they belonged to the Medicine King Sect’s jurisdiction, immediately retreated a hundred miles. After that, a large number of strange animals were also hidden. The location popped up.

After the coalition forces cleared this hundred miles of land, they could no longer advance quickly. There are a large number of strange animals in front of them. They are already in a tight line. They are not so easy to deal with. There are terrains. It is very troublesome to rely on terrain. There are also a lot of beasts, and it is indeed not an easy task to oppose the alien beasts in the plain.

Even if the strength of the skeleton is stronger, even if the skeleton has the help of a human expert behind it, it is also not an easy task. After a short stalemate between the two sides, conflicts continue to erupt and fights continue to occur everywhere.

At this time, the Medicine King Sect had completely torn the skin with the major forces. The hidden sects to which the Medicine King Sect belonged had issued a statement to join the Medicine King Sect. No one explained or preached the so-called righteousness.

On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, the respect of the strong has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there is no need for the support of the people. The Medicine King Sect directly uses the people to create an army of alien beasts. This is even more unnecessary. On the Medicine King Sect’s territory In the hearts of common people, Yaowangmen has changed from a very noble fairyland to a den of demons.

On the Cross Canyon side, because all the sites were cleared, everything was unimpeded. Through the teleportation array, a large number of transport teams used various space items to transport most of the bones collected in the Molian Domain.

What Huo Hai has to do is to throw a large number of ghost bone insect eggs into this farm every day, and then let these insect eggs hatch slowly. Huo Hai has no time to speed up the hatching of the skeletons. All the experience is Place it on the breeding eggs.

If it weren’t for this, it’s very likely that the speed of the violent soldiers could not be compared with the King of Medicine Gate. Huo Hai also understood the news about the frontline position. There are too many alien beasts on the other side, and the speed will increase. quickly.

Huo Hai’s daily work has become simpler. Every day, he produces a batch of insect eggs, and then catalyzes a control type spirit insect, and then sends it to the hands of others. At this time, Huo Hai’s skeletons are no longer for sale. , But directly handed over to the people in the Molian domain. In this case, if Huo Hai dares to charge, I am afraid that his reputation in the Molian domain will be completely destroyed.

All the teleportation formations were supervised and completely cut off contact with the teleportation formations at the Yaowangmen site, basically only responsible for transporting skeletons.

In addition, there are also a large number of spiritual masters who are continuously sent to the front line or other places. At this time, the skeletons are left less and less in the major sects, and basically all are sent to the front line. .

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