Evil Insect God

Chapter 1029: Gu Fan Shows Power

Huo Hai wasted a lot of time because he adjusted Gu powder, increased restrictions, and even prevented things from changing, causing Gu worms to mutate. It took an extra day or two to create these Gu worms.

Now I can’t continue to waste time, Huo Hai directly handed over the Gu powder to these people, anyway, no matter how much Gu powder, as long as there is the blood of the alien beast, it can continue to cultivate a large number of them, but before leaving, Huo Hai still reminded this. The person said: "By the way, you must remember that these elixir can only be useful for strange animals below the realm of the Spirit King."

After thinking for a while, Huo Hai said again: "For the elixir that is useful for the masters above the Spirit King realm, I will step up research to make it successful as soon as possible. Okay, you hurry up and don't waste time." Huo Hai waved his hand and issued an order.

After these people left in a hurry, Huo Hai relaxed. With these special Gu fans, he would not have to rush to create a large number of skeletons in the future. High-level alien beasts, ordinary skeletons did not have much damage.

As for the low-level alien beasts, it is enough to spread Gu powder directly. Simply, Huo Hai once again recovered his nature, allowing the small bones to slowly split the most powerful ordinary Gu worms. Without spawning, everything just depends on himself. Instinct, whether it is Huo Hai or Xiao Bone, has a rare opportunity to rest, at most, it is to study a new Gu poison when nothing happens.

On the other side, after receiving Huo Hai’s powder, the news reached the ears of the top commanders in the front. Hearing this news, everyone looked shocked. Even the lord of the vast empire could bear it. Can't help standing up from the chair.

After that, everyone immediately issued an order to start collecting the corpses of the alien beasts. The corpses of the alien beasts were all over the ground. Even if they were collected, the Medicine King thought at most that the other party was collecting bones in order to continue to make more skeletons.

What makes Yaowangmen feel strange is that the corpses of alien animals that were rarely collected in the past have become popular products. Sometimes, the other party will give up many well-preserved bones for the corpse of an alien animal. It didn’t take long. Near the front line, the coalition forces have secretly created many blood pools, and the blood pools are full of dark green liquid.

These strange odorous liquids are the blood of the alien beasts collected, but as time goes by, these liquids gradually begin to boil and the color gradually becomes blood red.

If Huo Hai is there, he must know that these reds are the bloodthirsty gu worms after hatching, because the body of the gu worm is too small to see clearly with the naked eye, so it looks like red dye now. .

"Very well, after the blood of these alien beasts turns red, even if it is successful, with these things, those **** alien beasts, don't even want to stay." On the front line, a general of the Great Land Empire looked Looking ahead with a sneer.

"Master General, are these things really useful? After all, I don't have any doubts about what that person made. It's just that I think Yaowang Sect has studied Alien Beast Pill for so long, so it shouldn't be that easy to crack." Hao The Turks themselves had studied for a long time, and they couldn't believe that their research was not as short as Huo Hai's research.

The general took a cold look at the guard around him. If this guard had something to do, how could he stand here, "You don't think that such an important thing, we will not test it in advance."

Hearing this, the person who had just spoken immediately lowered his head. Yes, I would doubt that those imperial generals who were more suspicious than myself could easily believe it. Thinking of this, the young guard began to sweat on his head. .

"This thing was made by that person after all. You also know what reputation that person is in our empire. Of course, what he gave has to be verified. But I have to say that although that person is hostile to us, I still have to I admire him for being able to make such a terrifying elixir. Compared with him, those people in our empire are really..."

I can’t say more. If I say too much, there will be problems. "General, the elixir is ready, what shall we do next." At this moment, a guard suddenly said loudly to the general.

"Sprinkle the potion when the time is up, and we won't have to worry about it afterwards. The monsters recovered by these potions will naturally help us make more elixir." After finishing speaking, the general stopped talking and looked tightly. To the front.

Time passed by one minute and one second. Soon, the time for the plan to start had arrived. The general waved his hand: "Prepare to sprinkle the medicine." After speaking, the poison that had been scattered into the bottles was taken by countless people. When they arrived on the battlefield, everyone used various methods to spread the medicine. Some people directly used their spiritual power to shoot the medicine out.

There are also some people who pour potions into the water and place them on the catapult to spill them. The most powerful one is the spiritual emperor closest to here. This spiritual emperor is a water attribute expert, directly using his own power to attract a piece Rain cloud.

