Evil Insect God

Chapter 1043: Break through the blockade

Huo Hai's departure did not notify anyone, so no one knew where Huo Hai was at this time. Even many people in the Haotu Empire suspected that Huo Hai had been hidden.

If it weren’t for the turmoil within the empire, at this time the vast land empire could even start a search in the entire Molian domain, completely tearing its skin, plus Huo Hai’s powerful strength and terrifying survivability now, the vast land empire is now Huo Hai, that is to kill and then hurry up, the current vast empire has no interest in capturing Huo Hai.

No, it's not that they are not interested, but they are sure that there is no special situation. They can't catch Huo Hai. Instead of letting Huo Hai continue to grow and threaten the vast empire at that time, it is better to take advantage of the present and quickly destroy it. kill.

Speaking of it, the masters of the vast empire who had always advocated the capture of Huo Hai now regret it.

All the way to the west, Huo Hai flipped through the map. At the westernmost side, there are also some records. To the west of the Molian Region, there is actually a continuous mountain. It is said that there are many powerful beasts on the mountain, and there are many unknowns. The danger of this kind of place, even if you are a master of the spirit emperor realm, you don't dare to go deep, otherwise it is easy to die.

And there are so many intersections under the mountain. This is the only way to leave the Molian Territory. Now, there is only one intersection that is closest to me. As long as they pass through these intersections, the Molian Territory people can't track themselves.

But when Huo Hai approached the intersection, he finally encountered a little trouble, "Damn the vast empire, actually set up a checkpoint here." Not far from the intersection ahead, there was one who didn’t know how long it was established. fortress.

From the banner on the fortress, Huo Hai knew that this place belonged to the vast empire. From afar, Huo Hai could still feel that there was a powerful aura in this fortress, which belonged to the fourth-level spiritual emperor master. .

Looking around, Huo Hai is completely helpless. This place has reached the high mountains in the west of the Molian Territory, and even the intersection in front of it is in the same position. It is impossible to go around. If he was in his heyday, Huo Hai might Will try to take risks, but in the current state, it really goes deep into the surrounding mountains, and the consequences are unpredictable.

Huo Hai could clearly feel the frightening aura from the mountains on both sides from time to time, and this place was very strange. It seemed that there was a powerful force interfering with the blockade, making people unable to shuttle freely.

Above a certain height in the air, you will be hit by the power of heaven and earth. The same goes for the underground. Huo Hai just felt it. After a certain distance on the ground, he will also be crushed by the power of the earth.

Huo Hai’s current strength is still unable to directly face this terrifying force. It seems that he can only force through the front of the fortress, “Damn the vast empire, I really don’t know what methods you used to be able to be here. Build a fortress.” This fortress is definitely not a frontier defensive fortress, it is a fortress built by the Haotu Empire itself.

The defensive fortresses at a few intersections were not built by the surrounding powerful forces, or they formed their own forces. There was even a family that occupied a fortress alone. These were what Huo Hai had heard before, and he didn't know it.

However, this fortress was built by a huge organization around it, and it would definitely not belong to the Haotu Empire. The Haotu Empire was able to build a fortress here again. It cost a lot of money to think about it, but Huo Hai did not understand. The thing is, what is the purpose of establishing this fortress in the Haotu Empire? If you deal with yourself, it should not be established so quickly.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaojin, Xiaodie, you two go in and take a look." Without the Star Gu, Huo Hai is now the only one who can rely on these two spirit worms. The two spirit worms nodded, their wings flapped, and soon Then entered the fortress.

Huo Hai himself was hiding in the dark, secretly observing through two spirit worms, using Fluttershy's ability to hide himself, even if the Spirit Sovereign is not easy to find, Xiaodie and Xiaojin were not injured in the last battle. of.

Soon, Huo Hai went around inside, "It looks like these people don’t seem to know that I will leave from here." Huo Hai said to himself, because the people inside are actually in a very state of mind. Relax.

It’s right to think about it. Even in the vast empire, I would never have thought that I would leave the Molian Territory and go to the Heavenly Soul Region. Going to the Heavenly Soul Region is not a simple matter. Besides, there are more experts in the Heavenly Soul Region. It doesn't matter if one's strength is gone, the Haotu Empire has sent people to the Heavenly Soul Region several times before, and naturally knows how strong the Comprehensive Strength of the Heavenly Soul Region is.

Seeing the people in it relaxing, Huo Hai was a little strange. What are these people doing, no matter what, anyway, if you want to go to the Heavenly Soul Region, you must pass this fortress. This is a necessary condition.

