Evil Insect God

Chapter 1042: After the war

Huo Hai just used Fluttershy to make his own voice using mental vibrations. The real purpose of doing this is to tell his family that he is still alive so that they don't have to worry.

As for exposing himself, Huo Hai really doesn’t worry. As long as he keeps hiding in the dark, even the vast empire has not found his own abilities, let alone using various means to deal with himself, the empire’s This is not the first time Huo Hai has seen the means, and it is not easy for these guys to kill themselves.

But now Huo Hai was seriously injured, so he could only leave temporarily. With the help of earthworms, Huo Hai quickly reached a distance of several kilometers underground. At this time, Huo Hai barely controlled the earthworms and created a small space.

Staying in the space, Huo Hai sat down quietly, and then began to recuperate himself. The previous attack did not directly affect Huo Hai's body, but the nature of the attack was far beyond his own spiritual power, so Huo Hai was not injured lightly.

Just as Huo Hai adjusted himself, the Haotu Empire also launched a full search. Many experts and experts proficient in various methods came to the vicinity of the Yaowangmen and began to search the surroundings, "Quick, every inch of land is I have to look it up again, the insect emperor is not badly injured, it is absolutely impossible to run far." Near the ruins of Yaowangmen, a group of people are searching everywhere.

Three full days have passed since the last battle. The last strength of the Medicine King Sect has been completely cleaned up, and the major forces have returned one after another. There are really not many people still here at this time.

Even searching the ruins, not many people are interested. Under such destructive power, the entire Yaowangmen has changed from a mountain to a big pit. What can be left behind, the Yaowangmen has been completely lost. All the value.

Only the Haotu Empire would seek out Huo Hai’s location if it threw up its forces. The Hao Tu Empire believed that since Huo Hai did not show up on that day, he was injured very seriously. Otherwise, at Huo Hai’s speed, he could still do it if he flees directly. When I arrived, the masters of the vast land empire had wounds on everyone at first, and they were simply unable to hunt down Huo Hai.

"Have you seen it, those guys are really happy to find, let's go and make trouble." Secretly, looking at these people who were searching, a few people's eyes turned, bad ideas hit their hearts, and they found an opportunity. Touched it.

Seeing the right time, when others did not react, these people rushed up, instantly controlled one of the investigators, and then directly killed them. In just two minutes, the corpse was cleaned up, nothing. Nothing left. After doing all this, a few people slowly walked out, looked at each other, and left slowly, like someone just passing by.

This kind of thing happened in a large area near Yaowangmen. At first, it was the people from Jiuxianmen who did it. Later, some other casual cultivators, even some sect families, also did it. Start doing this.

The people of Jiu Xianmen have a very good relationship with Huo Hai. Naturally, I don’t want Huo Hai to be found by the people of the vast land empire. Besides, the people of Jiu Xianmen are lunatics. If they offend them, these people even dared to fight directly and fight the entire clan. The lives of everyone in the door.

If it weren’t for Huo Hai’s death, maybe Jiu Xianmen had already launched an attack on the Haotu Empire. People in the Haotu Empire still underestimated the madness of these lunatics. Although they did not attack the Haotu Empire now, The people of the Jiu Xianmen are still secretly making trouble, killing some soldiers from the vast empire from time to time.

If the vast land empire wanted to search for the traces of Huo Hai, naturally it was impossible for them to be masters. There were more troops. For these masters, no matter how many ordinary soldiers, they could easily kill him.

Moreover, some traces could be left to mislead the search of the Haotu Empire. Because of this, the search of the Haotu Empire progressed very slowly. Later, many people learned the actions of the Jiu Xianmen and came to trouble the Haotu Empire.

Most of these people are alien beasts rescued by Gu worms in the previous war, or some forces that have been saved because of Huo Hai's skeletons. For Huo Hai, these people are full of gratitude.

Don’t dare to confront the Haotu Empire head-on, this doesn’t matter, as long as you mess up the Haotu Empire, anyway, the domestic turbulence of the Haotu Empire is now, and a large number of masters have been confined in the empire and can come out to search for Huohai’s whereabouts. There are only ordinary soldiers. Most soldiers, even the spiritual realm, have not reached the realm, just ordinary people.

Huo Hai didn’t know about all of this. The sky was upset, but Huo Hai stayed under the perished Medicine King Gate, slowly recovering himself. After the last battle, the aura around the Medicine King Gate was still a mess.

