Evil Insect God

Chapter 1028: Gu Master reappears

Huo Hai’s request was put forward. Naturally, many people would help to complete it. Not to mention the role of Huo Hai’s current skeletons on the major forces in the Molian Region, as Huo Hai said, this is to deal with alien beasts, and they will do their best to finish it. .

Huo Hai’s request is very simple. In addition to some of the elixir on his list, all he needs are all kinds of worms. If an worm spiritualist wants all kinds of worms, naturally there is no problem. Only this time, Huo Hai The spirit worms needed are all blood-sucking spirit worms, or some parasitic worms on humans and spirit beasts.

There is no need for Huo Hai to go out in person. Insect spiritists of all major forces can easily bring these spirit insects back to Huo Hai in good condition. What surprised Huo Hai the most is that the Haotu Empire is really down this time. original capital.

The bloodthirsty mosquito that was previously given to the Blood Curse King actually brought one, and it was also a fierce beast that reached the realm of the Spirit Emperor. People who don’t know, I’m afraid that the Haotu Empire has already been with Huo Hai Complete reconciliation, even alliance.

It’s just that Huo Hai knew in his heart that this was because of all the forces, the empire was the most anxious, because as an empire, the army consumed was incomparable to all other forces. With the consumption of a large number of troops and materials, The turmoil within the vast empire is becoming more and more, even if the empire is powerful, they also have their own ambitions.

There are many major forces in the country, and the overall strength will not be much worse than the imperial family of the empire. If the loss of the empire is too great in this war, all prestige will be lost, maybe after the battle, civil unrest will break out in the country.

Huo Hai didn't delay either, he immediately started to research using these blood-sucking bugs. The Gu Master secret method that he hadn't used for many years was once again used by Huo Hai, constantly configuring elixir, and constantly urging to feed the elixir.

These spirit worms, Huo Hai did not use the current method of cultivating spirit worms, but used the ancient Gu master secret method to directly put together the same or different types of spirit worms, and then let them swallow each other to form Gu worms, and then They use special elixir to induce and produce special gu powder containing tiny worm eggs, which is the traditional insect worm poison.

This special poison was once deified in a mess in the previous life. Huo Hai had only used it a long time ago. In fact, only Huo Hai knew that this method of poisoning was actually very troublesome and the effect was not good.

On the Heavenly Spirit Continent, using this seemingly troublesome insect poison is not as capable of threatening people as ordinary toxins. Some powerful masters can easily feel the tiny insects in the body, as long as the spiritual power is light. A shock can shake these insects to death. On the contrary, if it is a poison, no matter how much it shakes, it will have no effect.

The last time Huo Hai had a flash of light in his mind, he suddenly remembered this method. In front of Huo Hai’s eyes, there were many strange beasts that had been captured alive. These were all Huo Hai’s research materials and when he was studying the devil. almost.

However, what Huo Hai is studying now is mainly the blood in these alien animals, the blood-sucking bugs, and the parasites in order to enter the alien beast's body, swallow the alien beast's blood, and then swallow the blood mixed in the blood.

Huo Hai has already figured out that the alien beasts that use the alien beast are only humans or spirit beasts mixed with the blood of the alien beast. These bloodlines cannot be perfectly integrated with the original bloodline, because once they are truly integrated, the alien beast It is no longer a monster, but a brand-new species. In this way, using sapphire fire can no longer control these strange beasts.

What Huo Hai is targeting is naturally this kind of foreign blood and various insects. With the help of spiritual power spells in Huo Hai’s inner space, they spawn very fast, and they often have just prepared a new elixir. The refined Gu worms had already been created by Huo Hai, and then they were tested. Naturally, the test products were these alien beasts without human rights.

Take out the blood of the alien beast, and put the Gu worm that you cultivated into it. Because of the dominance of the alien beast’s blood, most of the gu worm scars will die soon, and a small number of those that survive will be artificially selected by Huo Hai .

Afterwards, various secret methods were used to catalyze and induce, and then mutate again. These Gu worms showed a special effect of rapid directed evolution in Huo Hai’s hands. One day later, Huo Hai found out many Gu worms that can withstand the blood of foreign animals. insect.

The second day passed, Huo Hai used the blood of the alien beasts to cultivate many special gu worms that could absorb the blood of the alien beasts and live on the blood of the alien beasts. On the third day, Huo Hai began to face these new gu worms. Continue to induce choices, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a week has passed, and during this time, the king of medicine has been advancing all the way.

Most of the land that was originally lost has returned to the hands of the Medicine King Sect. The number of alien beasts now has gradually surpassed the number of skeletons. No matter how cherished and used the skeletons are, they still cannot compete with the alien beasts of the Medicine King Sect.

