Evil Insect God

Chapter 1027: Take a sharp turn

With the continuous increase in the number of skeletons, gradually, the major forces gradually began to suppress the king of medicine, and the area controlled by the king of medicine was constantly shrinking. If this continues, it will not take long for the king of medicine to be completely destroyed.

At this time, everyone was very excited to face this kind of scene. You must know that there were a lot of masters dispatched this time. Only the three top powers each dispatched more than fifty Spirit Sovereign masters. But the Spirit Sovereign, not the ordinary cats and dogs on the street, dispatched fifty Spirit Sovereigns at once, what a terrible thing.

Many people have only heard of the names of the three top powers before, and don't know how powerful they are. Now that they see these masters, everyone finally understands that this is not all the power of the three top powers.

No one knows how many spirit emperors are guarding at the headquarters. The other sects, the most, are just five or six spirit emperors, which are completely incomparable with the three top powers. Of course, everyone is here. It's just hiding your strength.

Although the Medicine King Sect controls a lot of forces and controls many of the spirit emperor realm masters, at this level, the number of Spirit Sovereign masters is still far less than the number of coalition forces, but the Medicine King Sect also has its own methods. There are not many masters in the spirit emperor realm, but there are many strange beasts in the spirit emperor realm. These are enough to deal with the surrounding forces.

In addition to the special features of ordinary alien beasts, the spirit emperors of the major forces do not dare to forcefully rush over. Now, the battle is basically a battle between the skeleton and the alien beast. This battle has already been carried out. Many months.

The number of skeletons is not less than that of alien beasts, and there are a lot of expert support. In addition, these skeletons are more powerful. For such a month, they have been pressing on the Yaowangmen to attack, and constantly compressing the areas controlled by the Yaowangmen.

If you continue to fight at this speed, I am afraid that it will only take a year or a half at most, and the Medicine King Sect will be destroyed. However, at this time, the people in the Medicine King Sect headquarters do not seem to be very anxious. On this day, the Medicine King Sect The high-levels once again gathered together, and the frontline was responsible for resisting other spirit emperors that had previously been subdued, as well as strange beasts in the spirit emperor realm.

"Master, the current situation is very unfavorable for us. I don't know how our research project is going."

Following the question of the first elder, other people turned their attention to the master and the elder. Only these two people can represent the king of medicine. The researcher has always been the elder. .

The sect master smiled and said: "Elder, you know the things you are studying most clearly. Come and tell everyone." The sect master's expression is not anxious, but there is a trace of pride and joy. Seeing this scene, everyone is even more curious. Up.

The elder coughed: "Ahem, the research project that everyone cares about is progressing very well. This time I will ask you to come back mainly for this. The first one is the refinement of our Alien Beast Pill, which has been simplified a lot. When making Alien Beast Pills, it can easily increase the speed by more than ten times. This is our biggest gain."

Hearing this, the people below suddenly widened their eyes, ten times. Originally, the speed of making alien beasts on their own side was not as fast as that of the opponent's making skeletons, but after ten times the speed, this speed was not simple.

Ten times the speed, absolutely crushing the opponent’s skeletons, he can use this power to quickly increase the number of the alien beast army, and then suppress it back to kill the Molian Territory allied forces. After that, the Molian Territory is theirs. The world is over.

"So, at the expert level, although ordinary ordinary alien beasts are not bad, they are still a little too powerful to deal with the spirit emperor." The elder who asked just now asked a very troublesome question again.

The elder said calmly: "This problem has also been solved. We have been studying from the beginning, and we finally succeeded not long ago. Now we can completely capture the spirit beasts in the spirit emperor realm and transform them. , Will also obey our orders.” After that, the elder said the latest research completed.

The refining of the Alien Beast Pill has opened up a new branch. The previous Alien Beast Pills were all used on humans and were of no use to the spirit beasts, but they are different now. They developed another pill. medicine.

This kind of pill is better when used on spirit beasts. You must know that there are definitely more spirit beasts than humans. As long as these spirit beasts are slightly modified, their strength is stronger than ordinary people, and there are many more. Innate special ability.

After the fusion of spiritual power, these talent abilities are activated, and their power is even more terrifying. It seems that in the future, the army of humanoid beasts will gradually become an army of beasts. If this is done earlier Research, if you directly transform the alien beast, it won't arouse the disgust of the entire Molian domain, and the great elder sighed.

Shaking his head, the elder said again: "We still have another kind of research that can also solve problems at the expert level. We previously tried to directly refine a pill from an alien beast in the spirit emperor realm to produce ten special alien beasts. Dan."