After a short while, the light rain slowly fell, high in the sky, this person held a bottle in his hand and poured it gently. The bottle was spilled with a bright red blood-like liquid. After the liquid entered the rain cloud, it immediately dispersed and followed the raindrops. It spilled out, and soon, a large area of ​​strange beasts was baptized by these poisonous rainwater.

As for the bottle in his hand, it was also a rare space item. It didn't take long for the alien beast in front to have a little red on his body. If you look closely, you can still find that these reds are quickly penetrating into the alien beast.

"Nothing has changed, it wouldn't have been cheated." The guard just saw no change and said again.

The general rolled his eyelids: "Don't talk nonsense if you haven't investigated. The time of the onset of these drugs varies from one hour to a day. With the amount of this drug we are using, the fastest attack will be three or four hours later. "

After the general finished speaking, he continued to watch. This kind of action was also discovered by the Yaowangmen, but they didn’t know what they wanted to do, so he could only watch it here. Time passed by. , Two hours passed quickly, and suddenly, a strange beast in the middle of a fight went mad, roaring and attacking all moving objects around it.

Some strange beasts around were injured before they could react. No one noticed that when these injured beasts were attacked by the opponent, part of the red substance on their claws penetrated into their bodies.

It was just a strange beast that went mad, and it did not arouse the alarm of the King of Medicine. However, as time passed, more and more strange beasts began to go mad and kept attacking the surrounding strange beasts. As a result, the entire battlefield was messed up. Up.

"Damn it, what's the matter with those lowly alien beasts, why don't you listen to the orders?" A disciple of the Medicine King Sect desperately shook the cyan fire in his hand, but the alien beasts in the chaos ahead continued to attack the surrounding Everything, not only that, but there are also many strange beasts like it, forming a chaotic army, attacking the surrounding frantically.

"Come on, this thing is not right, you see, how our alien beast has changed." Everyone looked forward, the alien beast that went crazy first, the body scales and hair are actually gradually falling off, revealing white skin. .

The look in his eyes became clearer and clearer, and it seemed to be gradually returning to the appearance of a human. Suddenly, a strange beast shouted loudly: "Ah, I remembered it, I remembered it all, Medicine King, you dare to make me like this. This kind of monster, even if I die, I won’t let you go.” Finally, the first person who was poisoned by the gu completely recovered.

However, he can feel that his body has become a strange beast due to the change, causing the whole body's spirit veins and internal organs to be completely deformed. Even if he regains his identity as a human, he may not be able to live long. Simply, before he died, he would fight with those things. .

Although he has changed back to human beings, he still has the ability to integrate a trace of spiritual power as a foreign beast. With advanced wisdom, this spiritual power is used to the fullest. Every attack can be easily intercepted. Kill several strange beasts.

As the first person became sober, more and more people were awakened under the influence of Gu poison. Because of the special aura of Gu poison itself, these mad monsters did not attack other poisoned animals. They attacked. Those are just ordinary strange beasts, and other strange beasts will go crazy once the Gu worms reproduce to a certain extent, and then join the ranks.

More and more alien beasts were drawn in, and more and more people slowly recovered. Some people attacked the alien beasts, some stood still, waiting to die as if they were stupid, and some people seemed Want to escape.

However, everyone can feel their own situation, the injury is too serious, people who have not reached the realm of the spirit will not live for a few days at all, and those who have reached the realm of the spirit can feel what is in their blood.

Fully urge one's own spiritual power, can more accurately shake these things to death, so that these bugs will not continue to attack their mutated internal organs, and then use spiritual power to suppress the internal organs' mutation, and this can save a life, as for the future They can't recover, they don't know it, and other people can only let Gu worms force their internal organs.

In fact, this is the real reason for the death of those people. They did not die of mutation, but died in the hands of Gu worms. Those masters who reached the realm of Spirit Commander, after shaking the Gu worm to death, have a higher chance of survival, and even slower themselves. Slowly using spiritual power, he can recover his mutated internal organs bit by bit. This is the difference in strength.

Gu worms are of no use to alien beasts above the spirit king. As soon as the gu worms infiltrated, they were shocked to death by the spirit king realm alien beast that felt the invasion of foreign objects. These gu worms were not enough for them. Strong, not secret enough.

But even so, after seeing this scene, the coalition army also cheered loudly, as if victory was in sight.

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