Huo Hai didn't believe that after his identity was revealed, the people of the Great Land Empire would let him go. These fortresses were of great importance. People who communicated with each other needed to show their identities. Besides, there were not many outsiders besides sending supplies.

Huo Hai controlled Fluttershy and Xiaojin, and searched back and forth in the fort secretly. Sure enough, the spirit formations around the fortress, and some special things that didn't know what they were, made Huo Hai vigilant. These were all detection devices.

Under the investigation of these things, several times even Xiaodie and Xiaojin were almost discovered, "Do you have to go through here, do you have to come hard? Forget it, come hard, come hard, and you can pass." Huo Hai After gritting his teeth, Xiaodie and Xiaojin flew towards the strongest aura. After a while, Huo Hai saw who the fourth-level Spirit Sovereign here was.

Sure enough, he was a member of the vast empire. Although he was not a member of the royal family, his mark was very clear. This master was an old man with white beard and hair. He looked kind and kind, and he also had a kind of majesty.

Huo Hai sighed: "I'm really sorry, in order for me to pass safely, it seems that I can only sacrifice you."

Huo Hai apologized, and then Fluttershy attacked. Fluttershy's mental attack was extraordinary. This time he directly used Soul Extinguishing Fire. Before the old man could react, he felt that his spirit seemed to be frozen. .

Raising his hand with difficulty, before sounding the alarm, Xiaojin rushed up and bit the old man with one bite. The terrifying poisonous fire spread, instantly spreading the powerful toxins to the old man’s body, and the old man’s spirit was lost. When suppression and spiritual power cannot be effectively mobilized, these poisonous fires can easily wipe out all the vitality of the old man's body.

In the next moment, a dark green flame emerged from the old man's body. Under the burning of the flame, the old man's entire body was quickly burned out. A fourth-level spiritual emperor died here silently, everything. Did not stay.

After the death of the old man, Huo Hai focused his attention on the back through Xiaodie's gaze. On the stone platform behind, there was a special spiritual formation, "Hehe, this is the control spiritual formation of the fortress spiritual formation."

Huo Hai observed from a long distance and was able to confirm that with Huo Hai’s current understanding of the spirit formation, it is not comparable to ordinary people. Although such a spirit formation is a little troublesome to set up, you can see what to do. It is very simple to use. Without the old man making trouble here, Huo Hai easily studied the entire control spirit formation.

"Very good, close this spiritual formation." Huo Hai gave an order. Fluttershy immediately followed the method given by Huo Hai, with the mental power coming out of the body, cutting off the spiritual power lines of the spiritual formation, following Xiaodie's The movement, the light of the spirit array gradually dimmed.

On the surface of this fortress, it seems that there is no change, but in fact the spirit array used for defense and exploration has disappeared without a trace. Huo Hai smiled slightly, his figure flashed, and sneaked into the fortress from a corner. among.

Without the exploration spirit formation, just relying on these ordinary patrolmen who do not even have the spirit emperor realm, they want to find themselves. This is simply a dream. Huo Hai sneaked in all the way without causing any movement at all, and waited until Huo Hai arrived. On the other side of the fortress, Xiaodie and Xiaojin had already cleaned up the crime scene.

"Very good, now restore the spiritual formation, and then you will come out." Huo Hai quickly left the fortress and came to the other side. At this time, Xiaodie and Xiaojin also restored the spiritual formation again, relying on their smaller size. Flexibility.

Under Xiaodie's powerful perception ability, without disturbing anyone, he secretly left the fortress. When the Haotu Empire was about to find out that he had been here, he would have entered the Heavenly Soul Realm long ago, Huo Hai thought in his heart.

Withdrawing Xiaodie and Xiaojin, Huo Hai smiled with satisfaction: "I will charge some interest now. When I come back next time, I won't be so happy." Huo Hai sneered, then walked slowly forward, wearing a black robe.

After a while, Huo Hai finally saw the real guardian fortress. From a distance, the entire fortress was at least a hundred meters high. The huge fortress wall covered the sky. It is not so much a fortress as it is. In a special city, even here at the intersection, there is still a large number of people cultivating the land, and the entire fortress is completely self-sufficient.

The scars on the wall of the city tell Huo Hai that this fortress is not as simple as it is to be placed here. The task undertaken by this fortress is very heavy. After years of continuous construction, it can have the scale it is today.

"What a strong spirit formation, so hard material, I really don't know how terrifying a battle it takes to leave such scars." Seeing this scene, even Huo Hai felt very surging and shocked.

"Who are you, identify yourself immediately, otherwise we will attack." When Huo Hai came to the gate of the city, the soldiers guarding the city looked at Huo Hai, the soldiers here, and the inland areas with a vigilant face. The soldiers are quite different.

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