Wanting to find himself in this environment is like dreaming. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, half a month has passed. On this day, Huo Hai suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head, and looked upward. Past.

"It's been half a month, the chaotic power of the world has basically calmed down, and it's time to leave here." Huo Hai wonders if anyone in the Haotu Empire is still looking for himself here, but Huo Hai does not dare to bet. The power of heaven and earth was completely calmed, and it was not impossible to find oneself with the many methods of the vast empire.

Feeling his own situation, Huo Hai hates the Haotu Empire even more. The spiritual vein crack has basically been repaired, but it has not been fully recovered. At this time, although Huo Hai can fight, he is unable to exert his full combat effectiveness.

The other injuries on the body have almost recovered. The murderous flood dragon is still very weak. This is not something that can be recovered in a short time. What makes Huo Hai most distressed is his own Star Gu. The last battle, Star Gu was injured. It's not light.

At this time, all the Star Gus were barely saved by Huo Hai, but the cracks in his body still did not heal. It is still unknown how long it will take to recover. During this period of time, there are not many Star Gus that he can use. , But only a few of the Star Gu survived last time were still intact. It seems that recently, his strength has weakened a lot.

Along the ground, Huo Hai secretly appeared in a relatively secretive place. Only a few Star Gus were released by Huo Hai and began to search the surrounding environment, "Sure enough, my heart is not dead in the vast empire."

In just a moment, Huo Hai had discovered those who were still searching. Although the time had passed for half a month, the Haotu Empire still did not give up. They had some special spar in their hands, often emitting white light circles.

Huo Hai knew that this was exactly the kind of thing that the people of the Great Land Empire found out when they were in the Danxia faction last time. It's just that the spar in their hands and the diffuser aperture are not that big. They rely on Yes, it is still the number. It is not an easy task to get out of the search circle of these people without being noticed.

In Huo Hai's current state, once they were discovered by these people and they sat down on their bodies, then the consequences would be troublesome. Now the Haotu Empire randomly sent several Spirit Emperor masters, which could pose a great threat to Huo Hai.

Suddenly, Huo Hai's eyes narrowed: "Unexpectedly, there are people who are making trouble. These people are... from the Wine Immortal Sect, as well as some other forces. I have noted your kindness." Huo Hai was moved in his heart.

For their own sake, these people dare to embarrass the vast empire. How could this love Huo Hai remain indifferent, but that’s okay, with these people’s troubles, Huo Hai won’t have to worry about any problems and let people discover his existence. , Killing a few people in a small amount is nothing to Huo Hai. The few Star Gus have already started to act as Huo Hai’s eyes at high altitude.

The place Huo Hai was going to had already been planned. Now the Molian Territory is not a place where he can stay quietly. Except for the vast empire, I don't know how many forces there are and secretly want to make trouble for him.

What Huo Hai had to do now was to leave the Molian Territory and go to the Heavenly Soul Territory. After his strength increased, he would come back to find the trouble of the Haotu Empire. Thinking of the Haotu Empire, Huo Hai had a feeling of gritted teeth.

While sneaking forward, at the same time using Star Gu positioning to prevent being marked by these people, it didn't take long before Huo Hai discovered that there was a team of three in front of him. Looking at the signs on his body, it was indeed a person from the vast empire.

"It's really time to come." Huo Hai sneered, just enough to vent, his signature abilities cannot be used casually, or even too close to these people, otherwise these people will not have a strong white light and feel their own The breath will definitely leave a mark on oneself, at that time, the trouble will be big.

It’s not that Huo Hai doesn’t have any long-range attack ability. Although the blood shock stab has not been used for a long time, it doesn’t mean that Huo Hai’s blood stab can’t be used. Huo Hai placed an axe he picked up in his hand gently. A pinch.

The axe made of metal was easily turned into **** by Huo Hai, and then it was crushed into rough thorns like plasticine. From a distance, Huo Hai waved the steel needle in his hand. In the next moment, several people had already covered their necks and fell to the ground.

"Huh, what a waste." Huo Hai glanced at these guys with disdain, and continued to walk forward. After these people died, there was still a faint white light on their bodies. Huo Hai did not dare to touch these people easily. Huo Hai did not exert his full strength in the previous blood stab, but only shattered the organs around the attack position.

It is enough to deal with these ordinary people. If you really use the blood stab, you may be aware of something by the people of the great land empire.

On the way, Huo Hai tried his best to condense his breath, while attacking with the rough steel needles he hand made, it took two days before he finally left the search area of ​​the vast land empire and headed west.

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