After a pause, the great elder made a gesture: "These ten pills can easily allow the alien beasts close to the realm of the spirit emperor to directly upgrade to the realm of the spirit emperor, but this kind of medicine can only be used once. Spirit Sovereign, refining again will have no such effect, but even if only this is the case, the strength of our Spirit Sovereign level will be greatly increased."

Hearing the words of the great elder, the crowd suddenly boiled over, and they have been oppressed by the coalition forces. If there is no anxiety in their hearts, it is absolutely impossible. Now, it seems that the sect has solved these problems one by one.

"Great. In this case, let's start now. We will lose a lot of territory one minute later."

After hearing the words, the sect master nodded slightly, and then waved to let everyone go busy. The new technology of the Medicine King Sect was immediately used, almost ten times the speed of making alien beasts, and the transformation of spirit beasts. The law.

Let a large number of foreign beasts continue to be produced. In the next few days, the king of medicine no longer cared about the loss of foreign beasts. Many times, they used foreign beasts to forcibly accumulate in the past and forcibly defeat their own army, because at the beginning Many skeletons and human beings are not used to the relationship that they are used to, but they are completely wiped out by alien animals using this method.

At the beginning, many people thought that this was just the last madness of the King of Medicine Sect, but after a few days of persistence, the Sect of Medicine King was still like this, and finally everyone realized that it was wrong, because the skeletons on their side seemed to be wrong. Some can't keep up with consumption.

Gradually, the war on the frontline went from being a great suppression of the opponent to being suppressed by the opponent. The coalition forces gradually entered a passive defense situation, and they were constantly cleared and suppressed by the crazy monsters.

Yaowangmen continued to expand its territory. It took only a few days. A large number of areas that were previously cleared were re-controlled by the Yaowangmen. The population and resources in this area once again fell into the Yaowangmen. In his hands, facing the scorching force of the Medicine King Sect, the major forces finally couldn't bear it. From a high altitude, they planned to let the master sneak in and directly kill the Medicine King Sect.

If such a determination had been made before, although the loss would be very heavy, it would still be no problem to defeat the Yaowang Sect, but now that the Yaowang Sect is prepared, this kind of thing is not so easy.

When the masters approached the Yaowangmen station, an interception team suddenly appeared. There were more spirit emperor realm monsters than the coalition masters here, plus the Yaowangmen masters, appeared in front of everyone. .

After that was a earth-shattering battle. Huo Hai didn’t know the process of the battle. The distance was far, and Huo Hai didn’t feel any fluctuations. However, the information was sent to Huo Hai’s hands on the second day. The king sect lost more than fifty strange beasts in the spirit emperor realm, but unfortunately none of the masters of the medicine king sect died.

I didn’t feel good on my side. I was attacked by the King of Medicine Sect. Nearly 30 masters were also killed. The others were all wounded. Some of the injuries were very serious, and I couldn’t continue fighting for a short time. .

Among the people sent out at that time, the only one who was not injured was the Geomagnetic Emperor. The Geomagnetic Emperor was only a first-level spiritual emperor, but his own defense was too strong, even a fourth-level spiritual emperor would not be easy to hurt him.

"Xiaohai, what do you think about this matter? The Yaowang Sect obviously has a new method of cultivating alien beasts. If this continues, we will not be able to support it." The current situation makes Huo Feng a good mood. They are almost turning pale.

Huo Hai nodded: "Yes, the other side's strange beasts have upgraded again. I really underestimated these guys." The people of these medicine kings are definitely not as simple as ordinary alchemists. They are a group of researchers. Madman, if his skeleton wants to upgrade, he must upgrade his cultivation level, and then drive his small bones to upgrade.

However, the King of Medicine was able to achieve such results in the research of bloodline and pill. If it continues like this, it really won't work, so what can be done, Huo Hai frowned.

"Hey, what can we do except run away, so many alien beasts, unless we can turn these alien beasts into humans again."

Suddenly, Huo Hai’s eyes lit up: "Grandpa, what did you just say, turn the alien beast into a human again, that’s great, I think I have a solution. During this time, you have asked me to prepare some materials for me. I must work out a way to clean up the strange beasts.

Huo Hai’s eyes lit up slightly, and Huo Feng was a little strange seeing this scene. It’s all the same. Huo Hai actually has a way. The Huo family is not completely rooted here, unable to leave, and the development time is relatively short. Withdraw and evacuate. Forget it, let Xiaohai continue to make trouble, "You said, I will prepare everything for you if you need it."

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