In many places, the skeletons are not even as coherent and tight as before, and they can only be pushed up against them. After such a period of time, I don't know how many humans have died, and the Medicine King Sect often sends some Spirit Emperor monsters to harass.

Anyway, these ordinary skeletons, when facing the spirit emperor, do not have the terrifying deterrence of the alien beast. If there is a spirit emperor here daring to do something, then the medicine king will not be idle, just like this, during this time the coalition forces The Spirit Sovereign master once again suffered several deaths and injuries, and the Yaowangmen suffered losses from relatively cheap Spirit Sovereign monsters.

If this continues, God knows how long the coalition forces can hold on. Some families and sects that can't see hope have already begun to evacuate secretly, leaving the Molian domain, not knowing where they will live in the future.

The area around the Molian Domain is not a good place. To go to other domains, you must first pass through these very dangerous terrains.

On this day, Huo Hai’s suddenly burst into laughter. The laughter shook, and the entire Cross Canyon could be heard. Now in the Cross Canyon, there are already many envoys sent by the sects stationed here. The Huo family’s special secret method can make them and Cross Canyon The spirit beasts in the canyon are safe and sound, everyone knows it, but they don't know what the nature of the cross canyon is.

It didn’t take long for someone to rush over quickly, “What’s going on, Xiaohai, did your research succeed.” Those who ran over didn’t dare to interject, but Huo Hai’s grandfather, Huo Feng, was different. Ask directly what you want to ask.

Huo Hai's laughter converged, and he pointed to the ground and said: "Look, this is my achievement." On the ground, there are still some strange beasts lined up, but the ones at the front are not strange beasts. Some are half different. The beast was already dead at this time.

There are still some corpses that seem to be human at all. If it weren’t for the binding of alien beasts, they would really think that these were the people Huo Hai had caught, and the last dozen people were still tied up. He was on the shelf, but there was no craziness of a strange animal, his eyes were clear, and he had completely restored everything as a human being.

"My elixir has already been manufactured. As long as the elixir is sprayed out, the alien beast can be slowly restored to normal people and beasts. As long as such elixir is used on the battlefield, it can definitely turn defeat into victory." Hai is also very excited.

"You, what you mean is that as long as we have these elixir, we will be able to rescue the companions who were transformed into alien animals in the future." An old man next to him, his eyes flashed with excitement.

Huo Hai shook his head: "No, my current research on elixir has not been completely perfected. I can only transform the alien animal into a human again. This process takes about a day to be transformed into a human alien animal because of forced changes. After two times, the injuries in the body were very serious. If he didn't reach the realm of the spirit general, I am afraid he would not live for a few days."

After a pause, Huo Hai said again: "After I perfect the elixir, I can change this state. Now, don't care about this. I don't think these people who have been turned into spirit beasts don't want to keep going. They are all confused."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. Suddenly, the King of Illusion walked out and asked in a low voice: "Your Excellency, I don’t know what the output of these elixirs is, compared to those strange beasts..." Everyone was a little worried, after all The speed of making alien beasts is too fast.

Hearing the words, Huo Hai waved his hand indifferently: "Don't worry, the output of these elixir is very large. As long as you collect the blood of some alien animals and sprinkle the elixir into it, the blood will be assimilated soon. It has become a new elixir, and has been transformed into a human animal. The blood in the body can also be used directly as elixir. What do you say about the output."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes brightened. This is the real antidote for the alien beast. Although the antidote today is not completely rescued for the alien beast, it is already very good. With these, What is the army of alien beasts?

Huo Hai breathed a sigh of relief. As early as yesterday, his Gu fan had been successfully studied, but in order to prevent its spread, Huo Hai added some restrictions. For example, today's Gu fan is only for people who encounter strange beasts. The blood will slowly hatch.

After hatching, those tiny gu worms that are invisible to the naked eye, like bacteria and viruses, will continue to spread. When encountering a foreign animal, it can penetrate directly into the body of the foreign animal through the pores on the surface of the foreign animal. After a foreign animal is injured, it can continue to spread through the wound. It is a special kind of Gu powder that is spread through body fluids.

This kind of very dangerous thing will be very troublesome once it spreads out. Huo Hai can only add a lot of restrictions to it through research. Only the blood of alien beasts can make these special Gu worms survive.

If it is the blood of humans and ordinary spirit beasts, because it lacks some special substances, even if it is infected with this kind of Gu poison, the worm cannot absorb the nourishment it needs for survival. In the end, it can only slowly starve to death and determine the Gu that it has made. After the powder had no harm at all, Huo Hai dared to take out this terrifying thing with proliferation, and now it is finally resolved.

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