Evil Insect God

Chapter 1030: Offense and defense

It's just that some drugs were spilled. With the help of these drugs, the alien animals returned to normal, or rebelled desperately, or pursued self-protection first, and then they would still come to the King of Medicine for trouble.

After suffering such a big loss, everyone is a spiritualist, but there are few soft guys who dare not find trouble with the king of medicine. Besides, they have formed a coalition force now, which makes them even more fearless. With Gu fans With the use of, the Yaowangmen's strange beast army, which had the upper hand, soon fell into a critical state. This is the root cause, cutting off the Yaowangmen's offensive.

The elders of the Medicine King Sect gathered together again, but this time it was not because of the research results, but because of the other party's research results. Everyone was very anxious, but they had no choice but to wait here.

"Sect Master, Great Elder, what should we do? If we continue like this, sooner or later we will not be able to handle it. They don't know what elixir is used, and they can easily refine our strangeness. The beast turned back."

Everyone looked anxious. At this time, the master frowned tightly: "I have studied the elixir they used. The elixir itself is very simple. It is just a mutated spirit worm. It is really an insect emperor. You can find even such a weird bug." The master sighed, he thought it was Huo Hai who discovered and found it.

Although the Tianling Continent also has the theory of cultivating worms, it generally uses various methods to strengthen the spirit worms. At least there has never been a means and saying that the spirit worms mutate into another kind of spirit worms in the Molian Region. Never appeared.

Now this kind of little bug can actually swallow those special blood vessels that do not belong to itself, but belong to alien animals. If these blood vessels are swallowed, they can make people return to normal bit by bit, if not for the visceral bone marrow and brain. In fragile places, worms swallowing blood can cause fatal damage to themselves, I am afraid that this kind of worms can directly remove the alien pill.

They have been studying the Alien Beast Pill for thousands of years. For a long time, they did not think that the Alien Beast Pill could be solved by people, even if they were the same. Who knows, they have just started the plan just a few months before being cracked. Up.

Once the army of alien beasts disappeared, then the current Medicine King Sect, under the circumstances of public criticism, would absolutely die without a place to be buried.

"We have no way to fight against this kind of worm, so for the present, there is only one way to prevent and prevent their elixir from working." The elder thought for a while and finally gave a way.

"Elder, what do you mean by prevention? What are we going to do." An elder asked immediately.

The elder frowned and said: "There are two main methods. The first is to use medicine. After these spirit worms enter the body of the alien beast, we can't do anything about it, but before they enter, they can be killed. Applying some medicine to the surface of the alien animal can prevent the intrusion of this spirit insect." The Great Elder hesitated.

"This method wastes too many elixir. Although the main medicine is just some ordinary insect pests, it is nothing, but we have too many strange animals. Besides, these medicines cannot take care of the whole body of the strange animal. , And there is a validity period."

Others thought about it, and the same is true. Using this method, it can be said to be a waste of money. Although it has a certain effect, it is not very effective. "Yes, the elder, we have previously observed that the crazy monster attacked. Other monsters will directly allow these spirit insects to invade.” When faced with crazy monsters, those medicines won't work.

The elder nodded: "There is another way for us, which is to separate the levels. After our research, it takes a certain amount of time for these spirit worms to attack, even if the fastest, it takes one or two hours."

Seeing everyone nodding, the elder continued: "So, we can divide the alien beasts into small teams, and let the alien beasts form a wave-like impact. Every team guarantees that even if they get their elixir, Before the spirit worms attack, all die, or kill the other party." A light flashed in the eyes of the great elder.

Everyone continues to discuss, but unfortunately, there is no other way other than this method. "Well, use this method for the time being, Elder, please continue to study these worms and find a way to crack it."

Following the sect master's words, everyone went to do their own thing. In the next few days, the battle changed significantly. Every time in the future, the army no longer suppressed the territory, but launched a small-scale attack.

Before every potion attack, these alien beasts are almost dead, or their own army is destroyed. In this way, even if the potion attack occurs, it does not matter. These crazy alien beasts are surrounded by enemies and they will not attack. My own people, the target is still them, after using this method, it really suppressed the effect of Gu poison to the limit.

But because the impact was not strong enough, the two sides are now in a stalemate again. With the help of the number of alien beasts, the Yaowangmen can temporarily stabilize the battle with the coalition forces. The two sides are fighting on the front and it is difficult to tell the winner. .

Although the number of alien beasts is large, Huo Hai’s Gu poison is not bad, and the potion still has a strong effect. As the king of medicine changed its strategy, the coalition army also changed its strategy and implemented the plan to support war by war. .

On the battlefield, mainly those who have recovered, but who have no interest in the main battle. On the side of the battlefield, these mutated people are also acting as death squads. The Medicine Kings are still relatively strict in defense against alien beasts.

It’s a pity that after all, there are too many alien beasts, and there are always some loopholes that are easy for people to find. After finding these loopholes, the mutants who will not live long anyway, directly release the poison to the alien through various means. The body of the beast, so near the front line, there are always strange beasts going crazy, and then returning to human form.

The same is true at the master level. In order to cope with the strategy of the Yaowangmen, some of the spirit emperors who were unwilling to cooperate in the past have now reluctantly formed a small team. This way, the operation is much safer.

Even if they encounter the strangulation of the Medicine King Sect, they can help each other and escape in the shortest time. There are not many masters in the Medicine King Sect. Most of them are the strange beasts that have reached the realm of the Spirit Emperor. Most of them only have a first-level spirit emperor, and their combat effectiveness is not strong. Facing the decent spirit emperor realm masters on the coalition side, these strange beasts cannot occupy an absolute number advantage, and it is impossible to pose a threat.

The spirit emperor masters who formed a small team, now in order to breathe out a bad breath, they are not waiting in place, often there are teams composed of the spirit emperor who set off, and they carry a lot of poison.

"Haha, I saw a big army again. Now it's time for a good vote." A team was in the air and found a hidden team on the ground at the Medicine King Gate, even if the Medicine King Gatekeeper buried these strange animals. In the soil.

However, because of the large number of alien beasts, it is still seen by people, and there are no masters nearby. This batch of alien beasts has reached two million in number, just suitable for starting. Everyone looked at each other, a middle-aged woman. Stepped out and said: "Let me come, you can't take care of all these alien beasts."

After finishing speaking, the woman waved her hand and a ball of water appeared in her hand. The water ball grew bigger and bigger. Suddenly, the woman poured some red liquid into the water ball and stirred it evenly. These are the worms after reproduction.

At this moment, the middle-aged woman waved her hand, and a large group of water **** with worms exploded, as if a light rain fell on the ground. With the rain, the gu poison slowly penetrated, and soon it was with the alien beast. We touched.

After all, these gu worms are living creatures, not dead things. When you feel the presence of foreign beasts at close range, the smell of blood and food will attract these gu worms to approach automatically, and then follow the beast. Her pores entered the body, and the middle-aged woman came several times in a row, completely baptizing the alien beast below, and then stopped.

"Let’s go hurry up, I’m afraid that the movement here will be discovered by the people of the King of Medicine Sect soon." Although they were forced to leave, everyone was in a very good mood. The greatest pleasure.

Not long after everyone left, the eroded alien beast finally began to change. Once the bloodline was cleared to a certain extent, the alien beast would begin to go mad, attacking everything around it that was not of the same kind, and the criterion for judging whether it was the same kind was in the body Has the Gu worm reached the point of making the alien beast mad? The alien beast has gone mad, and it has not caused any movement.

There were originally hidden guards around, and they had already been cleaned up when the previous masters of the spirit emperor arrived. The alien beasts were constantly mutating and going crazy, and it was too late when the people at the Medicine King Clan discovered it.

Faced with so many crazy animals, even the King of Medicine will not do it easily. Just wait for a period of time and wait for them to fully recover, and then delay for a while. At that time, they either died by themselves or lost their fusion spirit. Power capacity.

When facing the army of alien beasts, it can naturally be killed easily. This is already close to the inside of the territory controlled by the Medicine King Gate. As long as these people can be trapped for a day or two, they can naturally be killed easily. The humanoid beasts still don't know what state they are now, they don't know at all, their ability to integrate the power of heaven and earth can only last for less than a day.

This kind of thing has not happened once or twice. When the senior officials of the Yaowang Sect learned about it, they could only sigh. Huo Hai has now become the key protection target of the major forces. It is not easy to kill Huo Hai. thing.

Now the King of Medicine is extremely regretful. If he knew that, he should continue to consume Huo Hai. No matter what, even if he suffered heavy losses, he would have to kill Huo Hai, otherwise there would not be so many things. .

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